Leading from the Middle. Scott Mautz
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Author Photo: Rick Norton
To Deb and Emma:
For inspiring me through the ups, downs, and acrosses in my life.
Table of Contents
1 Cover
6 1 The Unique Challenges of Those Who Lead from the Middle Why Is the Middle So Messy? A Reframework Rock All Your Roles Notes:
7 2 The Mindset for Leading Effectively from the Middle The Others‐Oriented Leadership Mindset The Others‐Oriented Compass Notes:
8 3 The Skillset for Leading Effectively from the Middle Adaptability Meshing Political Savviness Locking In Influence Fostering Compromise You Set the Tone Notes:
9 4 Leading Your Boss Step 1: Nature Before Nurture Step 2: Understand the Asks Step 3: Style Awareness Step 4: Get Personal Step 5: Your House in Order Step 6: Purposeful Support Specialty Steps Notes:
10 5 Leading Those Who Report to You Have Great Coaching Conversations Pinpoint Opportunity Areas Give Transformative Feedback Teach in Teachable Moments Notes: