Think Fast Act Faster: How to Generate Innovative Ideas and Make Them Happen. GREGG RAINER

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Think Fast Act Faster: How to Generate Innovative Ideas and Make Them Happen
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Do you constantly need to think about how to increase sales and profits for your business? <br><br>Do you need innovative solutions to improve your products, services, and business processes to transform your business? <br><br>Do you need to solve problems smarter and not harder?<br><br>Do you have a critical problem to solve right now for your business? <br><br>If you&#39;ve answered &quot;yes&quot; to any of these questions, this is the solution for you. <br><br>You are reading a book that will give you the techniques to come up with innovative ideas that you can execute to get the results you want. The power to think out of the box and to execute great ideas is now in your hands. <br><br>SCAMPER technique is one used frequently by many companies and individuals. Instead of wasting time learning so many techniques and not using them, this book will focus on the application of SCAMPER and will show you how to use these techniques in many different aspects of your business. <br><br>But this book is NOT just about SCAMPER. If it is, I don&#39;t have to write about it and you don&#39;t have to buy it because you can Google SCAMPER and find out what it is all about. <br><br>I don&#39;t just teach you the techniques either, I have added many examples of innovative products and services which use the principles behind SCAMPER. I have added videos of the concepts behind what I am sharing and I have created thinking exercises to boost your creativity so you get can get the most out of it. I have added color images that will provoke your thinking process. This is more than a book and more than what you can get for free on the internet. I have structured this book in such a way that it is like attending a course on business innovation, which could easily cost a few hundred dollars for a full day course. So, why pay more? You can learn to be innovative in a fun way, if you start learning now. <br><br>Start Innovating Now!