Bridge – unique technology of business. How to become the most successful in the Real Estate market with support project “Indvizh”. Valentin Frost

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Bridge – unique technology of business. How to become the most successful in the Real Estate market with support project “Indvizh” - Valentin Frost

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specialist reads these lines, he still performs the same actions every day, namely, he searches for sources of potential customers: sellers, buyers, intermediaries.

      And you, my future partner, most likely know such a thing as lead. If not, then keep the information:

      A target lead is a potential customer who, in one way or another, reacted to the selling communication.

      The term “lead” is used to designate a potential buyer, contact with him, received for the further work.

      In Russian, the expression “a customer who has shown interest” is closest to it.

      The term “lead” is used in management theory to describe the methods and practices used to engage new potential customers, and the methods of building communications that allow generating the interest of potential customers are called “lead generation”. Thus, lead generation in this business is a communication technology aimed at engaging new potential customers and selling the services to them.

      And since we have plunged into the world of technology, I propose to get acquainted with the concept that will firmly enter into your daily activities.

      Prospecting – the activities to engage potential customers.

      Prospecting is not limited to calling potential buyers and sellers.

      To be effective, it must be a planned and sequential process. If we project prospecting onto our project, then it will be constant presentations in the real estate agencies, webinars, communication with agents, customers, posting ads.

      Take the time to prospect!

      The main difference between the prospecting of the “Bridge-INDVIZH” project and the usual prospecting is that here the search is aimed at creating partnerships, searching for partners.

      In order not to “break down” after a month of work in a new sphere for you (and this is absolutely a new sphere), you need to plan your time, allocate a sufficient part of it to find and engage partners and customers. In the long-term prospective, those of you who can build the “bridge” will win customers based on your reputation and referrals. And that’s exactly what they will be able to reduce the amount of time allocated for prospecting. However, when you first develop your project, you need to learn different ways to search.

      Search is a system process, not a single event.

      Let’s look at the example again (real estate analytics of the north and analytics of the south).

      You and I have a clear understanding of the real estate market and investments in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities in the north of Russia (here we mean all Russian cities outside the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea) and understanding of the investment flows of the Black Sea cities. Therefore, prospecting should be directed in two directions. The south side is to search for projects and the north side is to search for partners. Everything is extremely simple. Investors and buyers in the north should be aware of the great deals in the south, and that’s why you connect both sides. And for the search to become effective, find partners continuously and systematically!

      One of the methods to encourage investors and partners to cooperate is to give them something they find valuable. Pass on the information! This is called direct response marketing. Create an offer to receive important information for a partner or investor that they simply want to receive. But remember: the information must be really important, and your offer must be convincing. And I believe that the analytics of the markets of the north and south will become that most valuable information. Keep connecting with them. Business contacts, like any other, are based on whether people like and trust each other. In order for the relationship to be of value to the investor and partner, place them in your favor. To do this, keep them interested by continuing to give useful information in small doses. And your personal qualities will help to please and be remembered. For example, a sense of humor.

      We build a system of sequential actions:

      The only guarantee of a growing business and financial independence is a stable flow of leads.

      Daily prospecting:

      Daily mailing of messages; holding at least three webinars per week; at least three streams on the YouTube channel; daily meetings and negotiations with interested parties; at least 40 quality calls per day. Here it is necessary to clarify what “quality calls” means. This means that you have reached a potential customer or partner at least forty times a day. You also already understood that you need to start a YouTube channel. Use all possible types of prospecting.

      However, it is better to start with your environment.

      Perhaps you know about 100 people (the “method of a hundred”) whom you see from time to time. And, of course, you have family, friends, old acquaintances, neighbors and even a hairdresser with whom you meet regularly. All these people are the basis for the generating a sales funnel. Create a database of people you keep in touch with. Gather the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of all people who know you. At this stage, you need to quickly collect the database and then start working with it sequentially.

      First step: announce to everyone that you are the leader of the “Bridge” project, working in a large inter-regional network.

      Second step: convince your sphere of influence that you know how to earn one million rubles per a month.

      During the first 30 days in business, contact each contact six times. After this period, get in touch at least once a month. To optimize your activities, create an Excel table for entering data. Enter in the table the data of all relatives, friends, friends of relatives, acquaintances, neighbors. Let them know that you are now creating projects to engage investment in apartment real estate and business projects based on apart-hotels. Ask them to tell other people about it – for example, at work. Notification methods can be different: personal conversations, phone call, SMS.

      Forming your sphere of environment involves working with all contacts. Family and friends are no exception. Everyone should know what you are doing. Remind yourself constantly!

      Networking (from networking – lit. “network weaving”: net – “network” + work – “work”; “useful connections”) is a social activity aimed at ensuring that, with the help of friends and acquaintances or people who have connections in one sphere or another, to solve problems as quickly as possible.

      When you first enter this project, you have time. Use it wisely. Get noticed by as many decision makers as possible. Join any public organizations and groups. There are many professions closely related to real estate and investment. Arbitrators, lawyers, mortgage brokers, specialists in lending departments, architects, surveyors, cadastral engineers can become good sources of information.

      Thus, networking is a good way to build professional connections and expand your funnel.

      Create the table for input data:

      ▪ Last name

      ▪ Name

      ▪ Surname

      ▪ Telephone number

      ▪ Result of negotiations

      The table should provide for the possibility of including all the information necessary for the work and making comments on the work done for each contact.

      A. An example of the initial appeal to your environment:

      – (Name), as you may know, I’m developing projects (known through your social network). I am in charge of the project to engage investment in apart-hotels on the Black Sea coast.

      Get feedback.

      – What is the meaning of this project? – There is a huge number of large real estate objects on the market that have been put up for sale

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