Information Organization of the Universe and Living Things. Alain Cardon

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Information Organization of the Universe and Living Things - Alain Cardon

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      John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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      Hoboken, NJ 07030


      © ISTE Ltd 2021

      The rights of Alain Cardon to be identified as the author of this work have been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2021941901

      British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

      A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library

      ISBN 978-1-78630-746-0


      The Universe is a huge expanse of space containing innumerable quantum, molecular and material elements. The physical sciences have discovered space-time and quantum particles, and there exists the possibility of producing scientific theories about the creation and the reasons for the state of the Universe, specifying the generation, the role and the action of all the elements that it contains. We will propose a universe generation model by considering that it is formed in regard to the expansion of an informational substratum possessing great informational energy and applying everywhere a self-organizing law to produce, by emergence, the space and all the material elements in continuous organization.

      To understand what the Universe is, we scientifically observe very many elements at multiple scales, compelling us to ask three major fundamental questions and provide precise answers:

       – What was the initial state of generation of this universe, a state where there was neither space nor time and where nothing physical existed?

       – What is the space of the Universe, how did the space that allows the generation and deployment of all physical elements come to be created?

       – What is this organization of the Universe that allowed the creation of atoms, molecules, clouds of physical components, then stars, galaxies and planets with physical and temporal stability, and what is it that allowed the creation of the extraordinary development of life on Earth, up to humans who ask existential questions?

      We assume that the generating element is an autonomous and complex informational element which will generate many informational elements which will be very communicative among themselves. This generating element will use informational energy that will be given to it by its builders and which it will diffuse to the elements that it will generate. The informational energy will therefore be the force that will activate all the informational fields and all the generated informational elements. The elements produced by the generating element will be of two types as will the production of these elements: either they will be structural elements and they will then form cells of the empty space which will constitute themselves on the informational links of the communications and which will unify to generate the space of the Universe, or they will be elements of activity, endowed with informational energy and whose actions will be to communicate to form aggregates constituting the material elements of the Universe, and they will duplicate themselves by producing other elements of activity or structure to realize the expansion of the Universe.

      The generated elements of activity will contain fermions and will produce, by their informational communications, the quantum-type particles. So, from the initial generating element, there is the beginning of the production of space in the form of empty cells and elements of activity that will constantly produce others that will be elements of activity or structure, thus continuing the generation of space and quantum elements. All the elements of activity, which are of the type of informational fields, will be able to communicate to generate aggregates, that is, to produce atoms, molecules then all physical elements of the Universe. Thus the Universe generates itself, without ceasing its process of organizational deployment produced by the incentive of the organizational substrate which is its incentive controller at the informational level, because it imposes the application of an organizational law allowing the generation of structured aggregations.

      In the model describing the generation of the Universe and all its elements, including the living organisms on Earth, by explaining the communicative action of genes, we therefore pose a central hypothesis which specifies that the Universe has an informational substratum,

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