This volume assembles 25 tales of pulp adventure, mystery, and cthulhu by fictioneer C.J. Henderson, ranging across time and space, through fantasy, science fiction, and Lovecraftian horror – terrific pulp-style yarns by a modern master! Complete contents: <P> HOPE<BR> BREAD AHEAD<BR> NINE DRAGONS<BR> SO FREE WE SEEM<BR> THE IDEA OF FEAR<BR> BRING MORE<BR> SCRUPULOUS TECHNIQUE<BR> VUUDUU<BR> THE QUESTIONING OF THE AZATHOTHIAN PRIEST<BR> THE MOMENT AFTER DEATH<BR> THE HORROR AT COLUMBIA TERRACE<BR> SELLER’S MARKET<BR> JUGGERNAUT<BR> TEN MINUTES TO DEATH<BR> TWILIGHT OF THE GODS<BR> PRAGMATIC<BR> ALL THE VIRTUES OF MAN<BR> WHOSE TURN IS IT?<BR> GRASPING AT SHADOWS<BR> ALL THAT GLITTERS<BR> A BRIGHT AND HAPPY WORLD<BR> THE MAMBO KING OF THE INTER-DIMENSIONAL DANCE FLOOR<BR> A PATCH OF GRASS<BR> SHORE LEAVE <P> And don't forget to search this ebook store for «Wildside Megapack» to see more entries in this series, covering classic authors and subjects like mysteries, science fiction, westerns, ghost stories – and much, much more!