Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth. Adrian Becker

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Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth - Adrian Becker

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dental development vis‐à‐vis the above hypothetical mean. Whether or not the evaluated tooth has actually erupted is entirely irrelevant to this equation.

      1 If the mandibular central incisor roots are complete, we may presume that the patient is at least 9 years old (dental age), i.e. this figure is derived from 6 years (the normal age of eruption as determined by two‐thirds root length development), with the addition of 2.5–3 years to apexification.

      2 We may then proceed and check for closed apices of the first molars (9–9.5 years).

      3 At 9.5 years, the mandibular lateral incisors roots will have completely developed.

      4 The next teeth in the expected eruption series are the maxillary central incisors, whose closed apices would indicate a dental age of 10 years.

      5 Because their rate of development is variable, it would be wise to bypass the assessment of the maxillary lateral incisors at this point in the diagnostic process and move on to examine the later teeth.

      6 Apexification of the mandibular canines and first premolars (12–13 years).

      7 Thereafter, the maxillary first premolars (13–14 years).

      8 In common with the maxillary lateral incisors, the mandibular second premolars are also developmentally variable teeth and their assessment should also be bypassed for the present calculation.

      9 Next there are the maxillary canines (14–15 years).

      10 The final stage of development relates to the four second molars (15 years).

9 years Mandibular central incisors
9–9.5 years First molars and mandibular lateral incisors
10 years Maxillary central incisors
11 years Maxillary lateral incisors
12–13 years Mandibular canines
13–14 years Maxillary first premolars
14–15 years Second premolars and maxillary canines
15 years Second molars
Photo depcits the root apices that are closed in all first molars, all mandibular and three of the maxillary incisors, excluding the left lateral incisor. Canine and premolar apices are open. Photo depcits no closed apices. Dental age assessment 7–7.5 years.

      By way of illustration, at a dental age of 6 years the length of the roots of the mandibular central incisors and the first permanent molars will be seen to be one‐half to two‐thirds developed. Confirmation of this will come from a comparison, which may be made with the development stage reached by the other teeth, where one would anticipate that unerupted maxillary central incisors will have reached one‐half root length, mandibular canines one‐third root length, first premolars one‐quarter root length, and so on.

      As already noted, however, variations do occur, particularly with maxillary lateral incisors, mandibular second premolars or third molars. This may lead to certain apparent contradictions. It is therefore recommended to exclude consideration of these teeth when making the relevant assessments and thereby not only simplifying the process, but also contributing to the accuracy of the resulting assessment.

      In addition, as stated above, early development of these teeth in relation to the development of the remainder of the dentition does not appear to occur. Indeed, individual variability is expressed only in terms of degrees of lateness. Accordingly, the developmental status of these teeth is available as corroborative evidence for the determination of dental age, but only if their own developmental stage is shown to be in line with the remainder of the dentition.

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