Детство в палеолите. Станислав Дробышевский

Биология. Лекции по антропологии

Детство в палеолите
Станислав Дробышевский
Лекции по антропологии
Год выпуска:
What do we know about the early age of ancient people in the early period of human history? What was the life of primitive children? Did it differ from the life of modern children? What sources can show what was their childhood, what labors and dangers were in the daily life of our young ancestors, what was their initiation – the transition to adulthood. Stanislav Drobyshevsky tells about the children in the primitive society. How they lived. The features of their development, their differences and similarities with modern children and primates and many other interesting facts. Каменный век; История; Антропология; ; антропология, археология, палеолит, детство в палеолите, дети, каменный век, права детей, ювенальная юстиция, защита детей, аборты, ребёнок, обучение, воспитание, воспитание детей, воспитание ребёнка, обучение ребёнка, детская еда, детская одежда, первобытные дети, детство, педагогика, для родителей, детская смертность, уровень жизни, Childhood in the Stone Age, Childhood, Stone Age, human history, primitive children, children, primates, antropogenez, anthropology