The Power Within Me. Dr. Annice E. Fisher

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The Power Within Me
Dr. Annice E. Fisher
Личностный рост
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Power begins on the inside and you are about to tap into yours. Too often we feel powerless to address the tug-of-war going on inside us. Many people have heard the whispers from an inner voice saying, «you're not living up to your full potential.» Yet when we try to change, we get pulled back into the vortex of our status quo, leaving us feeling isolated, stuck, and like no one understands the «real me.» Repeatedly hearing this story from her coaching clients led conscious leadership expert and mindset coach, Dr. Annice E. Fisher to share her ground-breaking 4-step consciousness-raising process for reclaiming your power. For over 15 years she has led organizations through the change process, and discovered that the baseline for creating and sustaining change is the belief that you have power and choice in every situation. It is up to YOU to decide if you want to use them. Your guided path through this book will teach you how to get unstuck. Each power phase: asking, assessing, and accepting uses the 4-step process to bring you back home to live as the highest version of yourself. Let's introduce the real you to the world.