Hopeless. Группа авторов

Историческая литература.

Группа авторов
Историческая литература
Год выпуска:
This title will be timed to release in April, when presidential primaries will be in full swing, and national attention will be on Obama as a candidate.Because presidential politics is something that everyone has a stake in, we feel that this title will have a readership that spans all points on the political spectrum, from Obama supporters, to those who feel let down by the promises of his campaign rhetoric, to fierce opponents of his administration.More than just a critique of the shortcomings of the Obama administration, this title offers some broader analysis of presidential politics in general. This is a collection of new and previously published essays by an array of some of the best writers on the left, including Conn Hallinan, Gideon Levy, Kevin Alexander Gray, John Ross, Andrew Levine, and many frequent contributors to Counterpunch.org.The editors and many of the contributors will be doing speaking events for the book nationwide during the months following the launch of the book.