Forbidden Love. Anonymous

Эротическая литература.

Forbidden Love
Эротическая литература
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No one is immune to the temptation of forbidden love.Many of us merely dip our baby toe into this realm – perhapsby Googling the names of old lovers to see what they look likenow, years later, while our spouse watches television in anotherroom. Or we spy on an alluring married co-worker by studyinghis Facebook page to learn as much as we can about him. Or wecreate detailed fantasies about someone who is definitely off-limitsfor one reason or another.However, the sexually adventurous characters in these tantalizingstories have plunged much deeper into the web of forbidden love,making the rest of us look like pikers. Why have sex with just yourhusband when you can also have it with his best friend – or evenhis mistress? You’ll read about preachers who provide solace ofthe sexual kind and babysitters who look after more than just yourchildren. Some of the sexual partners in these stories are illicitsoul-mates – and some are selfish psychos. Who knew there wasso much forbidden love to be had?But what pushes someone from merely thinking about forbiddenlove to actually engaging in it? Boredom or loneliness, of course.Sometimes it’s motivated by a desire for revenge or by a streakof rebellion or a bout of feeling really low. Most often, though,a palpable carnal chemistry that ultimately proves irresistiblecan overwhelm even the most prudent among us with abreathtaking swiftness.This much is true about forbidden love: It is never boring.Unlike true love, it ultimately forces you to face the question: Isit worth it? And while forbidden love almost always comes withan expiration date, there are exquisitely rare occasions where itactually morphs into true love.The stories in this collection let us venture deeply into thelibidinous world of forbidden love – all while never leaving thecomfort of our own lives. Sit back and succumb to its pleasures.