After such an event, people are usually keen to move on with their lives. They want to get over it as quickly as possible, but if you are suffering from PTSD, you haven’t been able to. Things are getting worse, not better, and the people in your life may not understand what you're going through. They may imply that you’re faking, exaggerating, or just need to think more positively. You may even have heard, “It’s all in your head.” This can be very frustrating as you find yourself fighting what seems to be a losing battle against the persistent, debilitating, and unpredictable “enemy” within your own mind. If you are suffering from PTSD, you may be at a loss on what to do and how to cope. But don’t despair. There is hope. A therapist for over twenty years, Lise Leblanc has learned that the first step in recovering from any illness is facing it. Lise has constructed this step-by-step, practical guide to help you understand your illness, manage your symptoms, and learn effective strategies to cope with the daily challenges and realities of PTSD. Through relatable and real-life stories, useful exercises, and reflective questions, the Mental Health Recovery: <i>PTSD Guide<i/> will answer many of your questions while guiding you to achieve an optimum state of wellness.