Przewaga. Jack Campbell
Историческая фантастика. Narodziny Floty
Przewaga Jack Campbell
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Jack Campbell
Narodziny Floty
Историческая фантастика
Год выпуска:
Другие книги из серии Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks:
Multi-Armed Bandits-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Analytical Methods for Network Congestion Control-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Diffusion Source Localization in Large Networks-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
BATS Codes-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Sharing Network Resources-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Advances in Multi-Channel Resource Allocation-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
A Primer on Physical-Layer Network Coding-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Performance Modeling, Stochastic Networks, and Statistical Multiplexing-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Energy-Efficient Scheduling under Delay Constraints for Wireless Networks-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Stochastic Network Optimization with Application to Communication and Queueing Systems-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Другие книги из серии Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks:
Multi-Armed Bandits-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Analytical Methods for Network Congestion Control-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Diffusion Source Localization in Large Networks-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
BATS Codes-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Sharing Network Resources-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Advances in Multi-Channel Resource Allocation-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
A Primer on Physical-Layer Network Coding-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Performance Modeling, Stochastic Networks, and Statistical Multiplexing-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Energy-Efficient Scheduling under Delay Constraints for Wireless Networks-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks
Stochastic Network Optimization with Application to Communication and Queueing Systems-Synthesis Lectures on Communication Networks