Nate. Virginie T.

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Nate - Virginie T.

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didn’t know much about fatels, except that each member of this people had powers that developed with age and practice. I should have started my training on my sixth birthday, but that never happened. Events did not allow me to gain the knowledge I would have needed and Ashley, only five years older than me, did not know enough to help me. She had been taught how to use her own power but had not yet been told about the others that existed. This knowledge was not acquired until the age of twelve or thirteen, as it was considered secondary knowledge. The fatels were not entirely wrong. What’s the point of knowing that someone can fly if we can’t fly ourselves?

      So, I didn’t know that some fatels had telekinesis. But I know one thing for sure: a fatel has only one gift. So how is it that Sevana can also speak telepathically? Not to mention that my sister said she was a prophetess.

      For the first time in a long time, my curiosity overcame my distrust, and I joined the two women who were sitting in front of a steaming cup, obviously waiting for me.

      — Now that I have your full attention, we can talk like adults.

      I don’t say a word, totally focused on her every move. Ashely squeezes my hand, but also remains silent.

      — As I told you, I am a fatel. I am also the alpha female of a pack. Ashley gave me the broad outline of your story, but mine is very different. In a word, I have been living with humans, unaware of my origins. A few weeks ago, I was attacked by shifters at the hospital where I was working with Ashley.

      A dull anxiety rises inside of me. It could have been my sister instead of her. Why didn’t anyone tell me? The answer is simple: I would have set the hospital on fire, and everyone in my path, good or bad, would have died.

      — Sam, Listen to the rest. It’s all good.

      Ash has this hope in her eyes that I don’t know why. It’s important to her that I keep my cool. She’s used to my mood swings and has never blamed me for them despite the pain they cause her. This time, however, she begs me to control myself. This story is very important to her, and I want to know why. My voice is hoarse as I urge Sevana to continue her story.

      — Your father, Peter, treated me remarkably well. And a pack, associated with the governor, has been assigned to protect me.

      — What pack would be interested in that? You said you lived as a human.

      — A pack that hates dissenters as much as we do.

      — Like the Treat?

      — Yes, they do. Except they fight them.

       Chapter 2


      A pack fighting its own? I can’t imagine that. I have to admit though that Peter has always protected us, Ashley and me, even in spite of my shortcomings, and I’m sure he would fight for us.

      The difference is that he took us in when we were children. He bonded with us like a father with his daughters. It’s different for the pack involved. They fight to defend strangers.

      — Why?

      — Why are they defending innocents, regardless of their origin, against dissidents?

      I nod my head.

      — Each member of the Guardian Angels pack has his own reasons.

      This is not an answer, but a dodge. She’s ducking. Her story must be false. A lie to convince me to join her cause.

      — You’re not convinced, are you. For my partner, Connor, it’s about revenge.

      I understand revenge. That feeling has never left me in twenty—five years, and it’s a need that’s slowly eating me up, bit by bit.

      — A rebel pack killed his family because they were hiding fatels. When the governor announced his intention to counteract the shifters’ excesses, he joined the cause.

      A question I have been aching to ask. I need to know.

      — Is he using you?

      — What?

      Her look of surprise and disgust startles me.

      — No. He’s overprotective to a fault. I had to threaten to hang him from a tree to get him to let me come see you. He annoys me, he snarls, but mostly he’s the best thing that ever happened to me.

      It is mawkish and pathetic. Love really does make you blind!

      — You’re just in love. You don’t realize anything.

      — Connor is my soul mate, Sam. And I gained so much more than him when we sealed our bond.

      — I don’t get it.

      — You live in a pack, but I get that you’re pretty … independent.

      That’s a nice way of saying I am separate from everything and everyone.

      — Have you heard of soul mates among shifters?

      — Not really. It’s like being in love, right? Only more bestial.

      She smiles, obviously recalling a pleasant moment. When was the last time I had a moment like that?

      — The bond between soul mates is much deeper than a classic love affair. Shapeshifters may have several mates in their lifetime, but they only have one soul mate. Once they meet her, she is the only one that matters. She becomes the center of their universe, their reason for living. Once united, soul mates can’t live without each other. No pun intended.

      Which means that if one dies, so does the other. So she gained the assurance that he would not kill her.

      — So, you can’t die.

      — Eh?

      Ashley takes over.

      — Connor would never hurt his companion.

      — Only because if he kills her, he dies.

      — No, Sam. You haven’t been listening. He would never hurt her because she means everything to him. She’s the great love of his life. The one and only.

      — And that I’ll kick his ass if he bothers me.

      What’s that? I think they are forgetting one thing, the two obsessive romantics.

      — Fatels don’t stand a chance against an angry, determined shifter.

      — Normally, maybe, but there’s nothing traditional about me anymore. I’m connected to Connor. We’re linked, hence the bite.

      I wince as I look at her again. The sight of this mark is almost unbearable and it shows on my face.

      — This is the only way for a shifter to be permanently united with her mate. He has never bitten me ever since. He is not with me for my blood, Sam.

      This is maybe what he made her believe. But in the end…

      — As I told you, I gained much more than he did. I am a prophetess originally, but the bonding has given me other gifts.

      I widen my eyes and watch her carefully. There is no sign of a lie. And Ash would have known if it were a lie. You can’t hide anything from her unless you focus on it.

      — Are you stronger than the shifter?

      — I am stronger than Connor. And although he continues to nurture me like a fragile little flower, I also know that he is relieved that I am able to defend myself against the rebels.

      — That's all very nice, I'm happy for you that you found one of the few trustworthy metas, but why are you telling me all this story?

      I look at them and Sevana waits apparently that Ashley gives me the end of the story. Only my sister does not loosen her lips and I fear the worst. A bad feeling crosses my mind. I get up with a jump, having suddenly the need to walk so much my blood boils in my veins.

      — You want me to unite with one of them?


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