Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology. Rachel A. Powsner

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Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics, Instrumentation, and Radiation Biology - Rachel A. Powsner

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Tenth‐value layer (cm) 99mTc 140 0.03 0.09 67Ga 93, 185, 300, 393 0.07 0.41 123I 159 0.04 0.12 131I 364 0.3 1 18F 511 0.39 1.3 111In 172, 245 0.023 0.2 Schematic illustration of penetrating radiation and nonpenetrating radiation.

      Because of the strong electrical force between a charged particle and the atoms of an absorber, charged particles can be stopped by matter with relative ease. Compared to photons, they transfer a greater amount of energy in a shorter distance and come to rest more rapidly. For this reason, they are referred to as nonpenetrating radiation (see depiction of alpha and beta particles in Figure 2.7). In contrast to a photon of 100 keV which has a HVL of 4 cm in soft tissue, an electron of this energy would penetrate less than 0.00014 cm in soft tissue [1].



       Specific ionization

Schematic illustration of excitation and de-excitation. Schematic illustration of ionization.

       Linear energy transfer

      Linear energy transfer (LET) is the amount of energy transferred in a given distance by a particle moving through an absorber. Linear energy transfer is related to specific ionization:

upper L upper E upper T equals upper S upper I times upper W

      Alpha particles are classified as high LET radiation, beta particles and photons as low LET radiation.


      In traversing an absorber, an electron loses energy at each interaction with the atoms of the absorber. The energy loss per interaction is variable. Therefore, the total distance traveled by electrons of the same energy can vary by as much as 3% to 4%. This variation in range is called the straggling of the ranges. The heavier alpha particles are not affected to a significant degree and demonstrate very little straggling of range.


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