A Voyage to Arcturus. David Lindsay

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A Voyage to Arcturus
David Lindsay
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A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay combines fantasy, philosophy, and science fiction in an exploration of the nature of good and evil and their relationship with existence. It has been described by the critic and philosopher Colin Wilson as the greatest novel of the twentieth century. Lindsay's descriptive prose is simply beyond compare. Lindsay was author of A Haunted Woman, and is considered to be one of the great British fantasy authors. His work forms a bridge from George MacDonald to authors such as C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien, who both greatly admired Lindsay's work. It was Lindsay that discovered the authentic use for other planets in fiction . . . It's a remarkable thing -C. S. Lewis I read A Voyage to Arcturus with avidity, it is a work of philosophy, religion, and morality- J. R. R. Tolkien