Practical Equine Dermatology. David H. Lloyd

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Practical Equine Dermatology - David H. Lloyd

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and diagnostic procedures. A thorough genera...Figure 1.3 Example of an examination form for recording distribution and nat...Figure 1.4 (a) A coarse‐toothed brush (e.g. 90 mm Denman scalp brush) facili...Figure 1.5 Surface adhesive tape sampling.Figure 1.6 Fine needle aspiration of a nodular lesion.Figure 1.7 The punch biopsy procedure enables rapid sampling and is suitable...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Visual analogue scale for owner assessment of pruritus in their h...Figure 2.2 (a) Alopecia of ventral neck and poor hair coat in a pony with pe...Figure 2.3 Alopecia and excoriation of tail base due to infestation with suc...Figure 2.4 Haemorrhagic crusts and exudation affecting the pastern region of...Figure 2.5 Adult female Chorioptes bovis in liquid paraffin (x125).Figure 2.6 Pony showing extensive alopecia affecting head, neck, trunk, and ...Figure 2.7 Patchy alopecia of face due to trombiculidiasis.Figure 2.8 Larva of Neotrombicula autumnalis from a skin scraping.Figure 2.9 Patchy alopecia affecting ventral neck and trunk in a horse house...Figure 2.10 Multiple wheals and swellings on the lateral neck and trunk of a...Figure 2.11 Hair loss, crusting, and excoriation affecting the tail and rump...Figure 2.12 Culicoides hypersensitivity: alopecia of the mane and crest regi...Figure 2.13 Ventral midline alopecia with excoriations, crusted papules, and...Figure 2.14 Intense pruritus in a horse with atopic dermatitis, intradermal ...Figure 2.15 Urticaria in an atopic horse: multiple raised papules, plaques, ...Figure 2.16 Intradermal tests in an atopic horse.Figure 2.17 Alopecia, erythema, scaling, and hyperpigmentation on the lumbar...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Tail seborrhoea in a young thoroughbred colt. Large flakes of des...Figure 3.2 Mallenders. Horizontal linear crusting and scaling on palmar aspe...Figure 3.3 Trichophyton infection. Multiple annular lesions of scaling, crus...Figure 3.4 Crusted lesions with hair tufts in a case of Trichophyton equinumFigure 3.5 Dermatophilosis. Erythema, crusting, and alopecia in the white‐ha...Figure 3.6 Thick scab with attached hair from a lesion of dermatophilosis. N...Figure 3.7 Dermatophilosis. Raised crusts and matting of hair, patchy alopec...Figure 3.8 Dermatophilosis. Giemsa‐stained smear from an emulsified scab. No...Figure 3.9 Staphylococcal folliculitis and furunculosis.Figure 3.10 Bacterial folliculitis of pastern and metatarsal regions. Staphy...Figure 3.11 Mucocutaneous pyoderma affecting the lips and perioral area. Sou...Figure 3.12 Generalised crusting and coalescing annular alopecia in a stalli...Figure 3.13 Crusting and matted tufts of hair in a young pony with widesprea...Figure 3.14 Crusting and haemorrhagic erosion and ulceration affecting the c...Figure 3.15 Cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Asymmetric patchy depigmentation ...Figure 3.16 Leucocytoclastic vasculitis. Tightly adherent crusts overlying h...Figure 3.17 Irritant contact dermatitis caused by leaning against a fence co...Figure 3.18 Contact dermatitis. Circumscribed patch of scaling, alopecia, an...Figure 3.19 Generalised patchy alopecia and scaling in a 9‐year‐old hunter w...Figure 3.20 Cutaneous lesions of scaling and alopecia in generalised granulo...Figure 3.21 Localised sarcoidosis. Alopecia, scaling, lichenification, and t...Figure 3.22 Multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease (MEED): exfol...Figure 3.23 Alopecia, scaling, and areas of ulceration affecting the forelim...Figure 3.24 Linear keratosis. Line of crusted papules affecting medial aspec...Figure 3.25 Coronary band dystrophy in a Belgian warmblood.Figure 3.26 Exudative pastern dermatitis – ‘greasy heels’.Figure 3.27 Focal crusting regions in a case of chronic pastern dermatitis –...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Cutaneous habronemiasis (summer sores): ulcerated nodular lesions...Figure 4.2 Coital exanthema showing epidermal vesicles and ulcers with marke...Figure 4.3 Vulval lesions of EHV‐3 infection.Figure 4.4 Urticarial wheals and plaques after application of car shampoo....Figure 4.5 Maculopapular and urticarial eruptions after administration of tr...Figure 4.6 Papulocrustous rash with focal hair loss, which appeared within 4...Figure 4.7 Warmblood fragile foal syndrome: extensive ulceration on the fore...Figures 4.8 Girth gall: erythema, alopecia, and skin thickening associated w...Figure 4.9 Area of alopecic scarring surrounded by non‐pigmented hair (leuco...Figure 4.10 Thrush: loss of frog horn, ulceration, and fissuring with black ...Figure 4.11 Acute sunburn: erythema, ulceration, and crusting on the muzzle ...Figure 4.12 Sunburnt external naris showing erythema, scaling, and alopecia....Figure 4.13 Erosion, crusting, and fissuring of the muzzle caused by sunburn...Figure 4.14 Photosensitisation: alopecia, ulceration, haemorrhagic exudation...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Injection abscess.Figure 5.2 Haematoma.Figure 5.3 Capped hock.Figure 5.4 Umbilical hernia.Figure 5.5 Heterotopic polyodontia (periauricular cyst) with seepage of muco...Figure 5.6 Viral papillomata affecting the periocular region of a Thoroughbr...Figure 5.7 Papillomata affecting the muzzle in a 2‐year‐old.Figure 5.8 Aural plaques. Depigmented hyperkeratotic plaques on the concave ...Figure 5.9 Genital papillomata. Hyperkeratotic proliferative papules diffuse...Figure 5.10 Molluscum contagiosum. Multiple small papules with central white...Figure 5.11 Strangles. Enlarged retropharyngeal lymph node on the point of r...Figure 5.12 Nodular lesions of botryomycosis (Staphylococcus aureus), 1–2 cm...Figure 5.13 Fungal mycetoma affecting the tail; caused by soil‐living organi...Figure 5.14 Demodicosis and folliculitis associated with alopecia, erythema,...Figure 5.15 Urticaria. Multiple raised papules, plaques, and annular lesions...Figure 5.16 Angio‐oedema. Diffuse swelling of the head of a horse after inje...Figure 5.17 Linear urticarial wheals in a cruciform shape on the shoulder of...Figure 5.18 Cutaneous amyloidosis. Raised, firm plaque affecting the mucocut...Figure 5.19 Occult (flat) sarcoids. Two annular areas of alopecia with mild ...Figure 5.20 Verrucose sarcoid. Plaque of thickened skin with surface hyperke...Figure 5.21 Nodular sarcoids affecting the periocular region.Figure 5.22 Fibroblastic sarcoid.Figure 5.23 Malevolent/malignant sarcoid.Figure 5.24 Squamous cell carcinoma. Ulcerated mass on the non‐pigmented low...Figure 5.25 Penile squamous cell carcinoma. Nodules, together with multiple ...Figure 5.26 Multiple melanocytic tumours around the anus, vulva, and ventral...Figure 5.27 Amelanotic melanomas affecting the perineum and ventral tail bas...Figure 5.28 Mastocytoma. Multilobular mass with surface ulceration on the do...Figure 5.29 Lymphohistiocytic T‐cell cutaneous lymphoma. Multiple nodules, p...Figure 5.30 Multiple urticarial papules and wheals after multiple mosquito b...Figure 5.31 Papular lesions of eosinophilic granuloma.Figure 5.32 Congenital epidermal hamartoma in a Friesian foal.Figure 5.33 Early lesions of chronic progressive lymphoedema. Diffuse swelli...Figure 5.34 Chronic progressive lymphoedema. Multiple fibrotic corrugations ...Figure 5.35 Canker. Solar aspect of the hoof showing a proliferative lesion ...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 a) and b) Seasonal asynchronous shedding. Patches of alopecia and...Figure 6.2 Contact irritant dermatitis resulting in diffuse thinning of the ...Figure 6.3 Anagen effluvium in a young Thoroughbred. Hair loss began within ...Figure 6.4 Alopecia areata. Facial alopecia and patchy alopecia of the neck ...Figure 6.5 Alopecia areata. Extensive generalised alopecia.Figure 6.6 Alopecia areata. Generalised patchy alopecia with marked alopecia...Figure 6.7 Chronic selenosis with abnormal horn growth affecting the hoof wa...Figure 6.8

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