iPhone For Dummies. Bob LeVitus

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iPhone For Dummies - Bob LeVitus

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at the moment), as well as suggestions based on the time and your location (such as places to have lunch, shop, or get gas), swipe from left to right from the Home or Lock screen to summon the today view.

      To actively search on the main search screen, pull down from the top of the screen (like pulling down a window shade) to summon Notification Center, and then swipe left to right to surface the today view. Enter your search query in the box at the top of the display by using the virtual keyboard. The iPhone starts spitting out results the moment you type a single character, and the list narrows as you type additional characters. In fact, even before you tap a key, you’ll see Siri suggestions with icons for apps the phone thinks you might want to access right then and there.

      Search results are pretty darn thorough, and you can search inside Mail, Music, Notes, Maps and the App Store. Say you entered Bell as your search term. Contacts whose names contain Bell will show up, along with folks who work for companies named Bell. If your Music library has the song “One Last Bell to Answer” or performances by violinist Joshua Bell, those may show up, too. Same goes for any third-party iPhone apps with the word Bell in the name. And if bell is mentioned in a note, a message, an email, an event, and more, such references will also appear. Tap any listing to jump to the contact, ditty, or app for which you’re searching.


You have some control over the type of search your phone conducts, including whether content from Apple shows up in Look Up or Spotlight, and whether suggestions from Apple come via notifications or appear in the App Library, in Spotlight, when sharing, or when listening.


The Live Text feature lets Search find text in Photos, including recipes, receipts, and handwritten notes.

      When you stop to think about it, a smartphone is smart because of all the things it can communicate, from stock prices to social-networking friend requests.

      Apple previously split up Notification Center and the today view, but these two are joined at the hip. Don’t worry; Notification Center (and the Lock screen) still displays notifications and, along with today view, is readily accessible to deliver potentially important and timely at-a-glance views of everything you want to keep on top of: new emails, texts, the current temperature, appointments and reminders, tweets, headlines, financial tidbits, and more. As we mention, to display Notification Center, drag it down like a window shade from the top of any screen. To get to the Today screen, swipe from right to left from the Home or Lock screen.

      Notifications are interactive or actionable. That means you can respond to them immediately. For example, you can accept or decline a Calendar invitation. Without leaving the app you’re working in, you can reply to an email or message. Inside Notifications meanwhile, you can mark off reminders from your to-do list.

      The today view displays the aforementioned widgets or notifications pertaining to the day you are viewing, of course, but it also might clue you in on what’s next on your calendar, say, even if what’s next is the next day. But today is called today for a reason. You’ll know whether to don a raincoat or run out and buy a last-minute birthday gift for your officemate who is celebrating the big Four-O. You’ll know what’s on the immediate agenda. And you can also get a read on how the stocks in your portfolio are performing.

      If you scroll to the bottom of the today view, you can tap an Edit button that gives you a bit more control over the items and widgets listed in your today view and the order in which those listings appear. You can remove the notifications you see in this view (or not) and rearrange the order in which, among others, the Stocks, Calendar, and Reminders widgets appear.

      Notifications from some third-party apps can also show up in the today view.

      To dismiss notifications, lightly press inside the notification using 3D or Haptic Touch (depending on the model) and tap the X. If that notification represented an email, your option might be to archive the message or mark it as read. You can also tap an X to clear an entire day’s worth of notifications, or press a little harder to Clear All Notifications. You can dismiss individual notifications by swiping the notification from right to left and tapping Clear or Clear All. Swiping in this direction also lets you manage how you receive notifications from the given app or news source, choosing perhaps to have them delivered quietly so that they won’t appear on the Lock screen, play a sound, present a banner or badge the app icon.

      As mentioned, Apple is making a strong push in iOS 15 to help you find focus. One way is to mute notifications. Here’s how: In Notification Center, swipe from right to left on a notification and tap Options. Then tap either Mute for One Hour or Mute for Today from the menu that appears. You can also tap Configure in News to choose the channels that can send notifications to all your iCloud devices or jump to Settings to decide how to handle notifications from the given source. Another simple option is to turn off the notification right from the menu.

      You can also bundle non-urgent notifications so that you receive them according to a schedule you establish in Settings. Don’t worry; you can also arrange to receive notifications of important calls, messages, and other time-sensitive notifications as they come in. We show you how in Chapter 14.

      Apple also lets you group the notifications you see in Notification Center by app, which can help reduce display clutter. For example, you might want to lump all News app notifications, rather than receive a notification each time a new story arrives from a news outlet. Flip a switch inside Notifications settings for the app in question to group notifications in this fashion. You can still view each notification individually by tapping the grouped notification.

      You can decide whether reminders should appear in Notifications and indicate whether you want to see an alert as a temporary banner that appears at the top of the screen and disappears automatically, or as a persistent banner that remains there until you act on it.

      If you don’t want to be bothered with notifications at all, turn on the Do Not Disturb option, found under Focus in Settings (see Chapter 14). When enabled, alerts that would otherwise grab your attention will be silenced. You can even schedule the time that the Do Not Disturb feature is turned on. You can also turn on Focus in Control Center (see Chapter 5).

      And with that, you are hereby

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