Choosing religion you choose fate. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Choosing religion you choose fate - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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this is written in the «Tale of Bygone Years». The Slavs have always been a warlike nation, it was the main ethnic force of the Varangians, mainly Polabians, Czechs and Lyakhs. The Slavs of Polabia invented the institute of chivalry. Thanks to their military and knightly art, they managed to subdue vast territories of Central and Eastern Europe, thanks to this, the locals mastered the Slavic language.

      The Slavs were the most sought-after commodity in the slave trade as they were the most numerous people in Europe. There was a time when Slavs – slaves supplied to Constantinople were numerous. The most correct version lies in the correct and balanced analysis of the name of our people, resorting to which it can be understood that the Slavs are a community united by one common religion: paganism, who glorified their gods with words that could not only pronounce, but also write! The Slavs brought glory to their gods, and glorifying them, glorifying their deeds, they united into a single Slavic civilization, a cultural link of pan-European culture.

      Being the largest nation in all of Europe, scientists still cannot determine the exact origin of the Slavic people. Some suggest that their origin began from the Aryans and Germans. Some put forward a version about the ancient Celtic origin of the Slavs. Today, the culture of the Slavs unites many countries and peoples, the Slavic people occupy a huge territory in terms of their number. Now, the Slavs are an Indo-European people who, despite the difference in mentality, nationality and versatility, actively participates in the development of history.

      The Holy Book of the Slavs is the book of Veles. The Book of Veles is an ancient Slavic monument that has survived to the present day. It is a symbol of the Old Slavic script of the 9th century AD. This book tablet is one of the official proofs that paganism existed in Russia. Slavic magi carved this book on wooden tablets. The old dilapidated tablets describe the history of Ancient Russia from 650 BC to a quarter of the 9th century. The book of Veles itself was simply called a book, because in the chronicle it there is its name – a book. Perhaps the god Veles was mentioned or simply revered at that time. And the book was called the book of Veles.

      The book of Veles has the second name of Ploshchechkin’s hut. Pagans especially revere this book as the main material proof of the existence of their religion. The first publication of the text took place in 1950 in the city of San Francisco. The text was published thanks to two Russian emigrants Yu. P. Mirolyubov and Al. Kurom (A. A. Kurenkov). The falsification of this book appeared in the 19th century, in order to primitively imitate the Proto-Slavic language. Yu. P. Mirolyubov himself is considered a forger of the book, and the whole story of the appearance of Veles’ book belongs to him. According to him, the text was copied from wooden tablets lost during the war. These tablets may contain information about the ancient Slavic history from about the 7th century BC to the 9th century AD, as well as legends and prayers. Following his story, the location of the wooden planks occurred in 1919 during the retreat from Moscow. They were found by a Colonel of the Volunteer Army, by the artist Fyodor Arturovich Izenbek, in one «plundered princely estate of the Zadonskys, or Donskys». The location occurred on the floor in the looted library. All the plates were approximately the same size – 38 × 22 cm, half a centimeter thick and had a hole for fastening with a belt. The tablets were scratched with incomprehensible writing; the text was scratched with an awl or burned, and then covered with varnish or oil.

      Mirolyubov learns about the tablets when Izenbeck settled in Brussels in 1925, and studies them. The tablets disappear without a trace after Isenbeck’s death in August 1941. The tablets were stolen from Izenbeck’s apartment in Brussels. A.I. Asov states the version that M. Yu stole the tablets. Sheftel for the purpose of their research. M. Yu. Sheftel was an employee of Prof. Ekka. During the German occupation in Ahnenerbe, a department was headed at the University of Brussels. According to relatives, the only thing known about the fate of Sheftel is that during the war he was captured in a French camp while escaping from German persecution. After the war, the tablets were sold to the Mormons. Unfortunately, there is no documentary evidence that anyone other than Mirolyubov saw the «Izenbek tablets».

      Russian Russian Writings, a report on pre-Cyrillic writing, was read in the city of San Francisco at the Russian Center. This event took place on August 10, 1952, with a report made by Al. Kur, in which it was claimed that the Russians had their own writing even before the arrival of Cyril and Methodius. In the same year, Kur addressed readers with a request to clarify the fate of the ancient tablets from the Isenbeck library. Kur addressed readers with the help of the pages of the magazine «Firebird», the printing organ of the Russian Center in San Francisco. Yu. P. Mirolyubov responded to this request in September 1953. The correspondence of Kur and Yu. P. Mirolyubov is partially published by A. Asov.

      The first publication about the «Veles Book» not the full version appeared in the USSR in 1960. The full version appeared in Russia in 1990 by O. V. Tvorogov and is guided by the typewritten text of Mirolyubov. Yu. P. Mirolyubov is an author on Slavic folklore, artistic works and amateur compositions.

      CHAPTER 4

      The Baptism of Russia

      The period of Russia’s history before the adoption of Christianity did not fit into any «standard» pattern – it was not similar to the primitive communal system, nor to the slave owning, nor to the feudal. Rather it looked like a socialist. In the period before the baptism of Rus, the Russ undoubtedly had their own state and at the same time, there was no class society, in particular feudal. And the disadvantage was that the «classical» Soviet ideology claimed that the feudal class created the state as an instrument of its political domination and suppression of the peasants.

      The Old Russian Slavs, they did not accumulate wealth, they did not leave an inheritance, they did not have the meaning of life to make capital, and this was contemptuously censured. And what was valuable? Russians have never sworn by their family, children. And what did they swear by? For example, in the treaty with the Greeks of 907, it is clear that the Russ swore by «their weapons, and Perun, their God, and Hair, cattle god.» Prince Svyatoslav swore by Perun and Volos in the treaty of 971 with Byzantium. The Slavs considered their connection with God, with the Pantheon of Gods, their honor, conscience and freedom to be the most valuable. The Rus despised gold, and one of the treaties with Byzantium and Prince Svyatoslav proves this. If the oath is broken, «let us be golden, like this gold.»

      The baptism of Rus was of great importance in Russian history. Pagan beliefs were replaced by a nationwide unified religion. The adoption of Christianity from Byzantium predetermined the future path of Russia’s development as the largest stronghold of Orthodoxy.

      The princely power grew, and with it, the need to strengthen the state grew. Disagreement in polytheism did not give unity and weakened the state of Ancient Russia. Despite the assertion of the common Slavic pantheon of gods, the union of tribes was steadily disintegrating. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich understood that a stronger religion was needed, capable of uniting people.

      Before the adoption of baptism, paganism flourished in Russia, it was a completely religious system. Christianity cannot be called a completely new form of spiritual life. Prince Vladimir understood that it would be extremely difficult to introduce a completely new and unusual religion into Russia. After all, even before the advent of Christianity in Russia, there was a cult of the god of the Genus, who was a heavenly god, ruled the clouds, breathed life into all living things. In fact, the baptism of Russia gave a sharp impetus to the people from the transition of one religion to another, from polytheism of polytheism, to monotheism, that is, monotheism.

      Historian S. F. Platonov believes that the main reasons for the baptism of Russia were economic. It was difficult for the state to subjugate many Slavic communities, Russia was baptized in order to strengthen the role of the state and subjugate a completely cohesive people. One of the reasons is trade, Christian peoples did not want to communicate and trade with pagans, Russia risked remaining isolated. With acceptance Russia became on a par with other European states, Europeans began to conduct a dialogue with them and

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