Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth. Adrian Becker

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Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth - Adrian Becker

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standing teeth in cross‐section, thereby providing bucco‐lingual positional information on the tooth and any associated structures in a plane at right angles to that seen on the periapical radiograph. Due to the thickness of bone traversed, detail is much poorer, unless there is expansion owing to a large cyst or a bucco‐lingually displaced tooth.

Schematic illustration of the angle of the central ray in a true occlusal view of the lower jaw depends on the area of interest.

      Source: Reproduced from previous edition. Adrian Becker, The Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth, 2nd ed., 2007 with the kind permission of Informa Healthcare – Books.

      In order to produce a true occlusal view in the anterior region of the mandibular arch (Figure 4.1), the head will need to be tipped back further and the tube pointed at the symphysis menti, at an angle of 110° to the occlusal plane, in line with the long axes of the incisor teeth. To achieve the same for the molar teeth, the 90° angle to the occlusal plane will need to be augmented by a 15° medial tilt of the tube, to compensate for the characteristic slight lingual tipping of these teeth [3]. This means that, ideally, the radiograph should be performed individually for each side, in order to capture each molar in its long axis and its true occlusal view.

      Maxillary arch

      Maxillary anterior occlusal

Schematic illustration of an incisor inclination, receptor position and central X-ray beam, differentiating the periapical view, the anterior (oblique) occlusal view and the true vertex occlusal view.

      Source: Reproduced from previous edition. Adrian Becker, The Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth, 2nd ed., 2007 with the kind permission of Informa Healthcare – Books.

      True (vertex) occlusal

      A true (vertex) occlusal 2D view of the anterior maxilla [4] needs a very long exposure time and it is for this reason that the method has never been popular. It is therefore almost with a collective sigh of relief among professionals that the method has been totally superseded by the introduction of volumetric cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) scanning. The CBCT imaging modality, which can give much more information with little or no increase in radiation dosage, is discussed towards the end of this chapter.

       Extra‐oral radiographs

      The panoramic view, while not showing detail to the same degree as a periapical radiograph, has the advantage of simply and quickly offering a good scan of teeth and jaws, from the temporo‐mandibular (TM) joint on one side to the TM joint on the other. It is probably true to say that today orthodontists are in general agreement that this radiograph gives the most qualitative information to act as a starting point from which to proceed to other forms of radiography, in line with the demands of the particular situation in any given case.

      In view of these and other shortcomings, these cases are now diagnosed and treatment planned using CBCT imaging and the only extra‐oral radiographs still in use, to complement panoramic radiographs, are the lateral and PA cephalometric projections.

       Three‐dimensional diagnosis of tooth position

Photos depict (a) the periapical view shows an impacted left maxillary central incisor, due to an inverted, unerupted, supernumerary tooth. (b) The anterior maxilla seen on a lateral cephalometric radiograph shows the high impacted central incisor (arrow) and its bucco-lingual location, facing the labial vestibular sulcus. (c) The parallel intra-oral photographic view at surgical exposure.

      Courtesy of Dr D. Harary.

       Parallax method

      1 A

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