American Civil War For Dummies. Keith D. Dickson

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American Civil War For Dummies - Keith D. Dickson

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at Seven Pines? What If Davis Had Adopted a Different Strategy in the West? What If Lee Had Won at Gettysburg? What If Davis Had Relieved Bragg Earlier in the War? What If Jackson Had Not Been Lost to Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia? Chapter 32: The Ten+ Best Battlefields of the Civil War and How to Visit Them Best Battlefields by the Mounted Method Best Battlefields by the Mounted/Dismounted Method Best Battlefields by the Terrain Walk Method

      12  Index

      13  About the Author

      14  Advertisement Page

      15  Connect with Dummies

      16  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 4TABLE 4-1 Army StructureTABLE 4-2 Army Hierarchy and Command

      2 Chapter 5TABLE 5-1: Distribution of Major War Resources

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: Abraham Lincoln, Republican Party spokesman and future presidential...

      2 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: The firing on Fort Sumter.

      3 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: Interior and exterior lines. FIGURE 4-2: 1st Virginia Cavalry.FIGURE 4-3: The 12pd Napoleon — the standard artillery piece of both armies. FIGURE 4-4: Infantrymen of the 6th Massachusetts Volunteer Militia.

      4 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: Cavalry troops with carbines.

      5 Chapter 8FIGURE 8-1: Major General Irvin McDowell. FIGURE 8-2: General P.G.T Beauregard. FIGURE 8-3: Map of the battle of First Manassas (Bull Run).

      6 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: Albert Sidney Johnston. FIGURE 9-2: U.S. Grant. FIGURE 9-3: Map showing the area around the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers. FIGURE 9-4: Union transports on the Tennessee River. FIGURE 9-5: Map of the battlefield of Shiloh.

      7 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: Union General George B. McClellan. FIGURE 10-2: Admiral David G. Farragut. FIGURE 10-3: Map of the Peninsula Campaign. FIGURE 10-4: Franklin Buchanan, Commander of the CSS Virginia. FIGURE 10-5: USS Monitor (July 1862). FIGURE 10-6: Joseph E. Johnston.

      8 Chapter 11FIGURE 11-1: Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson.

      9 Chapter 12FIGURE 12-1: Robert E. Lee. FIGURE 12-2: Jeb Stuart. FIGURE 12-3: Scene from the Seven Days Battles.

      10 Chapter 13FIGURE 13-1: John Pope. FIGURE 13-2: James Longstreet. FIGURE 13-3: Battle of Second Manassas.

      11 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: Map of the Battle of Antietam. FIGURE 14-2: The Battle of Antietam — Burnside’s Bridge.

      12 Chapter 15FIGURE 15-1: Map of Kentucky and Tennessee. FIGURE 15-2: Don Carlos Buell. FIGURE 15-3: Braxton Bragg.

      13 Chapter 16FIGURE 16-1: Ambrose E. Burnside. FIGURE 16-2: Confederate soldiers at the stone wall at Fredericksburg. FIGURE 16-3: Nathan Bedford Forrest. FIGURE 16-4: General William S. Rosecrans.

      14 Chapter 17FIGURE 17-1: Joseph Hooker.

      15 Chapter 18FIGURE 18-1: A.P. Hill. FIGURE 18-2: Richard Ewell. FIGURE 18-3: George G. Meade. FIGURE 18-4: Winfield Scott Hancock. FIGURE 18-5: A scene from the battle of Gettysburg. FIGURE 18-6: Map of the Battle of Gettysburg. FIGURE 18-7: Map of the Battle of Vicksburg. FIGURE 18-8: David Dixon Porter.

      16 Chapter 19FIGURE 19-1: Map of the Battles of Chickamauga and Chattanooga. FIGURE 19-2: George H. Thomas. FIGURE 19-3: The Battle of Chickamauga.

      17 Chapter 20FIGURE 20-1: Battle of the Wilderness: Soldiers of the Union Army’s II Corps (n...FIGURE 20-2: Battle of Spotsylvania. FIGURE 20-3: Jubal Early. FIGURE 20-4: Philip Sheridan. FIGURE 20-5: Map showing Union and Confederate forts established during the sie...FIGURE 20-6: Bombproofs at Petersburg 1864. FIGURE 20-7: Battle of the Crater.

      18 Chapter 21FIGURE 21-1: William T. Sherman. FIGURE 21-2: Map of the Atlanta campaign. FIGURE 21-3: John B. Hood. FIGURE 21-4: Confederate fortifications outside of Atlanta. FIGURE 21-5: USS Hartford. FIGURE 21-6: The Battle of Mobile Bay. FIGURE 21-7: Sherman’s March to the Sea.

      19 Chapter 23FIGURE 23-1: Fort Stedman. FIGURE 23-2: The Battle of Five Forks. FIGURE 23-3: Richmond after its capture. FIGURE 23-4: Lee's retreat from Petersburg to Appomattox. FIGURE 23-5: Lee at Appomattox. FIGURE 23-6: Abraham Lincoln in 1865, his face clearly showing the strains of w...FIGURE 23-7: Army of the Potomac II Corps Grand Review 1865. FIGURE 23-8: Regiment waiting to march. FIGURE 23-9: Unknown Union soldier. FIGURE 23-10: Unknown Union sailor. FIGURE 23-11: Unknown Confederate sailor. FIGURE 23-12: Unknown Confederate soldier.

      20 Chapter 24FIGURE 24-1: Alexander Stephens.

      21 Chapter 25FIGURE 25-1: Union sailors abord the USS New Hampshire.

      22 Chapter 26FIGURE 26-1: Two soldiers show how they carried their supplies. FIGURE 26-2: Typical officer’s uniform. FIGURE 26-3: Confederate hospital in Richmond. FIGURE 26-4: Nurse Ann Burtis Hampton, Virginia 1864. FIGURE 26-5: Teamsters, Army of the James, 1864. FIGURE 26-6: A unit of U.S. Colored Troops. FIGURE 26-7: Ely Parker (shown on the left).


      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4 Table of Contents

      5  Begin Reading

      6  Index

      7  About the Author


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