Learn Winning Attitudes – Bring Out Your Personal Best. "GOODBYE STRESS – HELLO SUCCESS" is the Self-Help Handbook of 21 Empowerment Techniques & Exercises to help you say "No" to tension while reaching out for success.<br><br>This book is based on techniques used during more than 20 years of professional experiences on helping people change for the better. <br><br>"GOODBYE STRESS – HELLO SUCCESS" delivers hands on and fact based input on how to handle stress, to bring back and further develop our natural Bounce Back Factor in living.<br><br>You see, when children fall they naturally Bounce Back. In the adult world of frustrating experiences and accumulated failures, we lose abilities that children have: resilience… <br><br>Consider the following: "Winners Let Their Thinking Affect Limitations of the Environment. Losers Do Just The Opposite. They Let Limitations of the Environment Affect Their Thinking."<br><br>1. We feel most energetic and empowered around some people yet totally exhausted with others.<br><br>2. Attitudes that we allow around or inside us may either energize or deplete us. <br><br>3. In a world where negative and pessimistic attitudes are rampant, it is essential to keep our resilience flowing. <br><br>4. "Happy" or "miserable" live in your mind. And, it is all in your mind!<br><br>5. Learning to deal with pessimism – in others and in you – develops your self-confidence and strength of character. <br><br>6. Winning Attitudes are learned. You, too, can be a winner!<br><br>Welcome to "Goodbye Stress – Hello Success"