Management practices of Russian companies. Vol.1. Коллектив авторов
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A Bite, Cherry Almond Bar has a weight of 45 grams, contains 176 calories and its seven ingredients include Dates, Cranberries, Hazelnut, Almonds, Cherry, Cloves and Cinnamon. To compare it with a competitor’s snack bar, a Cherry Bar produced by S7, it has a weight of 35 grams, contains 460 calories and its 19 ingredients include Syrup, Puffed rice with cocoa (rice flour, wheat flour, sugar, table salt, cocoa powder), Сornflakes (corn grits
A Bite, Cherry Almond Bar has a weight of 45 grams, contains 176 calories and its seven ingredients include Dates, Cranberries, Hazelnut, Almonds, Cherry, Cloves and Cinnamon. To compare it with a competitor’s snack bar, a Cherry Bar produced by S7, it has a weight of 35 grams, contains 460 calories and its 19 ingredients include Syrup, Puffed rice with cocoa (rice flour, wheat flour, sugar, table salt, cocoa powder), Сornflakes (corn grits, sugar, table salt), Сonfectionery fat, Baked grain mixture (oat flakes, wheat flakes, palm oil, puffed rice, sunflower seeds, wheat flour, syrup), Dried cherries, Dried cranberries, Сandied pineapple (pineapple, sugar, food coloring carmin), Raisins, Maltodextrin, Dried whole milk, Malt extract, Rolled oats, Dehumidifying agents (sorbitolsyrup, glycerol), Flaxseed, Sugar, Emulsifiers (lecithin), Flavorenhancer, Antioxidants (ascorbicacid, citricacid).