Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia. Группа авторов

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Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia - Группа авторов

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34.2 Suggested general anesthetic management of a mare with a live foa...

      18 Chapter 36Table 36.1 Preparation details – EQUUS donkey composite pain assessment scal...Table 36.2 EQUUS donkey composite pain assessment scale for acute pain.Table 36.3 EQUUS donkey facial assessment of pain scale for acute pain.Table 36.4 Donkey chronic pain – composite pain scale for chronic pain.

      19 Chapter 38Table 38.1 Drugs used in management of anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reacti...

      20 Chapter 39Table 39.1 Drugs commonly used for sedation and analgesia pre‐recovery and d...Table 39.2 Common techniques of recovery in the horse.Table 39.3 Criteria for selecting method of assisted recovery.

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Rinsing of the mouth with water prior to induction of anesthesia ...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Bench top point‐of‐care blood analyzer,Figure 2.2 Stall‐side point‐of‐care blood analyzer,

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 The Wigger's diagram depicts the electrical, mechanical and audib...Figure 3.2 Normal mucous membrane color, blanching of mucous membranes with ...Figure 3.3 Normal sinus rhythm.Figure 3.4 Second‐degree atrioventricular blockade.Figure 3.5 Atrial fibrillation.Figure 3.6 Premature ventricular complex.Figure 3.7 Ventricular bigeminy; every other complex is ventricular in origi...Figure 3.8 Ventricular tachycardia.

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Normal equine larynx: arytenoid cartilage (a), vocal fold (b), ep...Figure 4.2 Lung volumes in an adult horse (500 kg). TLC, Total lung capacityFigure 4.3 Pulmonary pressure‐volume curve; illustrating greater pressure di...Figure 4.4 Blood entering the pulmonary capillaries associated with non‐vent...Figure 4.5 The oxy‐hemoglobin dissociation curve illustrates the relationshi...Figure 4.6 PVC mouth gag used to hold mouth open and protect endotracheal tu...Figure 4.7 Oral speculums used in equine patients: Weingart mouth gag (a), G...Figure 4.8 Intubation of a horse in sternal recumbency if there is a risk of...Figure 4.9 Horses with orotracheal (a) and nasotracheal (b) tube in recovery...Figure 4.10 Phenylephrine used to resolve nasal edema prior to recovery.Figure 4.11 Permanent tracheostomy performed to bypass laryngeal obstruction...Figure 4.12 Tracheostomy tubes: Bivona silicon tube (a), Dyson tube (b), a t...Figure 4.13 Local anesthetic is instilled subcutaneously at the proposed sit...Figure 4.14 A cutaneous incision is created on the ventral midline of the ne...Figure 4.15 The trachea can be better exposed by separating the cutaneous an...Figure 4.16 To ease daily insertion of a tracheostomy tube, a crescent‐shape...Figure 4.17 Compressing the faceplate of the tracheostomy tube against the t...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Image of a sample of horse urine. The urine appears cloudy and fo...Figure 5.2 Schematic of the renin angiotensin‐aldosterone‐system

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 The effects of arterial partial pressure of O2 and CO2, and perfu...Figure 6.2 The effects of intracranial volume changes on intracranial pressu...Figure 6.3 Lumbosacral spinal tap for collection of cerebrospinal fluid in a...Figure 6.4 Ataxic horse leaning against stall wall.

      7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Division of total body water in the healthy adult horse. ECF, ext...Figure 8.2 Division of charged particles among plasma, interstitium, and int...Figure 8.3 Traditional Starling approach to fluid movement between the vascu...Figure 8.4 Revised Starling approach to fluid movement between the vascular ...

      8 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Bair Hugger™. A convective heating device.Figure 11.2 HotDog®. A resistive polymer heating device.

      9 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Diagram of the cell membrane lipid bilayer with the sodium chann...

      10 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Diagram of the arachidonic acid pathway.

      11 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 A pressure regulator which receives gas from the high‐pressure z...Figure 17.2 Diameter index safety system which is used to ensure connection ...Figure 17.3 Pin index safety system which is used to ensure connection of th...Figure 17.4 Liquid oxygen storage.Figure 17.5 Oxygen concentrator unit.Figure 17.6 Comparison of diameter index safety system connection versus qui...Figure 17.7 Color‐coded hosing for gas in the intermediate‐pressure zone.Figure 17.8 Flowmeter manifold.Figure 17.9 Inhalant anesthetic vaporizers.Figure 17.10 To‐and‐fro anesthesia circuitFigure 17.11 One‐way valves from Tafonius (a) and Anesco (b) large animal an...Figure 17.12 Large animal anesthetic breathing circuit.Figure 17.13 Carbon dioxide absorbent in canister. Fresh unused (left) and e...Figure 17.14 Large animal anesthetic breathing circuit reservoir bag.Figure 17.15 Waste gas scavenge system interface.Figure 17.16 Absorbent canister designed to remove inhalant anesthetic from ...Figure 17.17 Mallard large animal anesthesia machine.Figure 17.18 Drager (a) and Anesco (b) large animal anesthesia machines.Figure 17.19 Tafonius large animal anesthesia workstation.Figure 17.20 The Tafonius large animal anesthesia monitoring system screen....Figure 17.21 Bird ventilator attached to a large animal anesthesia machine (...Figure 17.22 Large animal endotracheal tubes.Figure 17.23 Large animal endotracheal tube connector types: bell type and m...Figure 17.24 Large animal breathing circuit with Bivona insert to facilitate...Figure 17.25 Oxygen demand valve.

      12 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Horse positioned in lateral recumbency on a thick pad. Notice th...Figure 18.2 Horse positioned in dorsal recumbency. The horse is supported by...Figure 18.3 Side view of a horse positioned in dorsal recumbency with the fo...Figure 18.6 Horse positioned in dorsal recumbency. With this type of table, ...

      13 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Diagram showing the power spectrum for one epoch (e.g. 1 second)...Figure 19.2 Photograph showing a set up for recording the EEG of a horse. Th...Figure 19.3 Subcutaneous needle electrodes used for EEG recording.Figure 19.4 A 3‐electrode configuration often used for EEG recording in the ...Figure 19.5 Non‐invasive Doppler

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