Veterinary Clinical Skills. Группа авторов

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Veterinary Clinical Skills - Группа авторов

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still be challenging for instructors and students to review what has been documented about teaching and learning Clinical Skills in one concise place. New instructors often feel overwhelmed with all there is to know about teaching and assessment and, although many teachers may not be new to veterinary medicine or to teaching Clinical Skills, it is the evidence‐based teaching of others that is novel and challenging. Students tackling clinical skills training are often overwhelmed with where to begin and how best to practice the huge volume of skills and procedures that a veterinarian needs to be able to perform following graduation. Although handbooks have been published that list skills and explain “how to” perform a variety of procedures, a concise reference that summarizes all that is known about teaching, learning, and assessing clinical skills all in one place has still been missing.

      We hope that this book helps point newbies of all types in the right direction while also serving as a go‐to reference for experienced teachers. The enthusiasm and dedication to clinical skills training is as evident now as it was when it started over 10 years ago and we are immensely grateful to all of the authors who participated in this project and shared their expertise and experiences so openly. Together, we look forward to further innovations that will make even more confident and competent day‐one graduates who will be better prepared to treat the animals in their care.

      About the Companion Website

      This book is accompanied by a companion website:

      There you will find valuable material designed to enhance your learning, including:

       Appendices 1 and 2 from the book as downloadable PDF

       Emma K. Read1 and Sarah Baillie2

       1 College of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

       2 Bristol Veterinary School, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

      Formal veterinary clinical skills training programs, which emphasized the use of models and simulators and constructed dedicated clinical skills centers for teaching, began in the early to mid‐2000s as a way to accommodate this need for earlier training (Baillie et al., 2005; Scalese and Issenberg, 2005; Pirkelbauer et al., 2008; Read and Hecker, 2013; Dilly et al., 2017). Reports of objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) that are used to assess learners' hands‐on skills, and descriptions of best practices for implementing skills curricula, began to follow (Smeak, 2007; Rhind et al., 2008; May and Head, 2010; Hecker et al., 2010; Read and Hecker, 2013; Dilly et al., 2017).

      Concurrently, over the last 10 years, there has been a recognition of the need to incorporate more professional skills training (NAVMEC, 2011; Cake et al., 2016). Today's employers are not only searching for confidence and technical competence in new graduates but good communication abilities as well (Perrin, 2019). Rather than simply being competent in one's hands‐on skills alone, effective integration of professional communication and technical skills performance is crucial for successful practice (NAVMEC, 2011; Rhind et al., 2011). Other “marketable skills” described in a recent report of the characteristics most often sought by employers posting job advertisements in the United Kingdom included enthusiasm, special interest, communication, all‐rounder, client care, team player, autonomous, caring, ambitious, and high clinical standards (Perrin, 2019). These “skills” are important to employers and are key to minimizing dissonance and dissatisfaction for the graduates as well (May, 2015; Perrin, 2019).

      In the strictest sense, veterinary clinical skills are psychomotor tasks that can be assessed in a simulated environment (satisfying “shows how” on Miller's pyramid of clinical competence) or within the actual clinical workplace (satisfying “does” on Miller's pyramid of clinical competence, see Figure 5.1) (Miller, 1990). Obvious examples might include donning and doffing a surgical gown, suturing skin, performing venipuncture, safely restraining a patient, or performing a complete physical examination. But what about interpreting herd records, observing animal behavior, or designing an isolation facility? Recently, authors have argued that the pinnacle of Miller's pyramid of clinical competence is not just related to technical skill competence as Miller originally described but is actually “is trusted” (to perform on one's own) (ten Cate et al., 2020) or “is” (to incorporate the development of professional identity) (Cruess et al., 2016).

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