Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR. Hans Ulrich Kriens

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Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR - Hans Ulrich Kriens

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(message type designator)

      AS Altostratus

      ASC Ascent to or ascending to

      ASDA Accelerate stop distance available

      A-SMR Advanced Surface Movement Radar

      ASPH Asphalt

      ASR Airport surveillance radar

      ATA Actual time of arrival

      ATC Air traffic control

      ATD Actual time of departure

      ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management

      ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service

      ATMC Airspace and traffic management centre

      ATS Air traffic service

      ATTN Attention

      ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone

      AUG August

      AUW All up weight

      AVBL Available

      AVGAS Aviation gasoline

      AWY Airway

      AZ Azimuth station

      AZM Azimuth


      B Blue

      BA Braking action

      BASE Cloud base

      BCFG Fog patches

      BCN Beacon (aeronautical ground light)

      BCST Broadcast

      BDRY Boundary

      BECMG Becoming

      BKN Broken

      BLDG Building

      BLO Below clouds

      BLSN Blowing snow

      BLW Below …

      BR Mist

      BRG Bearing

      BRKG Braking

      BS Commercial broadcasting station

      BTL Between layers

      BTN Between


      C Centre (Runway identification)

      C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade)

      CAT Category

      CAT Clear air turbulance

      CAVOK Visibility, cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions (in Europe: visibility more than 10 km, no clouds below 5000 ft, no precipitation, no cb, no drifting snow, no sandstorm

      CB Cumulonimbus

      CC Cirrocumulus

      CD Candela

      CEST Central European Summertime

      CET Central European Time

      CEU-W Central Executive Unit West

      CFM Confirm or I confirm

      CH Channel

      CHG Modification message

      CI Cirrus

      CIV Civil

      CLR Clear or cleared to or clearance

      CLSD Closed

      Cm Centimetre(s)

      CMPL Completion or completed or complete

      CNL Cancel or cancelled

      CNL Flight plan cancellation message

      COM Communications


      CONC Concrete

      COND Condition

      CONST Construction or constructed

      CONT Continue or continued

      COORD Corrdinates

      COP Change-over point

      COR Correct or corrected or correction

      COV Cover or covered or covering

      CPL Current flight plan message

      CRAM Conditional routes available message

      CS Call sign

      CS Cirrostratus

      CTA Control area

      CTL Control

      CTN Caution

      CTR Control zone

      CU Cumulus

      CUST Customs

      CVFR Controlled VFR flight

      CW Continuous wave

      CWY Clearway


      “d” Thickness of flexible pavement (replaced by PCN)

      D… Danger area (followed by identification)

      DA Decision altitude

      DEC December

      DEG Degrees

      DEP Depart or departure

      DEP Departure message

      DER Departure end of runway

      DES Descend to or descending to

      DEST Destination

      DETRESFA Distress phase

      DF Direction Finder

      DH Decision height

      DIST Distance

      DLA Delay message

      DLA Delay or delayed

      DME Distance measuring equipment

      DNG Danger or dangerous

      DOF Date of flight

      DP Dew point temperature

      DR Dead reckoning

      DRG During

      DRSN Drifting snwo

      DTAM Descend to and maintain

      DTG Date-time group

      DTRT Deteriorate or deteriorating

      DTW Dual tandem wheels

      DUR Duration

      DVOR Doppler VOR

      DVORTAC Doppler VOR and TACAN

      DW Dual wheels

      DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst

      DZ Drizzle


      E East or eastern longitude

      EAT Expected approach time

      EEE Error

      EET Estimated elapse time

      EFAS Electronic flash approach light system

      EHF Extremely high frequency (30000 to 300000 MHz

      EL Elevation station

      ELEV Elevation

      ELT Emergency locator transmitter

      EM Emission

      EMBD Embedded

      EMERG Emergency


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