Life in the Open Ocean. Joseph J. Torres

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Life in the Open Ocean - Joseph J. Torres

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of the penaeid shrimp, Trachypenaeus cons...Figure 7.33 Illustrations of nine important species of euphausiids drawn to ...Figure 7.34 External morphology of an euphausiid.Figure 7.35 Euphausiid appendages. (a) Thoracic limb of Euphausia superba. (...Figure 7.36 Longitudinal section through the bi‐lobed eye of Stylocheiron lo...Figure 7.37 Spectral characteristics of the eyes and luminescence of euphaus...Figure 7.38 Abdominal photophores of (a) Euphausia sp. and (b) Stylocheiron ...Figure 7.39 Abbreviated sequence of larval development in euphausiids using ...Figure 7.40 Dendrobranchiate reproduction. Dendrobranch female reproductive ...Figure 7.41 Development of sinking eggs of Euphausia superba in shelf and oc...Figure 7.42 The feeding basket of Euphausia superba, and the size of common ...Figure 7.43 Vertical distribution profiles of 20 species of euphausiids in t...Figure 7.44 Midwater isolume trawling system for sampling at sonic scatterin...Figure 7.45 Two dawn and dusk examples of the correspondence of an isolume, ...Figure 7.46 Vertical migrations of three discrete scattering layers (A–C) in...Figure 7.47 Diel vertical distribution patterns in krill, non‐krill zooplank...Figure 7.48 Calman's “caridoid facies,” the ancestral shrimp form.Figure 7.49 Decapod external anatomy. (a) Lateral view of a typical caridean...Figure 7.50 Schematic ventral representation of the hepatopancreas and organ...Figure 7.51 Dendrobranch larval stages. (a) First nauplius of Sergia lucens;...Figure 7.52 Caridean larval stages. (a) Caridean egg after teloblast formati...Figure 7.53 Schematic illustration of the diurnal migration of pelagic shrim...Figure 7.54 Vertical distributions of 29 species of midwater decapods and my...Figure 7.55 Diet composition of the dominant decapods and mysids in the east...Figure 7.56 Galatheidae: pelagic squat lobsters. (a) The pelagic red crab Pl...Figure 7.57 Mysid anatomy. (a) Dorsal view of a typical mysid (limbs removed...Figure 7.58 Eucopiid anatomy. A young female Eucopia australis with elongate...Figure 7.59 Lophogastrid anatomy. (a) Internal anatomy of a male lophogastri...Figure 7.60 Lophogastrid and mysid nervous systems. (a) The nerve cord of th...Figure 7.61 Mysid circulation. (a) Principal blood vessels and circulation i...Figure 7.62 Diagrammatic representation of the internal anatomy of a mysid s...Figure 7.63 Size frequency distribution of 4239 individuals of Gnathophausia...Figure 7.64 Growth in size of Gnathophausia ingens from egg through final mo...Figure 7.65 Locomotion in lophogastrids and mysids. (a) Lateral view of the ...Figure 7.66 Swimming in Gnathophausia ingens. (a) Branched appendages of G. ...Figure 7.67 Gammarid amphipod structure. (a) Lateral view of the internal an...Figure 7.68 A comparison of the forms of two common hyperiid amphipods with ...Figure 7.69 Amphipod nervous system. (a) The ventral nerve cord of Gammarus ...Figure 7.70 Luminescence sites (black) in three amphipod species. (a) The ga...Figure 7.71 Digestive system of the hyperiid amphipod Cystisoma. (a) Positio...Figure 7.72 Larval developmental stages of the hyperiid amphipod Vibilia arm...Figure 7.73 Reproduction in the hyperiid amphipod Phronima. (a) Adult Phroni...Figure 7.74 Number of species of amphipods as a function of depth.Figure 7.75 The giant ostracod Gigantocypris. (a) Frontal view of Gigantocyp...Figure 7.76 The pleustonic “blue buoy” barnacle Dosima fascicularis. See col...Figure 7.77 The “giant” copepod Gaussia princeps. Carapace is deep blue in l...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Molluscan classes Caudofoveata, and Solenogastres, formerly subcl...Figure 8.2 Class Monoplacophora. (a) External anatomy of Neopolina galathea,...Figure 8.3 Class Polyplacophora (chitons). (a) Stylized external anatomy of ...Figure 8.4 Class Scaphopoda (tusk or tooth shells). General anatomy of a sty...Figure 8.5 Class Bivalvia. (a) Internal anatomy of a stylized eulamellibranc...Figure 8.6 Class Gastropoda. (a) Internal anatomy of a stylized coil‐shelled...Figure 8.7 Torsion in gastropod molluscs. (a) Hypothetical ancestral snail w...Figure 8.8 The generalized mollusc and its relationship to the four principa...Figure 8.9 Gastropod pharynx. Sagittal section of the head of a prosobranch,...Figure 8.10 Structure of gastropod radulas. (a) Radula of the gastropod Vivi...Figure 8.11 Digestive system of the carnivorous marine snail Murex.Figure 8.12 Circulatory system and circulation pattern in a typical mollusc....Figure 8.13 Anatomy of the periwinkle Littorina littorea. (a) General anatom...Figure 8.14 Monopectinate ctenidia (gills). (a) Single gill filament; (b) wa...Figure 8.15 Heteropod respiration. (a) External anatomy of the atlantid hete...Figure 8.16 Heteropod respiration. (a) Anatomy of Carinaria mediterranea sho...Figure 8.17 Plicate gills. (a) Typical opisthobranch mantle cavity; (b) mant...Figure 8.18 Pneumodermatid (sea angels) respiratory structures. (a) Lateral ...Figure 8.19 Nudibranch respiration. (a) External anatomy (dorsal view) of th...Figure 8.20 Internal anatomy of the Phylliroid nudibranch Phylliroe sp. with...Figure 8.21 Kidney structure in the periwinkle Littorina littorea. (a) View ...Figure 8.22 Cross section through the mantle and shell of a bivalve. The per...Figure 8.23 Heteropod and pteropod shells. (a) Carinaria sp.; (b) Atlanta sp...Figure 8.24 Molluscan nervous system. (a) Nervous system pattern in a genera...Figure 8.25 Heterobranchia nervous system. (a) Anterior portion of the centr...Figure 8.26 Anterior portion of the CNS of the naked pteropod Pneumoderma....Figure 8.27 Sensory organs. (a) Neurosensory cells in the olfactory organ (o...Figure 8.28 Heteropod vision and equilibrium. (a) The heteropod PterotracheaFigure 8.29 Pteropod vision. (a) Section of a tentacle of Cavolina; (b) sect...Figure 8.30 Janthinid snails. (a) Two janthinid snails with bubble floats; (...Figure 8.31 Janthinid reproductive structures. (a) Oligopyrene spermatozoan ...Figure 8.32 Gastropod larvae. (a) Trochophore larva of the limpet Patella sp...Figure 8.33 The atlantid heteropod Oxygyrus inflatus with keeled shell.Figure 8.34 The carinariid heteropod Carinaria lamarcki.Figure 8.35 The pterotracheid heteropod Pterotrachea coronata. (a) Internal ...Figure 8.36 Ventral view of the anterior end of the pterotracheid heteropod Figure 8.37 Heteropod swimming behavior. (a) The pterotracheid heteropod Pte...Figure 8.38 Heteropod vertical distribution. (a) Day–night differences in de...Figure 8.39 Euthecosome pteropods. (a) Anatomy of the euthecosome pteropod C...Figure 8.40 Euthecosome pteropods. (a) Clio sp. with attached hydroids; (b) ...Figure 8.41 The Peraclidae. (a) The shell of Peracle; (b) external anatomy o...Figure 8.42 The Cymbuliidae. (a) Ventral view of Cymbulia with a lateral vie...Figure 8.43 The desmopterid pteropod Desmopterus papilio.Figure 8.44 The swimming cycle in limicinid pteropods showing both power and...Figure 8.45 Shell shapes of cavoliniod pteropods. (a) Cavolinia uncinata; (b...Figure 8.46 Pseudoconch shape and swimming in pseudothecosomes. (a) Pseudoco...Figure 8.47 Pteropod feeding methods. (a) Ciliary feeding in the creseid pte...Figure 8.48 Pteropod feeding webs. (a) Feeding web of Cavolinia uncinata; (b...Figure 8.49 Pteropod reproduction. Composite reproductive anatomy of the her...Figure 8.50 Pteropod reproduction. (a) The ovoviviporous pteropod Limacina i...Figure 8.51 Gymnosome pteropods. (a) External anatomy of Clione limacina; (b...Figure 8.52 The buccal mass of Pneumodermopsis macrochira.Figure 8.53 Gymnosome feeding. (a) Clione limacina feeding on a Limacina hel...Figure 8.54 Gymnosome swimming. (a) Anatomy of the ventral surface of Clione...Figure 8.55 Gymnosome reproduction. (a) Reproductive structures of Clione li...Figure 8.56 Gymnosome larval development. (a) Anatomy of the veliger of Paed...Figure 8.57 Superfamily Hydromyloidea. (a) Hydromyles globulosus; (b) Lagini...Figure 8.58 Aeolid nudibranchs. (a) Anatomy of the glaucid nudibranch Glaucu...Figure 8.59 Nudibranch reproduction. (a) Anatomy of the anterior genital mas...Figure 8.60 The fionid nudibranch Fiona pinnata.Figure 8.61 Fiona pinnata feeding on the gooseneck barnacle Lepas sp.Figure 8.62 The phylliroid nudibranchs. (a) Live specimen of Phylliroe sp. (...Figure 8.63 Feeding in the phylliroid nudibranchs. (a) Phylliroe bucephala w...Figure 8.64 Dorsal aspect of Phylliroe bucephalum showing the widely distrib...Figure 8.65 Reconstruction of the ancestral cephalopod Plectronoceras cambri...Figure 8.66 Cephalopod evolution and lineages.Figure 8.67 Reconstruction of an upper cretaceous belemnoid cephalopod.Figure 8.68 Classification scheme for the class Cephalopoda.Figure 8.69 Basic cephalopod anatomy. (a) Reorganization of the major axes o...Figure 8.70 External morphology of the squid Loligo. (a) Anterior view; (b) ...Figure 8.71 Anatomy of the nautilids. (a) External view of Nautilus sp. (b) ...Figure 8.72 The order Sepiida. (a) The cuttlefish Sepia (family Sepiidae); (...Figure 8.73 The order Spirulida. (a) The Ram's head squid Spirula spirula; (...Figure 8.74 The pigmy squid Idiosepius sp. showing the dorsal adhesive organ...Figure 8.75 Cephalopod tentacular structure. (a) Stalked tentacular sucker w...Figure 8.76 Sepiida anatomy. (a) Generalized internal anatomy of Sepia sp.; ...Figure 8.77 Internal anatomy of Octopus sp.Figure

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