Aristocrat and a servant in the world of magic. Рамиль Латыпов

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Aristocrat and a servant in the world of magic - Рамиль Латыпов

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my disciple has deigned to come.

      – Yes teacher.

      «I hear they’re sending you to the academy to study. A famous place, I studied there myself. Although a long time ago.

      «There will be a lesson today or not. I have to pack my things and go to my mother’s grave.

      «No, there won’t be any lessons. Drink this potion as always and you can be free.

      – Yes teacher. – I drank the red potion like I did all the days of training before. What he didn’t tell me about them. He only said that it would help for the growth of magic.

      «The academy has rules. Observe them. Do not join sects and cults, you will not find strength in them anyway, but there are problems. There are four streams. Strong magicians go to the «Red Squad», weaker ones to the «Blue». Who has little magic «Yellow». And you’ll go to the White House with almost no magic. Everyone laughs at him, but don’t be offended. Study hard and you will be able to move up a rank. I myself was in «yellow» at first, but by the end of training I became «blue». You won’t get to red for sure. No matter how hard you try. Only the elite study there. Sons of kings and rich men.

      «No, I’ll be the strongest and earn enough money to buy Martha out.

      «Ah, you finally understand your feelings for her, but it seems too late. Don’t waste any time here, go talk to her. Say goodbye. Leave good memories of yourself. You’re not going back to this house.

      – And what will you do next as a teacher?

      «The Count will keep me with him. After all, I keep him sane with my potions. You were born because of my love potions. ha-ha. He laughed. «Run faster.

      I hugged him and ran to find Martha. Over the years, we’ve become friends. The maid was waiting for me in my room, just as I thought, packing up my things. She’s so beautiful today. A sense of longing came over me. I was beginning to miss her.

      «Master, what kind of things will you take?» Your father gave me permission to take only one suitcase of things. And all your things are much more.

      «Leave it to me. Don’t even call me by my first name. I hesitated as she came right up to me, brushing the fluff off my robe.

      – Claudius. She said in a languid voice. – I’m sorry to break up so suddenly. We’re childhood friends.

      «You’re more than a friend to me.

      «I don’t understand.»

      «I will buy you out of slavery and you can live with me.»

      «Don’t worry. Live your life. I can handle it here. Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes.

      «You’re lying. I see. I love you, and you love me too. I will definitely find the money.

      «Don’t worry. She hugged me.«We can’t be together. Even though I love you too. I’m a slave.

      «I don’t care who you are. I was a slave myself before, but then the count recognized me. I’ll set you free. I said, and began to cry myself. She pulled away.

      «Here, take this pebble. I found it in the river, behind the forest. It was a power crystal, I realized. But it broke down a long time ago. It doesn’t cost anything. But he’s the only thing I have of my own. Slaves have no property of their own.

      «I will keep it as my most precious treasure. «I took the stone.

      «And a special gift from me.» Which I can still give you. She kissed me lightly on the cheek. It was so nice. «Let’s get ready, I still have to clean the house.» Otherwise, the butler Pavel will skin me.

      «Yes, he can. I know that.

      So we started packing. When I was done, I left the castle. How old and decrepit he is. The gardener has long been eaten by magic slugs, so no one cares for him. I walked on and on, following the familiar path. I reached the small chapel of the Religion of Light.

      «Hello, parishioner. Honey agarics are you going to see your mother? Angel, a small, hundred-year-old man with wings and pince-nez, asked.

      – Good day and light to you, Shepherd Dolen. I bowed in the characteristic manner of the religion of Light. My father kept his parish for the castle. It is obvious that he has many sins, because he sat with the angel in the confessional almost every day at night. Maybe he also got a maid mistress. There are also rumors about the castle. – Yes, I’m going to my mother. I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ll go to the academy to study.

      «Your father talked to me about it. He only wants what’s best for you.

      «Yes, I know. – Of course not. He only does it for his own sake. He wants to see absolute nobles. Their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, not me, a half-breed. Your own sin.

      «I, the shepherd of Light, absolve you of all your sins. Go into the world with Light in your soul. He said, and made a circle around my face.

      «Thank you, Father. I said, though I never believed in this heresy. If there is Light, why is there so much evil and injustice in the world?

      «Go in peace. Tell your mother I said hi. I’ll keep an eye on her grave.» Rest assured.

      I bowed to him and went to my mother’s grave. Although he recognized me as his son, he did not release her from slavery. Therefore, she is buried behind a maple tree, in a modest grave with a small gravestone with the inscription «Greta the slave of Count Knut and the years of her life». The ceremony of her burial was modest. The Count didn’t say a word on it. But I brought flowers every day. Other flowers are next to mine. Martha must have brought them, too. Only that’s how she tied the rope. For three loops. Warmth surrounded my body. I felt that my mother was there.

      «Hey, Mom. I came to see you today for the last time. I sat down by her rock and put my hand on it. – I’m being kicked out of my house. But don’t worry, I’ll go to the academy. I’ll become a magician or an official. I wanted to take Martha with me. I picked up her flowers. They smell of it. «But my father forbade it. The price for her freedom is three hundred gold dal. He will send me five gold pieces a month. Sixty gold pieces a year. In five years, three hundred. But I don’t have to buy anything for myself. Whether I can handle it. This is a check from him. After all, in the slave market, I can buy ten people like her. And maybe even better. «I was thinking a little. Ten female slaves. How nice it would be to come home with ten girls waiting for you. Especially ready for anything just order. Unlike Martha, who, once free, can simply go to another person. After all, she will be free. «Time changes people,» my mother always said. «Mom, should I save her?» She can be happy with someone else. Five years is a long time. What should I do? I need you so badly right now. – I didn’t cry. Let her remember me as strong. «Bye, Mom.»

      I got up, brushed my robe and trousers off the ground, and walked towards the castle. The rain was falling mercilessly, but I didn’t notice it. When the shepherd saw me leave, he just waved his hand. What a vile man. Everyone is mean. I hate this vile world. Maybe Martha doesn’t love me, just doesn’t want to be a slave, that’s all. I saw an opportunity, so it works. Before that, I received zero attention. And now, when I found out that I wanted to release her directly, I began to kiss her. Or maybe he could just ignore her and buy a beautiful slave at the Academy of Miracles for thirty gold coins. And how much fun I’ll have with her. These thoughts disappeared as soon as I saw her in the window. She’s the one I want to be with until I die. I love her. My heart began to beat faster. My breath caught in my throat. She’s just cleaning the window, that’s all. She’s a slave here. But it turns out that she is also my slave right now. I’ve never thought of it that way. Whatever I tell her to do, she will do today.

      «Maid Martha, come to me. I shouted. When she saw me, her face changed and she began to smile.«I command

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