Brain Power: How to Improve Your Memory and Speed Reading Techniques Faster and More Efficiently. Sandra Inc. David

Личностный рост.

Brain Power: How to Improve Your Memory and Speed Reading Techniques Faster and More Efficiently
Sandra Inc. David
Личностный рост
Год выпуска:
We all struggle with our memory from time to time. Sometimes it can be as simple as walking into a room only to forget why we are in there. Other times it can be trying to remember how to get someplace that you have been, only to get lost. <br><br>We process such huge amounts of information daily, and sometimes things get lost in the shuffle. <br><br>The good news is; you can help increase your odds of not losing information in the shuffle. We will go over the basics of helping keep your brain healthy, working and engaged so that you are better prepared to remember what you need to, when you need to. <br><br>We also have chapters on how to read more efficiently, or speed reading. Learn to break those bad habits that hold you back when you read so that you read faster, and more efficiently.