The Deceased speak out. Dieter Scharnhorst

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The Deceased speak out - Dieter Scharnhorst

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      1.Case study

      Most people say:

      "I believe in one God, I will see everything else after my death, and I will continue to have no thoughts and live no life as Christ lived it. Furthermore, they are not prepared to leave the earthly world as suddenly as is explained in the following article, which was transmitted through the media:

      Spirit of God: With this case study I tell of a soul that as a human being believed in God, but did not lead a truly pious life. This man, with the name Martin, was called out of this world together with four other friends by an accidental death.

      After the five people had been killed in a car accident, they saw a strange figure standing before them, who told them that they were dead. They did not want to believe the words of the stranger, since they were in their right mind and had a living body. But the strange being said:

      "Look here, your earthly body is trapped in your car."

      Then they began to think, and one of them asked:

      "Is it true? Are we really dead? I can't believe it, because we are alive! "

      That's what everyone said. But when they saw their dead bodies, they thought about the words of the stranger more carefully and then they asked this being:

      "Have we arrived at the realm of the dead?"

      This one answered:

      "You are not in the realm of the dead, but in the realm of God."

      "But we died as you say", replied the one, "so we are in the realm of the dead. And again the strange being said:

      "You are in the realm of the living. They just could not understand the meaning of these words yet, but their attention was already drawn to other things. Now they saw people coming to the scene of the accident and heard it from their mouths that they were all dead.

      Now the five deceased began to slowly realize that they were really dead to those around them.

      "Are we truly in another world? " they asked themselves.

      "We see people, but to them we seem to be no longer there. What shall we do now? We are told that we are now in the realm of the living, but we are strangers there.

      Now the five deceased turned to this strange being and inquired what should happen to them now that they were now completely penniless and who would take care of them. The stranger replied:

      "Wait a while, they will take care of you."

      It did not take long indeed, when five beautiful looking spirits approached them, and each one took care of one of these departed ones.

      One of the beings also turned to Martin of whom I spoke at the beginning and of whom I now want to speak especially.

      "'You will now meet your parents', the beautiful being said, 'they are also in the spiritual world. We informed them immediately that you have entered the spiritual world so unexpectedly, and then your sister will also come here to your reception'.

      Then the returnee answered:

      "I don't remember having a sister. I didn't have a sister." But the angel who took care of him contradicted him:

      "Yes, you did have a sister, but she died when she was a month old." "Maybe now you remember that your mother told you about this beautiful child."

      He could truly remember again, and the angel continued: "Your sister will take special care of you, and your parents will confirm that it is she."

      They stayed in the place where the five had died. So it seemed to this man who had returned home, but a feeling told him that they were no longer very close, but he could not calculate the distance, it seemed so strange to him. But already his parents came up to him, greeted him and expressed their surprise that he had entered the spiritual world so unexpectedly fast. Afterwards they also expressed their concern that the divine world would certainly not completely agree with his life. They would have educated him religiously, but he would not have lived as a pious man. While the parents were still talking with their former bodily son, his sister joined them. She had a wonderful, angelic appearance. The parents were delighted at the sight of their former child. The sister had also shaken hands with her brother and said:

      "I am your sister who died young. I enjoyed my whole education under the angels of heaven, divine education was given to me"

      The parents of this angelic being rejoiced when they heard these words. When they then had to give up their little daughter, their grief was very great.

      Therefore their joy was all the greater now, for this angelic being had now become an intercessory angel for her and her Son. Other acquaintances had come to greet her, and the newcomer also had to hear it from them:

      "Yes, you are now in eternity and life continues here after earthly death. You see, we all have life, but not in the same place. Our position here is different. This world is very large. Everyone finds his place in it, partly a specially chosen, wonderful place to live, partly also a very modest one, according to the life he has lived.

      This returned soul only had to be astonished that life really continues after death, because as a human being she hadn't thought much about it all her life. But now Martin became restless, for now he suddenly had to think of his wife and two children. What would his wife do now, so suddenly alone with the children? How would she make a living? So he was plagued by worries. But immediately the parents promised to help her as much as they could. But his bodily sister, who had now become an angelic being, said

      "I will take care of her as much as I can."

      And she added that the younger child was sickly and needed not only earthly but also spiritual care and that she would take special care of him in the future because she had the possibility to supply the child with spiritual powers so that it would become healthy and strong. The one who had returned home could not really understand these words of consolation. But when the parents had to say goodbye again, his sister continued to teach him and spoke:

      "I will be your intercessor and I will accompany you now to those high spirits of heaven who will judge all those who come home. We will go to such angels of judgment, and I will pray especially for you."

      At these words the brother became anxious; he had not yet considered that angels of God might judge him. Now, his sister told him many things about his life. Also about the injustices he had committed, as well as about his lukewarm faith and many other things that were not acceptable to the divine world and with which he had burdened himself. The brother had to find out that his sister had been informed about him in every detail, and he asked in astonishment:

      "How is it possible that you know all these things?"

      She replied:

      "I have always visited my family members and taken an interest in them. I have sometimes gone to this and that, strengthening them and bringing blessings, but I have also tried to prevent many a misfortune. She lamented that this was not always possible for her, but she always showed interest in her parents and in him and his whole family. Then she added:

      "I will now pray for you with the high spirits of heaven."

      She took her brother by the hand and went on a long journey with him. It went over large fields, and it seemed to him that this path would never end, for it was a wasteland that they walked through together. She comforted him:

      "It will be different, you will be allowed to rejoice, but what we are now covering step by step are your missteps in life, steps that have been fruitless. You had a faith, but it was not so strong that it led you to any good works or that it would have brought you to a better life. It is a pity that your faith was not stronger. And you did not seriously believe in Christ either. You may have celebrated the Christian holidays with them, but without asking about Christ, and so you will now have to be taught all these things of faith in this world.

      So they walked the long, boring road together until they came to a tent

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