The insidious converter. A fantastic story of our days. Андрей Ремизов

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The insidious converter. A fantastic story of our days - Андрей Ремизов

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needs such a TV-set for midgets!», with irritation in voice exclaimed Obrezov. And suddenly a very light thought visited to him. «Listen to me! What’s about water? I mean banal water from a tap. Is it possible to get something hard from simple water?»

      «Certainly possible», the tone of the wizard’s voice hadn’t even been changed. «It’s only needed to regulate it a little. This regulation, I think, takes no more than twenty minutes. I mean I have enough time. But it’s needed to turn about twenty kilograms unstable form of raw».

      Obrezov reminded he hadn’t still had any video-recorder or a player and therefor in the flat there wasn’t any original thing of such a kind to copy. Having come to calm in his head he returned to the topic of that magic case’s pedigree.

      «Yes», agreed the alien, «it’s time to disclose the cards. A fortiori it’s already finishing. Well, I see you’ve already guessed that this apparatus is made on other planet. And I’m an emissary of that planet. One minute! No fainting! Nothing especial is happening. Simply the choice has fallen on you and the cause of it is just very subjective. I have no permission to tell about. And only one thing you can do personally is that you get a choice – to take this case to use (that’s, of course, without any terms and payment) or to refuse taking this gift. If you choose the first variant the converter stays at Earth forever and can’t be returned to its masters at all, in any circumstances. In the second variant it won’t be proposed to anybody and I’ll send it there where I have got. Is it clear to you? Then take, please, in attention that destroying this converter is not possible for all the forces of your civilization – in any circumstances, too. However having desire you’re able to copy with its aid as many the same cases as you’ll need. Have I expressed clearly?

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