Clinical Cases in Periodontics. Группа авторов
Читать онлайн книгу.Intraoral images at the initial consultation.Figure 1.9.2 Periodontal chart during initial evaluation.Figure 1.9.3 Panoramic radiograph taken during initial evaluation.Figure 1.9.4 Full‐mouth series taken a year prior to initial evaluation.Figure 1.9.5 Panoramic radiograph taken six years previously.Figure 1.9.6 Cross‐sections of severe disuse atrophy (Siebert Class III defe...Figure 1.9.7 Comparison of cross‐sections from CBCT and periapical radiograp...Figure 1.9.8 Comparison of cross‐sections from CBCT and periapical radiograp...Figure 1.9.9 Comparison of cross‐sections from CBCT and periapical radiograp...Figure 1.9.10 Vertical fracture of tooth #13. This vertical root fracture is...
10 Chapter 2.1Figure 2.1.1 Frontal view.Figure 2.1.2 Buccal view, mandibular anterior.Figure 2.1.3 Lingual view, mandibular anterior.Figure 2.1.4 Probing pocket depth measurements.Figure 2.1.5 Bite‐wing radiographs.Figure 2.1.6 Frontal view.Figure 2.1.7 Buccal view, mandibular anterior.Figure 2.1.8 Lingual view, mandibular anterior.Figure 2.1.9 (A, B) Sickle scalers; (C) universal curettes; (D, E) Gracey cu...
11 Chapter 2.2Figure 2.2.1 Preoperative view of maxillary anterior teeth and a 15‐mm perio...Figure 2.2.2 Preoperative periapical radiograph of tooth #8 demonstrating lo...Figure 2.2.3 Preoperative view of maxillary posterior teeth and a 15‐mm peri...Figure 2.2.4 Probing pocket depth measurements.Figure 2.2.5 Application of local delivery Atridox on a 5‐mm pocket mesial o...Figure 2.2.6 Application of local delivery Atridox on a 4‐mm pocket distal o...Figure 2.2.7 A six‐week postoperative image of maxillary anterior teeth demo...Figure 2.2.8 A six‐week postoperative image of maxillary posterior teeth dem...Figure 2.2.9 Placement of Actisite.Figure 2.2.10 Placement of Atridox.Figure 2.2.11 Placement of Arestin.Figure 2.2.12 Placement of Elyzol.
12 Chapter 2.3Figure 2.3.1 Clinical presentation of the case at initial visit.Figure 2.3.2 Periodontal chart, initial visit.Figure 2.3.3 Full‐mouth periapical radiographs of the case at initial visit....Figure 2.3.4 Clinical presentation of the case three months post therapy....Figure 2.3.5 Periodontal chart, three months after therapy.Figure 2.3.6 Clinical presentation of the case one year post therapy.Figure 2.3.7 Periodontal chart, one year after periodontal therapy.
13 Chapter 2.4Figure 2.4.1 Appearance at initial presentation.Figure 2.4.2 Periodontal charting, radiographs, and photographs of the mandi...Figure 2.4.3 Preoperative microbial testing.Figure 2.4.4 Scaling and polishing in all four quadrants.Figure 2.4.5 Periodontal charting and photographs of the mandibular left sex...
14 Chapter 3.1Figure 3.1.1 Clinical presentation after removal of orthodontic appliances: ...Figure 3.1.2 Clinical example of plaque‐induced gingivitis with gingival enl...Figure 3.1.3 Clinical presentation two months after removal of orthodontic a...Figure 3.1.4 Probing pocket depth measurements.Figure 3.1.5 Periapical radiographs depicting interproximal bone levels.Figure 3.1.6 External bevel gingivectomy in anterior maxillary region: gingi...Figure 3.1.7 External bevel gingivectomy in anterior mandibular region: imme...Figure 3.1.8 Two weeks post gingivectomy: full smile frontal and side views....Figure 3.1.9 Clinical example of external bevel gingivectomy for phenytoin‐i...Figure 3.1.10 Clinical example of gingivectomy for restorative and esthetic ...Figure 3.1.11 Clinical example of an inverse bevel distal wedge: palatal pre...
15 Chapter 3.2Figure 3.2.1 Preoperative condition with the temporary fixed partial denture...Figure 3.2.2 Preoperative condition with the temporary fixed partial denture...Figure 3.2.3 Preoperative condition without the temporary fixed partial dent...Figure 3.2.4 Preoperative condition without the temporary fixed partial dent...Figure 3.2.5 Periodontal charting.Figure 3.2.6 Periapical radiographs of the mandibular anterior sextant. Inco...Figure 3.2.7 Periapical radiographs after endodontic therapy.Figure 3.2.8 Preoperative facial view.Figure 3.2.9 Preoperative facial view after the temporary fixed partial dent...Figure 3.2.10 Submarginal incisions.Figure 3.2.11 Gingivectomy.Figure 3.2.12 A full‐thickness flap is elevated and cortical bone is exposed...Figure 3.2.13 Ostectomy and osteoplasty allow a greater exposure of sound to...Figure 3.2.14 The embrasure between #21 and #22 is narrow.Figure 3.2.15 Odontoplasty of the distal surface of #22 is performed to open...Figure 3.2.16 The flaps are apically positioned and stabilized with vertical...Figure 3.2.17 The temporary FPD is cemented back.Figure 3.2.18 Periapical radiographs after cementation of the final cast pos...Figure 3.2.19 Final cast post and core.Figure 3.2.20 Permanent FPD.Figure 3.2.21 The attachment apparatus of a human tooth.Figure 3.2.22 (A) Initial situation: inadequate prosthetic margin, lack of p...Figure 3.2.23 (A) Preoperative situation: inadequate prosthetic margin, lack...
16 Chapter 3.3Figure 3.3.1 Intraoral photos of both maxillary and mandibular teeth in occl...Figure 3.3.2 Probing pocket depth measurements (following phase 1 therapy)....Figure 3.3.3 Preoperative radiographic evaluation (periapical and bitewings ...Figure 3.3.4 (A) Exposed alveolar bone and teeth demonstrating negative arch...Figure 3.3.5 (A) Exposed alveolar bone demonstrating sharp irregular peaks. ...Figure 3.3.6 (A–L) Intraoral surgical photos.Figure 3.3.7 Vertical bitewings following six months of healing.
17 Chapter 3.4Figure 3.4.1 Periodontal charting.Figure 3.4.2 Intraoral initial visit. (A) frontal view; (B) maxillary view; ...Figure 3.4.3 Complete‐mouth series radiographs.Figure 3.4.4 Radiographs of #14 DB before (left) and after (right) root rese...Figure 3.4.5 Root resection #14 DB.
18 Chapter 4.1Figure 4.1.1 Periodontal charting.Figure 4.1.2 (A) Full‐thickness flap raised showing furcation involvement; (...Figure 4.1.3 Mandibular class III furcation involvement showing a probe ente...
19 Chapter 4.2Figure 4.2.1 Intraoral photo of both maxillary and mandibular teeth in occlu...Figure 4.2.2 Probing pocket depth measurements (following phase 1 therapy)....Figure 4.2.3 Radiographic evaluation (periapicals of the mandibular anterior...Figure 4.2.4 (A) Vertical defect evident with granulation tissue fill. (B) S...Figure 4.2.5 (A–J) Intraoral surgical photos.Figure 4.2.6 Periapical radiographs: (A) initial; (B) following six months o...
20 Chapter 4.3Figure 4.3.1 (A) Initial evaluation. (B) Tooth #7 presents with root fractur...Figure 4.3.2 Initial probing depths and periodontal measurements (mm).Figure 4.3.3 Periapical radiography revealed root fracture with bone loss.Figure 4.3.4 (A) Intraoperative radiograph reveals removal of all root fragm...Figure 4.3.5 Immediate postoperative view of extraction socket grafted with ...Figure 4.3.6 Cone beam CT scan five months postoperatively is used to determ...Figure 4.3.7 Implant after second‐stage surgery. Note the tissue height pres...Figure 4.3.8 Definitive crown delivered to the patient. Note the improved gi...
21 Chapter 4.4Figure 4.4.1 Preoperative presentation.Figure 4.4.2 Probing pocket depth measurements.Figure 4.4.3 Periapical radiograph depicting the fractured root and the inte...Figure 4.4.4 Surgical procedure.
22 Chapter 4.5Figure 4.5.1 (A) Intraoral photo of both maxillary and mandibular teeth in o...Figure 4.5.2 Probing pocket depth measurements (following phase 1 therapy)....Figure 4.5.3 Radiographic evaluation: periapical of the maxillary left poste...Figure 4.5.4 CT scans displaying horizontal ridge deficiency in #12 region....Figure 4.5.5 (A) Horizontal defect evident with soft tissue fill. (B) Cresta...Figure 4.5.6 (A–J) Intraoral surgical photos.Figure 4.5.7 Radiograph on the day of the procedure.
23 Chapter 5.1Figure 5.1.1 Preoperative picture. Source: courtesy of David S. Greenfield, ...Figure 5.1.2 Six‐week postoperative picture. Source: courtesy of David S. Gr...Figure 5.1.3 Incision design for lateral pedicle flap. Source: courtesy of D...Figure 5.1.4 Rotation of pedicle flap. Source: courtesy of David S. Greenfie...Figure 5.1.5 Flap sutured to recipient site. Source: courtesy of David S. Gr...Figure 5.1.6 Connective tissue harvested from palate. Source: courtesy of Ka...Figure 5.1.7 Allograft placed in extraction socket and connective tissue ro...Figure 5.1.8 Connective tissue sutured in place while maintaining connectio...
24 Chapter 5.2Figure 5.2.1 Preoperative clinical presentation.Figure 5.2.2 Probing pocket depth/recession measurements during initial visi...Figure 5.2.3 Zucchelli technique.Figure 5.2.4 (A) Initial incisions; (B) reflection; (C) de‐epithelialization...Figure 5.2.5 Root planing.Figure 5.2.6 Application of EDTA solution.Figure 5.2.7 (A) Harvesting of the graft; (B) trimming of the graft.Figure 5.2.8 (A) Suturing of the connective tissue graft; (B) suturing of fl...Figure 5.2.9 (A) Suture removal at two weeks; (B) eight weeks post surgery....Figure 5.2.10 (A, B) Inadequate attached gingiva with recession.Figure 5.2.11 (A, B) Treatment with subepithelial connective tissue graft.Figure 5.2.12 (A, B) Progressive recession.Figure 5.2.13 (A, B) Root wear/erosion/cervical abrasion.Figure 5.2.14 (A, B)