Diagnostics and Therapy in Veterinary Dermatology. Группа авторов

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Diagnostics and Therapy in Veterinary Dermatology - Группа авторов

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5.5 Paw of a dog with two large interdigital furuncles (deep pyoderma...Figure 5.6 Deep pyoderma in an acral lick granuloma on the fore limb of a do...Figure 5.7 (a) Large intact pustules and epidermal collarettes on the ventra...Figure 5.8 Collection of a culture sample from beneath a crust in a dog with...Figure 5.9 Collection of a sterile punch biopsy for tissue culture following...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 (a) Example of an epidermal collarette from a dog with bacterial ...Figure 6.2 Generalized dermatophytosis – multifocal to diffuse erythema, alo...Figure 6.3 Young dog with a focal well‐circumscribed patch of erythema, alop...Figure 6.4 Dog with alopecic scaling lesion on the face (Trichophyton mentag...Figure 6.5 Dermatophytosis and onychomycosis caused by Microsporum gypseum....Figure 6.6 Kitten with generalized Microsporum canis; note erythema, alopeci...Figure 6.7 Focal area of alopecia and crusting just above the nasal planum i...Figure 6.8 Dog with a kerion (Microsporum gypseum) on the dorsal muzzle – a ...Figure 6.9 Apple‐green fluorescence of Microsporum canis under Wood’s lamp....Figure 6.10 Ectothrix arthrospores (blue arrow) surround the outside of the ...Figure 6.11 (a) Dermatophyte test medium () plate with red color change asso...Figure 6.12 (a) Microsporum canis macroconidia – spindle shaped with thick, ...Figure 6.13 Dog with Malassezia pododermatitis: lichenification, hyperpigmen...Figure 6.14 Mixed‐breed dog with Malassezia dermatitis: severe lichenificati...Figure 6.15 13‐year‐old cat with paraneoplastic alopecia. Both hind paws and...Figure 6.16 German shepherd with pythiosis: multiple nodules and draining tr...Figure 6.17 Large granulomatous lesion on the tail along with a smaller lesi...Figure 6.18 Large granulomatous lesion on the paw of a dog with lagenidiosis...Figure 6.19 Diff‐Quik–stained touch prep from a dog with a draining tract on...Figure 6.20 10‐year‐old feline influenza virus–positive cat with subcutaneou...Figure 6.21 Outdoor cat with firm swelling and multiple draining tracts on a...Figure 6.22 Dog with a large, firm mass on the side of the muzzle, draining ...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Sarcoptes scabiei. Round to oval mite with four short legs, termi...Figure 7.2 Chronic case of scabies. Entire pinnae affected. The pinnae are t...Figure 7.3 Dog with scabies. Generalized papular eruption with excoriations....Figure 7.4 Dorsum of dog in Figure 7.3: more profound excoriations with papu...Figure 7.5 Scabies scabiei on skin scraping.Figure 7.6 Notoedres cati. A round mite with four short forelimb legs with m...Figure 7.7 Cat with Notoedres cati. Severe crusting and excoriation of the h...Figure 7.8 Canine demodex. Current consensus is that Demodex cornei is not a...Figure 7.9 Varies clinical presentations of canine demodicosis.Figure 7.10 Papules, pustules, and comedones associated with demodicosis.Figure 7.11 Erythema with severe follicular plugging.Figure 7.12 Dog with furunculosis secondary to demodicosis.Figure 7.13 Hair pluck with demodex.Figure 7.14 Feline leukemia‐positive cat with Demodex cati. Severe crusting ...Figure 7.15 Diabetic cat with Demodex cati. Generalized alopecia, fine crust...Figure 7.16 Demodex gatoi infections. Notice the alopecia on the ventrum and...Figure 7.17 Felicola subrostratus.Figure 7.18 Cat with nits. White arrows designate nits.

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Cutaneous manifestations of leishmaniasis in dogs. (a). Facial ex...Figure 8.2 (a) Perioral ulcerative lesions in a cat with sporotrichosis. (b)...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Chronic flea‐allergic dog. Pruritus has focused on the sides and ...Figure 9.2 Acute‐onset contact allergy in the inguinal area. Note the erythe...Figure 9.3 Hives secondary to food allergy. Note the multiple hives coalesci...Figure 9.4 Fore paw of an atopic dog. Note the mild erythema and lichenifica...Figure 9.5 Typical atopic dermatitis presentation. Note the erythema periocu...Figure 9.6 Chronic food‐allergic dog. Note the severe papular eruption on th...Figure 9.7 Acute food‐allergic dog. Note the hair loss from the chest back w...Figure 9.8 Milder case of contact allergy with secondary pyoderma. Note the ...Figure 9.9 Papules on the pinnae of a patient allergic to plants.Figure 9.10 Contact allergy in the patient in Figure 9.9. Note the erythema ...Figure 9.11 Example of Commelina plant growing on a sidewalk. This is a grou...Figure 9.12 Example of a positive patch test. Note the erythema and papules ...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Alopecia secondary to flea allergy: note that the underlying ski...Figure 10.2 Pruritus visual analog scale for a cat.Figure 10.3 Cat with excoriations, alopecia and erosions in the inguinal are...Figure 10.4 Miliary dermatitis in a cat secondary to feline atopic skin synd...Figure 10.5 Indolent ulcer secondary to flea allergy: note the large, erosiv...Figure 10.6 Multiple eosinophilic plaques on the ventrum of a cat secondary ...Figure 10.7 Diagnosis flow chart for feline hypersensitivity.Figure 10.8 Mosquito hypersensitivity: note the multiple small erosions on t...Figure 10.9 Intradermal skin test: note the positive wheal‐and‐flare reactio...Figure 10.10 View of feline intradermal allergy test with Wood’s lamp after ...

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Cytology of pemphigus pustule. White arrows indicate acantholyti...Figure 11.2 Clinical features of canine pemphigus foliaceus. Note the pustul...Figure 11.3 Severe hyperkeratosis secondary to pemphigus foliaceus.Figure 11.4 Subcorneal pustules of pemphigus foliaceus.Figure 11.5 Clinical features of feline pemphigus foliaceus. Note the small ...Figure 11.6 Large pemphigus foliaceus collarettes with crusting and pustules...Figure 11.7 Sebaceous adenitis. Change in coat color and character.Figure 11.8 Sebaceous adenitis.Figure 11.9 Idiopathic sterile nodular panniculitis. (a and c) Nodular lesio...Figure 11.10 Idiopathic sterile nodular panniculitis. Healed lesion with atr...Figure 11.11 Symmetric lupoid onychodystrophy.Figure 11.12 Proliferative thrombovascular necrosis of the pinnae. (a) Scall...Figure 11.13 Proliferative thrombovascular necrosis (PTN) of the pinnae. (a)...Figure 11.14 Generalized vasculitis lesions. Note the paws, which are swolle...Figure 11.15 Vasculitis lesions. (a) Black circles indicate areas of erythem...Figure 11.16 Clinical variations of discoid lupus erythematosus. Note the de...Figure 11.17 Mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus. Note nose erythema and ulcer...Figure 11.18 Erythema multiforme. The edges of the erosions and the collaret...Figure 11.19 German shepherd pyoderma. Note the multiple crust and erosive l...Figure 11.20 Vesicular cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Note the multiple ulce...Figure 11.21 Exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Note the fine scale ...Figure 11.22 Active ischemic dermatopathy lesions. Note the alopecia and cru...Figure 11.23 Healed ischemic dermatopathy lesions. Note the scarring with hy...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Hypothyroidism. Note the thin, brittle hair coat.Figure 12.2 Hypothyroidism with secondary Malassezia and bacterial dermatiti...Figure 12.3 Severe otitis externa due to hypothyroidism in a dog: proliferat...Figure 12.4 Acral lick granuloma secondary to hypothyroidism in a 4‐year‐old...Figure 12.5 Dog with demodicosis secondary to hypothyroidism. Note the alope...Figure 12.6 Hyperadrenocorticism in a dog. Note the pot‐bellied appearance a...Figure 12.7 Hyperadrenocorticism in a dog. Note the generalized alopecia and...Figure 12.8 Calcinosis cutis in a dog. The lesion is made up of multiple fir...Figure 12.10 Dog with Cushing’s disease, calcinosis cutis, and deep pyoderma...Figure 12.11 Thin skin in a cat with hypercortisolism.Figure 12.12 Hepatocutaneous syndrome. Note the diffuse crusting and fissuri...Figure 12.13 Hepatocutaneous syndrome. Diffuse, thick, adherent crusts with ...Figure 12.14 Hepatocutaneous syndrome: erythema and erosion of the genital r...Figure 12.15 Hepatocutaneous syndrome: erosion of the prepuce.Figure 12.16 Zinc‐responsive dermatosis in a husky: crusting and alopecia.Figure 12.18 Zinc‐responsive dermatosis. Closeup view of the gray/white, dry...Figure 12.19 Alopecia X. Note truncal alopecia that spares the head.Figure 12.20 Alopecia X. Note the loss of secondary hairs.

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Examples of types of otitis. Acute otitis: the pinna and vertica...Figure 13.2 Examples of chronic otitis cases that would benefit from the ant...Figure 13.3 Normal tympanic membrane. The malleus is the small C‐shaped bone...Figure 13.4 Examples of otitis media. Ruptured tympanic membrane ) has a gre...Figure 13.5 Where to perform a myringotomy. The blue circle indicates the ca...Figure 13.6 Removal of mucus from the middle ear. The first picture shows a ...Figure 13.7 View of the bulla through a video‐otoscope. In the mildly inflam...

      14 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Keratolytic agents. These agents promote the decrease of adhesio...Figure 15.2 Keratoplastic

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