Quality and Safety in Nursing. Группа авторов

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Quality and Safety in Nursing - Группа авторов

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Partnership for Women & Families: www.nationalpartnership.org

      7 National Priorities Partnership: www.nationalprioritiespartnership.org

      8 National Quality Forum: www.qualityforum.org

      9 National Quality Partners: http://www.qualityforum.org/National_Quality_Partners.aspx

      10 Patient and Family Centered Care Partners: https://pfccpartners.com

      11 Project Patient Care: www.projectpatientcare.org

      12 Stand for Quality in Health Care: www.standforquality.org

       Linda R. Cronenwett, PhD, RN, FAAN, and Jane Barnsteiner, PhD, RN, FAAN

      As I was writing this chapter, a colleague sent an email saying, “I’ve been doing grant reviews for HRSA [US Health Resources and Services Administration], and half or more of the applications cite QSEN [Quality and Safety Education for Nurses] competencies or QSEN work as part of their justification.” Two textbook authors inquired about permission to reprint QSEN materials. A visiting scholar from Sweden reported that QSEN is being used as the framework for action for nursing in Sweden this year. Medical colleagues set up a conference call to talk about what they could learn from QSEN to apply to a national initiative on interprofessional education. The number of forum paper and poster presentations doubled from 2010 to 2011.

      The title Quality and Safety Education for Nurses emerged one summer afternoon in 2005 when I spent many hours on my screened porch generating an endless list of ideas for what to call a grant proposal that was due to the RWJF offices within the month. But of course, QSEN began long before that day.

Schematic illustration of QSEN Phases I and II: Aims and Actions.

      I had worked with Dr. Batalden during my years at Dartmouth‐Hitchcock Medical Center (1984–1998), participated in Quality Improvement Camp training, attended one summer symposium, and worked on a number of quality improvement projects. After I became a faculty member at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill in 1998, I was invited to DSS regularly and subsequently served as the second representative of nursing in the leadership of the DSS community.

Schematic illustration of QSEN Phase III: Embedding New Competencies.

      During this same period, seeds were being sown for QSEN on the RWJF leadership side as well. When I first unsuccessfully proposed the idea for a nursing faculty development initiative in quality and safety education to RWJF’s nursing leader, Susan Hassmiller, she was involved in directing the RWJF initiative Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB). She had recognized the importance of linking nursing faculty to the TCAB initiative and its quality/safety/cost goals. Beginning in 2002, first I and then Patricia Chiverton, dean of the University of Rochester School of Nursing, initiated attempts to work with the faculty in schools affiliated with the hospitals involved in the initiative. Few successes were achieved, however, primarily because nursing faculty were generally disconnected from the patient safety/quality improvement methods and goals being adopted by hospitals at the time. As Dr. Hassmiller pressed hospital leaders to engage nursing faculty in their projects, she experienced the faculty knowledge gap at first hand, and this evidence of the need for faculty development would eventually provide the strong rationale Dr. Hassmiller used to convince RWJF executive leaders to fund QSEN.

      In another development, Rosemary Gibson, a senior program officer for RWJF and co‐author of the book Wall of Silence: The Untold Story of the Medical Mistakes That Kill and Injure Millions of Americans (Gibson and Singh, 2003), joined the DSS community in 2003 as a participant who could

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