Emergency Medicine Simulation Workbook. Группа авторов

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Emergency Medicine Simulation Workbook - Группа авторов

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and herniation [8].TABLE 10.13 Complete metabolic panel.TABLE 10.14 Complete blood count.TABLE 10.15 Lactate.TABLE 10.16 Creatine kinase.

      11 Chapter 11TABLE 11.1 Complete blood count.TABLE 11.2 Complete metabolic panel.TABLE 11.3 Pregnancy test.TABLE 11.4 HIV antibody test.TABLE 11.5 Rapid plasma reagin.TABLE 11.6 Pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection prophylaxis [1, 9, ...TABLE 11.7 Complete blood count.TABLE 11.8 Complete metabolic panel.TABLE 11.9 Complete blood count.TABLE 11.10 Complete metabolic panel.TABLE 11.11 Lactate level.TABLE 11.12 Alcohol level.TABLE 11.13 Serum ketones.

      12 Chapter 12TABLE 12.1 Complete blood count.TABLE 12.2 Complete metabolic panel.TABLE 12.3 Lactate.TABLE 12.4 Troponin.TABLE 12.5 Fingerstick glucose.TABLE 12.6 Venous blood gas.TABLE 12.7 Complete blood count.TABLE 12.8 Complete metabolic panel.TABLE 12.9 Lactate level.TABLE 12.10 C‐reactive protein.TABLE 12.11 Troponin.TABLE 12.12 Venous blood gas.TABLE 12.13 Components of laboratory risk indicator for necrotizing fasciiti...TABLE 12.14 Complete blood count.TABLE 12.15 Complete metabolic panel.TABLE 12.16 Reticulocytes.TABLE 12.17 Corporal blood gas.

      13 Chapter 13TABLE 13.1 Complete blood count.TABLE 13.2 Basic metabolic panel.TABLE 13.3 Arterial blood gas.TABLE 13.4 Troponin.TABLE 13.5 B‐type natriuretic peptides.TABLE 13.6 Complete blood count.TABLE 13.7 Basic metabolic panel.TABLE 13.8 Troponin.TABLE 13.9 B‐type natriuretic peptides.TABLE 13.10 Arterial blood gas analysis.

      14 Chapter 14TABLE 14.1 Fingerstick glucose.TABLE 14.2 Complete blood count.TABLE 14.3 Basic metabolic panel.TABLE 14.4 Liver function tests.TABLE 14.5 Lactate.TABLE 14.6 Arterial blood gases.TABLE 14.7 Urinalysis.TABLE 14.8 Urine toxicology screen.TABLE 14.9 Salicylate level.TABLE 14.10 Acetaminophen level.TABLE 14.11 Ethanol level.TABLE 14.12 Fingerstick glucose.TABLE 14.13 Complete blood count.TABLE 14.14 Basic metabolic panel.TABLE 14.15 Liver function tests.TABLE 14.16 Lactate.TABLE 14.17 Lithium level.TABLE 14.18 Thyroid function tests.TABLE 14.19 Urinalysis.TABLE 14.20 Urine toxicology screen.TABLE 14.21 Salicylate level.TABLE 14.22 Acetaminophen level.TABLE 14.23 Ethanol level.TABLE 14.24 Fingerstick glucose.TABLE 14.25 Complete blood count.TABLE 14.26 Basic metabolic panel.TABLE 14.27 Liver function tests.TABLE 14.28 Lactate.TABLE 14.29 Arterial blood gases.TABLE 14.30 Serum osmolality.TABLE 14.31 Urinalysis.TABLE 14.32 Urine toxicology screen.TABLE 14.33 Salicylate level.TABLE 14.34 Acetaminophen level.TABLE 14.35 Ethanol level.TABLE 14.36 Methanol level.TABLE 14.37 Ethylene glycol level.TABLE 14.38 Isopropanol level.

      15 Chapter 15TABLE 15.1 Complete blood count.TABLE 15.2 Basic metabolic panel.TABLE 15.3 Liver function tests.TABLE 15.4 Lactate.TABLE 15.5 Coagulation panel.TABLE 15.6 Type and screen.TABLE 15.7 Fingerstick glucose.TABLE 15.8 Complete blood count.TABLE 15.9 Basic metabolic panel.TABLE 15.10 Liver function tests.TABLE 15.11 Lactate.TABLE 15.12 Coagulation panel.TABLE 15.13 Type and screen.TABLE 15.14 Complete blood count.TABLE 15.15 Basic metabolic panel.TABLE 15.16 Liver function tests.TABLE 15.17 Lactate.TABLE 15.18 Coagulation panel.TABLE 15.19 Type and screen.

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1.1 Abdominal x‐ray showing distended bowel with early intraluminal g...FIGURE 1.2 Abdominal ultrasound showing pneumatosis.FIGURE 1.3 Radiological interpretation of abdominal x‐ray of concern for nec...FIGURE 1.4 Radiological interpretation of abdominal ultrasound showing pneum...FIGURE 1.5 Flow diagram: necrotizing enterocolitis.FIGURE 1.6 Chest x‐ray showing no active pulmonary disease.FIGURE 1.7 Radiological reading of chest x‐ray (normal).FIGURE 1.8 Head computed tomography (static image 1‐cut) showing no intracra...FIGURE 1.9 Radiology read computed tomography of the head (normal).FIGURE 1.10 Ultrasound of right upper quadrant (static image) showing biliar...FIGURE 1.11 Radiology read showing biliary dilation concerning for choledoch...FIGURE 1.12 Computed tomography of the abdomen/pelvis with intravenous contr...FIGURE 1.13 Computed tomography read concerning for acute cholangitis.FIGURE 1.14 Electrocardiogram showing sinus tachycardia.FIGURE 1.15 Flow diagram: ascending cholangitis.FIGURE 1.16 Abdominal x‐ray showing evidence of distended sigmoid colon.FIGURE 1.17 Radiological report of abdominal x‐ray.FIGURE 1.18 Computed tomography of the abdomen/pelvis with intravenous contr...FIGURE 1.19 Radiological report of computed tomography showing sigmoid volvu...FIGURE 1.20 Electrocardiogram showing sinus tachycardia.FIGURE 1.21 Flow diagram: sigmoid volvulus.

      2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2.1 Normal chest x‐ray.FIGURE 2.2 Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia electrocardiogram....FIGURE 2.3 Previous electrocardiogram.FIGURE 2.4 Flow diagram monomorphic ventricular tachycardia.FIGURE 2.5 Electrocardiogram: atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rat...FIGURE 2.6 Electrocardiogram: atrial fibrillation, normal rate.FIGURE 2.7 Electrocardiogram: normal sinus rhythm.FIGURE 2.8 Flow diagram atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rate.FIGURE 2.9 Electrocardiogram with diffuse ST elevation.FIGURE 2.10 Normal chest x‐ray.FIGURE 2.11 Flow diagram for pediatric pericarditis.

      3 Chapter 3FIGURE 3.1 Pediatric chest x‐ray (normal).FIGURE 3.2 Pediatric abdominal x‐ray (normal).FIGURE 3.3 Abdominal ultrasound showing small‐bowel wall thickening.FIGURE 3.4 Case flow diagram, Henoch–Schönlein purpura.FIGURE 3.5 Femur x‐ray showing subcutaneous air without fracture.FIGURE 3.6 Soft‐tissue ultrasound showing emphysema along the deep fascia, a...FIGURE 3.7 Computed tomography of the thigh showing the presence of gas in t...FIGURE 3.8 Case flow diagram for necrotizing fasciitis.FIGURE 3.9 Chest x‐ray showing right lower lobe infiltrate.FIGURE 3.10 Case flow diagram for toxic epidermal necrolysis.

      4 Chapter 4FIGURE 4.1 Electrocardiogram with sinus tachycardia.FIGURE 4.2 Flow diagram for heat injury.FIGURE 4.3 Flow diagram for jellyfish envenomation.FIGURE 4.4 Flow diagram for high‐altitude pulmonary edema.

      5 Chapter 5FIGURE 5.1 Pediatric computed tomography head slice showing intracerebral he...FIGURE 5.2 Factor replacement.FIGURE 5.3 Flow diagram of intracranial hemorrhage in patient with hemophili...FIGURE 5.4 Electrocardiogram showing sinus tachycardia.FIGURE 5.5 Chest x‐ray (normal).FIGURE 5.6 Computed tomography head slice (normal).FIGURE 5.7 Flow diagram of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.FIGURE 5.8 Electrocardiogram showing peaked T waves.FIGURE 5.9 Chest x‐ray (normal).FIGURE 5.10 Flow diagram of tumor lysis syndrome.

      6 Chapter 6FIGURE 6.1 X‐ray chest post‐intubation.FIGURE 6.2 Angioedema lip swelling.FIGURE 6.3 Flow diagram for angioedema.FIGURE 6.4 Flow diagram for pediatric anaphylaxis.FIGURE 6.5 X‐ray anteroposterior knee.FIGURE 6.6 X‐ray lateral knee.FIGURE 6.7 Flow diagram for reactive arthritis.

      7 Chapter 7FIGURE 7.1 Chest x‐ray with scattered opacities.FIGURE 7.2 Abdominal x‐ray (normal).FIGURE 7.3 Post‐intubation chest x‐ray demonstrating appropriate endotrachea...FIGURE 7.4 Electrocardiogram with sinus tachycardia and short PR interval.FIGURE 7.5 Flow diagram for sepsis.FIGURE 7.6 Chest x‐ray preintubation, demonstrating bilateral streaking.FIGURE 7.7 Post‐intubation chest x‐ray.FIGURE 7.8 Computed tomography

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