Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Kirk N. Gelatt

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Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology - Kirk N. Gelatt

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globe. AH is a clear, colorless liquid that fills the anterior and posterior chambers as well as the pupil. It has a refractive index of 1.335, which is slightly denser than water, and is a critical constituent of the eye's optical system. As AH is formed by the ciliary body processes, it enters the posterior chamber and flows through the pupil into the anterior chamber, where it leaves the eye through the corneoscleral trabecular and uveoscleral outflow pathways. The rate of AH formation equals the outflow, so the IOP is maintained relatively constant, and the refractive surfaces of the eye are kept in a normal position.

      This continuous flow of AH supplies the avascular cornea and lens with nutrients and also removes their waste products. A convection current exists within the anterior chamber whereby warm AH circulates from the pupil downward adjacent to the air‐cooled cornea and upward near the lens where the temperature is warmer. This thermal circulation is responsible for the deposition of cellular material – termed keratic precipitates – on the inferior aspect of the corneal endothelium.

      Aqueous Humor Formation

      The ciliary body has several critical functions, including production of AH by active secretion, ultrafiltration, and diffusion; generation of IOP through the aqueous dynamic process; influencing through its musculature the conventional (i.e., corneoscleral trabecular meshwork [TM] or pressure‐sensitive) AH outflow; provision of blood and nerve supplies for the anterior segment; control of accommodation via its musculature; formation of the BAB; and provision of the entry for nonconventional (i.e., uveoscleral or pressure‐insensitive) AH outflow. Furthermore, the ciliary body is also rich in antioxidant systems, with significant concentrations of catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase types I and II. In addition, the ciliary body is the major drug detoxification center in the eye, with its microsomes containing the cytochrome P450 proteins, which catalyze many drugs.

Schematic illustration of AH production across the PE and NPE of the ciliary body.

      Due to the primary active secretion of sodium, other molecules and ions cross over the epithelium by secondary active transport. As a consequence, increased concentrations of ascorbate, amino acids, and chloride are observed in AH relative to plasma in most mammalian species. Electroneutrality is maintained by anions accompanying the actively transported sodium; channels allow passage of chloride on the basolateral NPE membrane and a passive transporter exchanges bicarbonate for chloride.

      CA is abundant in the cytoplasm and on the basal and lateral membranes of the NPE and PE and catalyzes the following reaction:

upper C upper O 2 plus normal upper H 2 normal upper O left-right-arrow upper H upper C upper O 3 Superscript minus Baseline plus normal upper H Superscript plus Baseline period

      Aqueous Humor Composition

Schematic illustration of AH drainage occurs via the traditional and uveoscleral outflow pathways in the iridocorneal angle of the dog.

      The major cations in the AH are sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, with sodium comprising 95% of the total cation concentration. Sodium enters the AH via active transport, with a net flow of water into the posterior chamber. The major anions in AH are chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate, ascorbate, and lactate. The chloride and bicarbonate ions enter with sodium, but their concentrations vary among species.

      Aqueous Humor Regulation

      The rate of aqueous

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