Textbook of Lifestyle Medicine. Labros S. Sidossis
Читать онлайн книгу.and possibly most important, line of defense against noncommunicable diseases, before resorting to prescription drugs with possible side effects.
The book has six distinctive features:
1 It is inclusive of all the major lifestyle factors affecting human health.
2 It has a textbook format and can be used for undergraduate and graduate teaching.
3 It uses the unique and evidence‐based perspective of the traditional Mediterranean lifestyle as the gold standard of a healthy lifestyle. A plethora of scientific evidence supports the notion that the traditional Mediterranean diet/lifestyle is one of the healthiest diet/lifestyle patterns. The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans identify the Healthy Mediterranean‐Style Eating Pattern/Lifestyle as probably the healthiest and easiest to follow.
4 The “Take‐Home Messages” at the end of each chapter denote the most important points of the chapter.
5 The “Key Points” throughout the book help the reader focus on important points.
6 Finally, to assist the reader/student in comprehending the presented material, at the end of each chapter we present a list of “Self‐Assessment Questions” with answers provided in Appendix A.
We hope that this book will become a valuable resource to students in medical and health‐related disciplines, and to health professionals such as nutritionists, exercise physiologists, psychologists, addiction specialists, sleep therapists, athletic trainers, physicians, nurses, and other health professionals who are using or considering using lifestyle changes to prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases. The Clinical Cases section provides specific practical tools to assist with everyday practice in the clinic; the materials presented apply to most noncommunicable diseases of today (e.g., cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, stroke, most cancers, chronic kidney disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis), not only the specific examples we are presenting.
We are indebted to Christina Katsagoni, PhD; Michael Georgoulis, PhD; Elena Bellou, PhD; Anastasia Diolintzi, PhD; Anastasia Papadimitriou, PhD; Glykeria Psarra, PhD; Amalia Sidossis, MD; and Ioanna Katsaroli, MS. These talented young scientists contributed tremendously to this book by offering ideas regarding book format and content, conducting thorough literature reviews, drafting and editing sections or chapters, and offering constructive criticism throughout the writing of this book. Special thank you to Christina and Michael for their invaluable help during the final stages of book editing. We would not be able to do it without them. Ms. Dafni Kyriakou was quick and effective as always in book formatting. We would also like to thank the Wiley team for their dedication and professionalism: James Watson, Anne Hunt, Tom Marriott, Cheryl Ferguson, P. Sathishwaran, and their colleagues. Finally, we would like to thank Sarah Brown for proofreading our book.
Last but not least, we want to thank our families for their continuous love and support.
LABROS S. SIDOSSIS, PHD Princeton, New Jersey, USA
STEFANOS N. KALES, MD, MPH Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Abbreviation List
(F)PG(fasting) plasma glucose(He)FH(heterogenous) familial hypercholesterolemia(hs)CRP(high‐sensitivity) C‐reactive protein(N)REM(non‐)rapid‐eye‐movement(S/D)BP(systolic/diastolic) blood pressure(V)LCD(very) low‐calorie diet(V)LDL(C)(very) low‐density lipoprotein (cholesterol)AACEAmerican Association of Clinical EndocrinologistsACCAmerican College of CardiologyACEAmerican College of EndocrinologyACLMAmerican College of Lifestyle MedicineACSacute coronary syndromeACSMAmerican College of Sports MedicineADAlzheimer’s diseaseADIacceptable daily intakeADPair displacement plethysmographyAHAAmerican Heart AssociationAHIapnea‐hypopnea indexALTalanine transaminaseAPAAmerican Psychological AssociationAPAQAthens Physical Activity QuestionnaireApoapolipoproteinApoBapolipoprotein BARICAtherosclerosis Risk CommunitiesASCVDatherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseATPAdult Treatment PanelBIAbioelectrical impedance analysisBISbioelectrical spectroscopyBMIbody mass indexBMRbasal metabolic rateBPblood pressureBWbody weightCBTcognitive–behavioral therapyCDCCenters for Disease Control and PreventionCEcholesterol estersCETPcholesterol ester transfer proteinCFGChinese Food GuideCGcontrol groupCHDcoronary heart diseaseCHNSChina Health and Nutrition SurveyCKDchronic kidney diseaseCLOCKcircadian locomotor output cycles kaputCMchylomicronCNScentral nervous systemCOPDchronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCRDchronic respiratory diseaseCTcomputed tomographyCVDcardiovascular diseaseDALYDisability-Adjusted Life YearsDASHDietary Approaches to Stop HypertensionDASH-CFDASH with chicken and fishDASH-PDASH with lean porkDEXAdual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometryDHAdocosahexaenoic acidEAPCEuropean Association of Preventive CardiologyEASEuropean Atherosclerosis SocietyEATEating Among TeensEEGelectroencephalographeGFRestimated glomerular filtration rateEPAenergy required for physical activityEPAenergy required for physical activityEPIC-NLEuropean Prospective Investigation into Cancer and NutritionEPIDIAREpidemiology of Diabetes and RamadanESCEuropean Society of CardiologyEVOOextra-virgin olive oilFDAFood and Drug AdministrationFFAfree fatty acidsFFQfood frequency questionnaireFTOfat-mass obesityGDMgestational diabetes mellitusGDSGeriatric Depression ScaleGIglycemic indexGLglycemic loadGWASgenome‐wide association studyHbA1cglycated/glycosylated hemoglobinHDL(C)high‐density lipoprotein (cholesterol)HEIHealthy Eating IndexHFheart failureHF-DASHhigh-fat DASHHLhepatic lipaseHOMA‐IRHomeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin ResistanceHPAhypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenalHPVhuman papilloma virusHRheart rateHRQoLhealth‐related quality of lifeHRRheart rate reserveIDFInternational Diabetes FederationIDL(C)intermediate‐density lipoprotein (cholesterol)IHDischemic heart diseaseIHMEInstitute for Health Metrics and EvaluationIL-1βinterleukin-1βIL-6interleukin-6IL-18interleukin-18IMTintima‐media thicknessIOOCInternational Olive Oil CorporationIPAQInternational Physical Activity QuestionnaireIRinsulin resistanceISAACInternational Study on Allergies and Asthma in ChildhoodLCDlow-calorie dietLDLlow-density lipoproteinLp(a)lipoprotein aLPLlipoprotein lipaseMCImild cognitive impairmentMDGMediterranean diet groupMedDMediterranean dietMedLMediterranean lifestyleMESTmesoderm-specific transcriptMETmetabolic equivalent of taskMetSmetabolic syndromeMImotivational interviewingMImyocardial infarctionMLGMediterranean lifestyle groupMRImagnetic resonance imagingMRSmagnetic resonance spectroscopyMUFAmonounsaturated fatty acidNAFLDnonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseNASHnonalcoholic steatohepatitisNCDnoncommunicable diseaseNCEPNational Cholesterol Education ProgramNEATnonexercise activity thermogenesisNEFAsnon-esterified fatty acidsNHLBINational Heart, Lung and Blood InstituteNHSNurses’ Health StudyNICENational Institute for Health and Care ExcellenceNIHNational Institutes of HealthNSFNational Sleep FoundationNWINational Wellness InstituteOGTToral glucose tolerance testOSAobstructive sleep apneaPAphysical activityPAEphysical activity expenditurePCAprincipal component analysisPCOSpolycystic ovary syndromePCPprimary care physicianPDParkinson’s diseasePFphysical fitnessPKUphenylketonuriaPLphospholipidPREDIMEDPrevencion con Dieta MediterraneaPSQIPittsburgh Sleep Quality IndexPSSPerceived Stress ScalePUFApolyunsaturated fatty acidQoLquality of lifeRArheumatoid arthritisRCTrandomized controlled trialREEresting energy expenditureREMrapid eye movementROSreactive oxygen speciesRPErating of perceived exertionSASZung Self-Rating Anxiety ScaleSCNsuprachiasmatic nucleusSCORESystematic Coronary Risk EvaluationSCSSeven Countries StudySENECASurvey in Europe on Nutrition and the Elderly Concerted ActionSFAsaturated fatty acidSNPsingle‐nucleotide polymorphismSTPsystolic blood pressureSUNSeguimiento Universidad de NavarraT1/2DMtype 1/2 diabetes mellitusTAGtriacylglycerolTCtotal cholesterolTEEtotal energy expenditureTEFthermic effect of foodTFAtrans fatty acidTGtriglycerides/triacylglycerolsTIAtransient ischemic attackTLCTherapeutic Lifestyle ChangesTNF-αtumor necrosis factor-αTRLtriglyceride‐rich lipoproteinULSAMUppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult MenUNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUSDAUnited States Department of AgricultureVO2maxmaximal aerobic capacityVOOvirgin olive oilWCwaist circumferenceWELLWellbeing, Eating and Exercise for a Long LifeWHOWorld Health Organization
CHAPTER 1 Basic Concepts: Health, Wellness, and Lifestyle
Day by day, what you