The Kooky Kinkajou. Tracey Hecht

Природа и животные. Grow & Read Early Reader, Level 3

The Kooky Kinkajou
Tracey Hecht
Grow & Read Early Reader, Level 3
Природа и животные
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NOCTURNALS GROW &amp; READ EARLY READER BOOKS The Nocturnals was launched to critical acclaim in 2016 with the first book in the middle grade series The Mysterious Abductions , a Kids' Indie Next List Pick. The Grow &amp; Read book program was developed under the supervision of reading specialists to develop kids’ reading skills while emphasizing the delight of story-telling. The first Early Reader, The Moonlight Meeting , was published in September 2017. The early reader books are professionally leveled with instructional alignments created for schools. The Kooky Kinkajou is Lexile Level 500L and Fountas and Pinnell Level L. Previous books in the series range between 380L and 520L and the Fountas and Pinnell levels range between L and P. Appropriate for PreK through 3rd graders. Paper over board is being published for Libraries. PARTNERSHIPS NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY In partnership with the New York Public Library, Tracey created a Read Aloud Writing Program in ten schools around New York City for the launch of The Mysterious Abductions . Since that time, she has conducted this program in over 100 schools, libraries, and bookstores across the country. WYNDHAM GRAND HOTELS Wyndham Grand Hotels used Tracey Hecht and The Mysterious Abductions to launch a nationwide family program called Reconnected, a Family Experience, which reminds families to slow down and enjoy their time together. The program was further expanded to include a giveaway of the book in phone-free zones on the properties. RYAN SEACREST FOUNDATION Fabled Films Press launched a partnership with the Ryan Seacrest Foundation to bring The Nocturnals program to broadcast media centers within pediatric hospitals for children and their families in Washington D.C., Nashville and Charlotte. NATIONAL EDUCATION AND LIBRARY PROGRAMS All School Read The Spring Hill Independent School District in Longview, TX chose The Nocturnals:The Mysterious Abductions for an All School Read at their Intermediate School for 500 third through fifth grade students and completed the program with Virtual Visits from author Tracey Hecht. Previously, Hunting Ridge Elementary School in Palatine, IL chose The Nocturnals for their All School Read. Every staff member and child in the school (K-6) received a copy of book 1: The Mysterious Abductions with Kindergarten special education and ESL students receiving The Nocturnals Early Reader: The Moonlight Meeting. The program is perfectly aligned with Tracey’s ongoing efforts to get more schools and families reading aloud together. VIRTUAL VISITS Tracey Hecht's Virtual Read Aloud Writing Workshop for The Nocturnals explains how she develops her animal characters based on animal physiologies, and how storylines are developed, written, work-shopped, and read out-loud as part of the manuscript development. The virtual program is presented using a video chat platform such as Skype, Google Hangout or FaceTime. Tracey created the program with the New York Public Library for the launch of <emThe Mysterious Abductions[/i]. Since that time, she has conducted this program in over 100 schools, libraries, and bookstores across the country. EXCEPTIONAL TURNKEY BOOKSTORE EVENT KIT &amp; EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM The Grow &amp; Read Program was developed with free online printable storytime activities, including sight word games, coloring pages, animal mask crafts, story and character maps, and more. SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) activities are also available to go along with the stories including The Nocturnals Kindness Game and Kooky Kinkajou SEL activities that include Listening ears and an imagination river. The activities help strengthen emerging readers’ understanding of the books while instilling confidence and a lifelong interest in reading. Every Grow &amp; Read book includes a Nocturnals Fun Facts section which contains an animal glossary.