Fractures in the Horse. Группа авторов

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Fractures in the Horse - Группа авторов

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computations that describe the relationship between the important image quality parameters and the noise of the image. CNR computes the difference in signal between the object and background, divided by the background noise. SNR computes the integrated signal of the object (pixel signal minus noise), on a per pixel basis, independent of size and homogeneity, divided by the background noise. The SNR is a useful metric that is closely related to lesion conspicuity or the observer's ability to detect the lesion. Even without a numerical (computed) value for SNR, it becomes a visual cue to experienced observers whereby image degradation due to a low SNR is readily evident (Figure 5.1).

      Accuracy and precision are necessary for reliable interpretation of images. These, in turn, depend not only on image quality but also the ability and experience of the observer to identify true positives and true negatives.

      Image Interpretation

      Principles of radiographic interpretation can be applied to all diagnostic imaging modalities, and the classic Roentgen findings of variations in size, shape, opacity, number, margination and position can be modified as appropriate for each of the modalities, or in the case of MRI, for each of the sequences. Accurate identification and description of the imaging signs are critical to interpretation and should not only include the bone or joint in question but also the surrounding soft tissues.

      Negative Studies

Photo depicts T1W 3D dorsal plane sMRI images of a front foot. (a) With a slice thickness of 3 mm. (b) With a slice thickness of 0.7 mm.

      General Principles

Schematic illustration of medial to lateral radiograph of the cranial thorax made with the limb closest to the detector extended craniad. The position of the trachea provides a window of reduced attenuation allowing improved visualization of the rib fracture.

      Technical Considerations


Schematic illustration of parasagittal fracture of a right forelimb proximal phalanx.
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