Walking Behind Schizophrenic Eyes. Perry Ritthaler


Walking Behind Schizophrenic Eyes
Perry Ritthaler
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Those suffering from schizophrenia see the world in a different way, although they may share with others the same feelings, thoughts, and reactions to the world around them. It is their interpretation of those feelings, thoughts, and reactions and communicating with others that can make life a challenge for them, complicating their relationships with those around them in unimaginable ways.<br><br>Psychiatrist doctors say most people are a little crazy; that said; I may be a little more insane than most people. You occupy the front row seat while you read about the actions taken by Perry; you see first-hand experiences portrayed through the eyes of a mad man roaming the streets; later taken forcefully by police and locked inside of a mental hospital; injected with brain altering; chemical surgical drugs.<br><br>This is a riveting true story producing an unforgettable experience.<br><br>The stress in my life shows; when I wake up screaming deep in my mind; only to realize I have not been sleeping.<br><br>The voices inside are watching me sink or swim. I&#39;m paranoid; watching for the government behind my back. My ideas spin like a whirlwind deep inside of my head; telling me I can stop hearing the voices in my head; when I am dead. The face inside of me is right beneath my skin. Every word I say to me; takes me one step closer to the edge. Voices yell at me &quot;Shut up when I&#39;m talking to you&quot;.<br><br>Travel With Me Deep Inside My Twisted Brain.