Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses. Группа авторов

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Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses - Группа авторов

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cell cytokine ‐cyte cell leukocyte ‐dactyl(o)‐ of or pertaining to a finger, toe dactylology, polydactyly dent‐ of or pertaining to teeth dentist dermat(o)‐, derm(o)‐ of or pertaining to the skin dermatology ‐desis binding arthrodesis dextr(o)‐ right, on the right side dextrocardia di‐ two diplopia dia‐ through, during, across dialysis dif‐ apart, separation different digit‐ of or pertaining to the finger (rare as a root) digit ‐dipsia suffix meaning ‘(condition of) thirst’ polydipsia, hydroadipsia, oligodipsia dors(o)‐, dors(i)‐ of or pertaining to the back dorsal, dorsocephalad duodeno‐ duodenum duodenal atresia dynam(o)‐ force, energy, power hand strength dynamometer ‐dynia pain vulvodynia dys‐ bad, difficult, defective, abnormal dysphagia, dysphasia ec‐ out, away ectopia, ectopic pregnancy ‐ectasia, ‐ectasis expansion, dilation bronchiectasis, telangiectasia ect(o)‐ outer, outside ectoblast, ectoderm ‐ectomy denotes a surgical operation or removal of a body part; resection, excision mastectomy ‐emesis vomiting condition haematemesis encephal(o)‐ of or pertaining to the brain; also see cerebr(o)‐ encephalogram endo‐ denotes something as ‘inside’ or ‘within’ endocrinology, endospore enter(o)‐ of or pertaining to the intestine gastroenterology eosin(o)‐ red eosinophil granulocyte epi‐ on, upon epicardium, epidermis, epidural, episclera, epistaxis erythr(o)‐ denotes a red colour erythrocyte ex‐ out of, away from excision, exophthalmos exo‐ denotes something as ‘outside’ another exoskeleton extra‐ outside extradural haematoma faci(o)‐ of or pertaining to the face facioplegic fibr(o) fibre fibroblast fore‐ before or ahead forehead fossa a hollow or depressed area; trench or channel fossa ovalis front‐ of or pertaining to the forehead frontonasal galact(o)‐ milk galactorrhea gastr(o)‐ of or pertaining to the stomach gastric bypass ‐genic formative, pertaining to producing cardiogenic shock gingiv‐ of or pertaining to the gums gingivitis glauc(o)‐ denoting a grey or bluish‐grey colour glaucoma gloss(o)‐, glott(o)‐ of or pertaining to the tongue glossology gluco‐ sweet glucocorticoid glyc(o)‐ sugar glycolysis ‐gnosis knowledge diagnosis, prognosis gon(o)‐ seed, semen; also, reproductive gonorrhoea ‐gram, ‐gramme record or picture angiogram ‐graph instrument used to record data or picture
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