Fractures in the Horse. Группа авторов

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Fractures in the Horse - Группа авторов

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that bone is easier to split than break, can be related to the relative contributions of these mechanisms [114]. Lower toughness is observed in the longitudinal orientation where cracks can propagate along cement lines, which provide a path of relatively low resistance. Crack bridging appears to be the prominent source of toughening in the longitudinal orientation [114]. Crack bridging refers to unbroken regions that span the crack in the wake of the crack tip and act to resist crack opening [109]. The highest toughness is observed in the transverse orientation, where cracks encounter osteonal boundaries. Crack deflection around cement lines is the extrinsic mechanism that increases toughness most substantially in the transverse orientation [113]. The degree to which bone can employ microcracking and other extrinsic toughening mechanisms to disperse energy ultimately determines the brittleness or toughness of the specimen [115].

Schematic illustration of schematic illustrations of some toughening mechanisms possible in cortical bone. (a) Crack deflection by osteons, (b) crack bridging by collagen fibres, (c) uncracked ligament bridging and (d) diffuse microcracking.

      Source: Ritchie [102]; Ager et al. [111]; Launey et al. [112].

      The bones of racehorses in training are subjected to high loads, resulting in a relatively high risk of damage until bone stiffness is increased through adaptive mechanisms [85]. Adaptive modelling refers to changes in bone shape and internal structure in response to mechanical forces placed on the bone, according to Wolff’s law [121]. New bone formation in response to repeated loading improves biomechanical properties and increases fatigue life [122–126]. An excellent example of adaptation to load is the increase in cortical thickness and bone volume fraction in the metacarpal bones of Thoroughbred racehorses in response to training [127–129].

      The acquisition of damage with cyclic loading alone may not be sufficient to result in complete fracture in living horses [130]. Living bone not only has the ability to change its shape and volume to reflect the mechanical loads it must support (modelling) but can also replace damaged or fatigued bone with new bone (remodelling). Remodelling involves resorption of bone by osteoclasts and replacement by osteoblasts in a highly orchestrated and controlled series of events. Remodelling has an important role in enhancing the fatigue life of bone by replacing material that has accumulated microdamage with new, healthy tissue [131]. The extent of fatigue damage at any one time is a balance between the rate of accumulation of microdamage and the rate of repair [85, 132].

      Criteria for the identification of stress fractures in Thoroughbred racehorses have been determined from epidemiological and histopathological studies. As previously summarized [85] these include:

      1 Absence of specific trauma, but association with repetitive, high strain loading (e.g. intense race training) [69, 141].

      2 A high degree of morphologic consistency and tendency to occur in certain predilection sites [142–144]. Common sites for stress remodelling and stress fractures in Thoroughbred racehorses are presented in Table 3.1.

      3 Microdamage is chronic and occurs on a progressive scale. There is often long‐standing pathology at the fracture margins, and incomplete fractures are regularly identified at the same locations where complete fractures commonly occur [19, 143,167–169].

      Fracture Topography

      The bone involved and the location within the bone should be described as per Table 3.2. Fractures distal to the carpus/tarsus have a more favourable prognosis, primarily due to the capacity to supplement internal fixation with external coaptation [172], but are still associated with challenges including poor soft tissue coverage [173].

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Bone/joint Anatomical region References
Scapula Distal aspect of the spine [140] [145]
Humerus Caudoproximal Craniodistal Medial diaphyseal Caudodistal [146] [144, 147] [148, 149]
Carpus Dorsomedial third carpal bone Radial carpal bone Intermediate carpal bone [150] [151] [89]
Third metacarpal Mid‐diaphyseal and supracondylar Parasagittal groove Proximal palmar Dorsal cortex Distal condyle [152] [60] [153] [154] [69] [155]