Shear's Cysts of the Oral and Maxillofacial Regions. Paul M. Speight
Читать онлайн книгу.the contiguous root o...Figure 5.14 A cyst envelops the crown of a lower third molar, and on radiolo...Figure 5.15 An inflammatory dentigerous cyst. The crown of the developing fi...Figure 5.16 (a) A radicular cyst associated with a deciduous mandibular seco...Figure 5.17 Radiograph of a unilocular ameloblastoma that appears to be in a...Figure 5.18 A dentigerous cyst and the associated tooth, in this case a cani...Figure 5.19 A low‐power view of a decalcified section of a dentigerous cyst ...Figure 5.20 The wall of a dentigerous cyst lined by a thin epithelium of two...Figure 5.21 The wall of a dentigerous cyst, composed of loose myxoid fibrous...Figure 5.22 An inflamed region of a dentigerous cyst wall, lined by hyperpla...Figure 5.23 A portion of the lining of a dentigerous cyst shows mucous metap...
5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Eruption cysts involving both maxillary permanent incisors.Figure 6.2 Histological features of an eruption cyst. The surface epithelium...
6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Age distribution of 1007 odontogenic keratocysts diagnosed in She...Figure 7.2 The approximate site distribution of odontogenic keratocysts (see...Figure 7.3 A small odontogenic keratocyst. Radiology shows a well‐demarcated...Figure 7.4 (a) Radiograph of an odontogenic keratocyst that is unilocular bu...Figure 7.5 A large keratocyst at the angle and ramus of the mandible. This c...Figure 7.6 A large odontogenic keratocyst. (a) A conventional radiograph sho...Figure 7.7 An odontogenic keratocyst that has enveloped an unerupted tooth a...Figure 7.8 Sagittal computed tomography (CT) scans of odontogenic keratocyst...Figure 7.9 A coronal computed tomography (CT) scan enables accurate visualis...Figure 7.10 Coronal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing the lobularity ...Figure 7.11 A well‐demarcated unilocular radiolucency in the ascending ramus...Figure 7.12 Islands and cords of epithelium in the oral mucosa overlying an ...Figure 7.13 The hedgehog signalling pathway. (a) In the absence of ligand bi...Figure 7.14 (a) Ki‐67 and (b) proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expr...Figure 7.15 Low‐power scans of two odontogenic keratocysts. The lining of th...Figure 7.16 Characteristic features of the odontogenic keratocyst. (a) The l...Figure 7.17 A high‐power view shows reversal of nuclear polarity in the epit...Figure 7.18 Satellite cysts and epithelial islands in the wall of odontogeni...Figure 7.19 (a–d) Hyperplasia of the epithelial lining and budding of the ba...Figure 7.20 Inflammatory changes in the odontogenic keratocyst. A characteri...Figure 7.21 A solid odontogenic keratocyst that arose in the maxilla (see Fi...Figure 7.22 Sections from a cell block preparation of an aspirate from an in...Figure 7.23 Malignant change in odontogenic keratocyst. Islands of squamous ...
7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Age distribution of 114 patients with developmental lateral perio...Figure 8.2 Radiograph of a lateral periodontal cyst lying between the mandib...Figure 8.3 A unifying mechanism for the formation of unicystic and multicyst...Figure 8.4 Lateral periodontal cyst is lined by thin non‐keratinising epithe...Figure 8.5 The wall of the lateral periodontal cyst may show hyalinisation, ...Figure 8.6 Epithelial thickenings and plaques are seen in lateral periodonta...Figure 8.7 Diagram illustrating the possible mode of formation of epithelial...Figure 8.8 Age distribution of 66 patients with botryoid odontogenic cysts....Figure 8.9 A botryoid odontogenic cyst. The lesion is multicystic, with thin...Figure 8.10 Botryoid odontogenic cyst with numerous small cysts showing a th...
8 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Age distribution of 56 patients with gingival cyst of the adult....Figure 9.2 Gingival cyst of an adult. The lesion is a sessile swelling of no...Figure 9.3 Radiograph of a gingival cyst in an adult. There is a faint radio...Figure 9.4 Gingival cyst of the adult. The cyst lies just below the gingival...Figure 9.5 The epithelial lining of a gingival cyst of the adult is thin and...Figure 9.6 Gingival cyst of the adult, showing a thin epithelial lining with...Figure 9.7 A mucosal biopsy from the retromolar area of an adult contains is...Figure 9.8 Gingival cysts in an infant. Multiple lesions on the buccal aspec...Figure 9.9 A mucosal biopsy from an infant shows a fragmenting dental lamina...Figure 9.10 Gingival cyst in an infant. The cyst lies just below the surface...
9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Age and sex distribution of 105 patients with glandular odontoge...Figure 10.2 Radiograph of a glandular odontogenic cyst in the maxilla. There...Figure 10.3 Radiograph of an extensive multilocular glandular odontogenic cy...Figure 10.4 Another example similar to Figure 10.3. The cyst crosses the mid...Figure 10.5 A radiograph (a) and an axial computed tomography (CT) scan (b) ...Figure 10.6 Two examples of multicystic glandular odontogenic cysts. Even at...Figure 10.7 Glandular odontogenic cyst may have a thin regular lining only t...Figure 10.8 Epithelial thickenings and plaques in glandular odontogenic cyst...Figure 10.9 Part of the lining of the cyst shown in Figure 10.6b. An area of...Figure 10.10 A periodic acid–Schiff (PAS)‐stained section of part of the lin...Figure 10.11 An example of a glandular odontogenic cyst with prominent mucou...Figure 10.12 A portion of a cyst wall from the lesion illustrated in Figure ...Figure 10.13 A dentigerous cyst with mucous metaplasia. There are mucous cel...Figure 10.14 Two examples of central mucoepidermoid carcinoma. (a) Islands o...Figure 10.15 Central mucoepidermoid carcinoma (same lesion as Figure 10.14a)...
10 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Age distribution of 708 patients with calcifying odontogenic cys...Figure 11.2 Site distribution of calcifying odontogenic cyst. Data are the p...Figure 11.3 Calcifying odontogenic cyst. The lesion is well demarcated and c...Figure 11.4 Calcifying odontogenic cyst of the maxilla. Radiograph shows a w...Figure 11.5 Radiograph of a large calcifying odontogenic cyst with well‐dema...Figure 11.6 Computed tomography (CT) and a three‐dimensional CT reconstructi...Figure 11.7 A low‐power view of a specimen of a calcifying odontogenic cyst ...Figure 11.8 Calcifying odontogenic cyst. (a) A typical simple cystic lesion....Figure 11.9 (a) Calcifying odontogenic cyst, showing luminal proliferations....Figure 11.10 Ghost cells are eosinophilic cells with a pale central area whe...Figure 11.11 Features seen in the wall of calcifying odontogenic cyst. (a) D...Figure 11.12 Features of dentinoid in calcifying odontogenic cyst. (a, b) Ty...Figure 11.13 A high‐power view of part of the lesion shown in Figure 11.7b. ...
11 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Site distribution of 121 orthokeratinised odontogenic cysts.Figure 12.2 Orthokeratinised odontogenic cyst shows a well‐demarcated uniloc...Figure 12.3 A case of multiple orthokeratinised odontogenic cysts. Two cysts...Figure 12.4 Orthokeratinised odontogenic cyst. The pathologist will typicall...Figure 12.5 Typical lining of the orthokeratinised odontogenic cyst. There i...Figure 12.6 Orthokeratinised odontogenic cyst. The lining is thin and regula...Figure 12.7 Variable appearances of the lining of the orthokeratinised odont...Figure 12.8 A portion of the lining of the cyst illustrated in Figure 12.4. ...Figure 12.9 An odontogenic cyst showing transition of the epithelial lining ...
12 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 The anatomy of the incisive canal. The canal passes from the inc...Figure 13.2 The anatomy of the incisive canal is illustrated in this series ...Figure 13.3 Age and sex distribution of 227 patients with nasopalatine duct ...Figure 13.4 Nasopalatine duct cyst. A typical lesion presenting as a soft ov...Figure 13.5 Large nasopalatine duct cyst extending posteriorly to involve mu...Figure 13.6 Nasopalatine duct cyst producing a midline swelling of the labia...Figure 13.7 Variable radiological features of the nasopalatine duct cyst. (a...Figure 13.8 Radiographs of large nasopalatine duct cysts. (a) Large cysts ma...Figure 13.9 Nasopalatine duct cyst. (a) Low power shows a typical cyst with ...Figure 13.10 Nasopalatine duct cysts, showing different patterns of epitheli...Figure 13.11 Large nerves in the wall of a nasopalatine duct cyst. In this f...
13 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Age and sex distribution of 167 patients with nasolabial cysts....Figure 14.2 Nasolabial cyst producing a swelling of the right upper lip, for...Figure 14.3 Anterior occlusal radiograph of a patient with a nasolabial cyst...Figure 14.4 Nasolabial cyst. The extraosseous position of the cyst is demons...Figure 14.5 Nasolabial cyst lined predominantly by a pseudostratified column...
14 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Mucocele of the lower lip. This is the most common site and clin...Figure 15.2 A superficial mucocele in the retromolar region. The lesion is r...Figure 15.3 A mucocele on the ventral aspect of the tongue, associated with ...Figure 15.4 Ranula. The cyst arises to one side of the midline in the floor ...Figure 15.5 A mucous extravasation cyst (a) and a mucous retention cyst (b)....Figure 15.6 The typical linings of a mucous extravasation cyst (a) and a muc...Figure 15.7 A mucous extravasation cyst. The wall is folded into papillary p...Figure 15.8 Mucous extravasation cyst. The lumen is filled with macrophages,...Figure 15.9 A superficial mucocele. The base of the lesion is composed of in...Figure 15.10 Mucous retention cysts. Variable features of the epithelial lin...Figure 15.11 Mucous retention cyst. This