Comprendiendo las parábolas de Jesús. Klyne Snodgrass

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Comprendiendo las parábolas de Jesús - Klyne Snodgrass

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(Berlin: 1895-1983)BibBiblicaBibIntBiblical InterpretationBiblebBibel und LebenBiblScRelBiblioteca di scienze religioseBJRLBulletin of the John Rylands University Library of ManchesterBLBibel und LiturgieBNBiblische NotizenBNTCBlack’s New Testament CommentariesBOBibliotheca orientalisBRBiblical ResearchBSacBibliotheca SacraBTThe Bible TranslatorBTBBiblical Theology BulletinBVBBeiträge zum Verstehen der BibelBZBiblische ZeitschriftBZNWBeihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche WissenschaftCahRBCahiers de la Revue bibliqueCBQCatholic Biblical QuarterlyCBQMSCatholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph SeriesCher.Philo, De Cherubim1-2 Clem1 ClementConBNTConiectanea neotestamentica/Coniectanea biblica: New Testament SeriesConf.Philo, De Confusione LinguarumCongr.Philo, De Congressu Eruditionis GratiaCRINTCompendia rerum iudaicarum ad Novum TestamentumCSRChristian Scholar’s ReviewCTQConcordia Theological QuarterlyDet.Philo, Quod Deterius Potiori Insidiari SoleatDiatr.Epictetus, Diatribai (Dissertationes)DJDDiscoveries in the Judaean DesertDSDDead Sea DiscoveriesEgTÉglise et théologieEKKNTEvangelisch-katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament1-2 En.1-2 EnochEncEncounterEnch.Epictetus, EnchiridionETLEphemerides theologicae lovaniensesETRÉtudes théologiques et religieusesEvQEvangelical QuarterlyEvTEvangelische TheologieExpTimExpository TimesFBForschung zur BibelFFFFoundations and Facets ForumFRLANTForschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen TestamentsFug.Philo, De Fuga et InventioneGos. Thom.Gospel of ThomasHaer.Irenaeus, Adversus HaeresesHBTHorizons in Biblical TheologyHeyJHeytyhrop JournalHibJHibbert JournalHTKNTHerders theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen TestamentHTRHarvard Theological ReviewIBSIrish Biblical StudiesICCInternational Critical CommentaryInst.Quintilian, Institutio OratoriaIntInterpretationITQIrish Theological QuarterlyJ.W.Josephus, Jewish WarJAARJournal of the American Academy of ReligionJBLJournal of Biblical LiteratureJBLMSJournal of Biblical Literature Monograph SeriesJCSJournal of Cuneiform StudiesJESJournal of Ecumenical StudiesJETSJournal of the Evangelical Theological SocietyJJSJournal of Jewish StudiesJos. Asen.Joseph and AsenethJPFCS. Safrai and M. Stern, eds., The Jewish People in the First Century: Historical Geography, Political History, Social, Cultural and Religious Life and Institutions (2 vols.; CRINT 1; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1974, 1976)JQRJewish Quarterly ReviewJSJJournal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman PeriodsJSNTJournal for the Study of the New TestamentJSNTSupJournal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement SeriesJSOTJournal for the Study of the Old TestamentJSOTSupJournal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement SeriesJSPJournal for the Study of the PseudepigraphaJTSJournal of Theological StudiesJTSAJournal of Theology for Southern AfricaJ.W.Josephus, Jewish WarJub.JubileesKEKKritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue TestamentKJVKing James VersionL.A.B.Pseudo-Philo, Liber Antiquitatum BiblicarumL.A.E.Life of Adam and EveLBLingüística BíblicaLCLLoeb Classical LibraryLegPhilo, Legum AllegoriaeLSJH. G. Liddell, R. Scott and H. S. Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon (9th ed.; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996)LTPMLouvain Theological and Pastoral MonographsLUÅLunds universitets årsskriftm.Mishnah4 Macc.4 MaccabeesMand.Hermas, MandatesMidr.MidrashMor.Plutarch, MoraliaMTZMünchener Theologische ZeitschriftMut.Philo, De Mutatione NominumNACNew American CommentaryNEBNew English BibleNeotNeotestamenticaNewDocsG. H. R. Horsley and S. Llewelyn, eds.,New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity (Grand Rapids: Eardmans, 1981-)NICNTNew International Commentary on the New TestamentNIGTCNew International Greek Testament CommentaryNIVNew International VersionNLTNew Living TranslationNovTNovum TestamentumNovTSupNovum Testamentum SupplementsNPNF1Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series 1NRSVNew Revised Standard VersionNRThLa nouvelle revue théologiqueNSBTNew Studies in Biblical TheologyNTAbhNeutestamentliche AbhandlungenNTLNew Testament LibraryNTOANovum Testamentum et Orbis AntiquusNTSNew Testament StudiesOpif.Philo, De Opificio MundiOTPJ. H. Charlesworth, ed.,Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (2 vols.; New York: Doubleday, 1983)P. Cair. ZenonZenon PapyriP. FlorPapiri FlorentiniP. Mich.Michigan PapyriP. Oxy.Oxyrhynchus PapyriPLPatrologia LatinaPlant.Philo, De PlantationePraem.Philo, De Praemiis et PoenisProv.Philo, De ProvidentiaPRStPerspectives in Religious StudiesPss. Sol.Psalms of SolomonPWA. F. Pauly and G. Wissowa, eds.,Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (new ed.; 49 vols.; Munich, 1980)Q.E.Philo, Quaestiones et Solutiones in ExodumQGPhilo, Quaestiones et Solutiones in GenesinQuaest. Ev.Augustine, Quaestiones EvangelicarumRab.RabbahRBRevue BibliqueResQRestoration QuarterlyRevExpReview and ExpositorRevQRevue de QumranRhet.Aristotle, RhetoricaRhet.Her.Rhetorica ad HerenniumRHPRRevue d’histoire et de philosophie religieusesRSRRecherches de science religieuseRSVRevised Standard VersionSacr.Philo, De Sacrificiis Abelis et CainiSANTStudien
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