Англия Тюдоров. Полная история эпохи от Генриха VII до Елизаветы I. Джон Гай
Читать онлайн книгу.and English Society, 1452–1497. London, 1981; Gillingham J. The Wars of the Roses. London, 1981; Lander J. R. The Wars of the Roses. London, 1965; Griffiths R. A. The Reign of King Henry VI: The Exercise of Royal Authority, 1422–1461. London, 1981; Ross C. D. Edward IV. London, 1974; Ross C. D. Richard III. London, 1981.
Согласно другим версиям, Эдуард был взят в плен и казнен после боя. Именно такой вариант излагает Шекспир в «Ричарде III».
The Governance of England / Ed. C. Plummer. Oxford, 1885; 2nd edn., 1926. P. 348–353.
Ibid. P. 109–157.
Wolffe В. P. The Royal Demesne in English History: The Crown Estate in the Governance of the Realm from the Conquest to 1509. London, 1971. P. 112–123; EHDw. 1327–1485 / Ed. A. R. Myers. London, 1969. P. 516–522; Griffiths. Henry VI. P. 107–122.
Morgan D. A. L. The House of Policy: The Political Role of the Late Plantagenet Household, 1422–1485 // The English Court: From the Wars of the Roses to the Civil War / Ed. D. R. Starkey. London, 1987. P. 55–56; Wolffe В. P. The Crown Lands, 1461–1536. London, 1970. P. 33–41, 52–54, 67–70, 84–85; Royal Demesne. P. 79–84, 113–116, 124–158, 196–201.
Lander J. R. Crown and Nobility, 1450–1509. London, 1976. P. 127–158, 307–308; Hicks M. Attainder, Resumption and Coercion, 1461–1529 // Parliamentary History, 3. 1984. P. 15–31; Stacy W. R. Richard Roose and the Use of Parliamentary Attainder in the Reign of Henry VIII // Historical Journal, 29. 1986. P. 1–15.
Lander. Crown and Nobility. P. 127–158, 307–308; Ross. Edward IV. P. 66–70; Chrimes S. B. Henry VII. London, 1972; repr. 1977. P. 207, 328–329.
Wolffe. Crown Lands. P. 51–75; Royal Demesne. P. 158–212; Ross. Edward IV. P. 373–377.
Wolffe. Royal Demesne. P. 212–225; Crown Lands. P. 66–86; Ross. Edward IV. P. 371–387; Chrimes. Henry VII. P. 194–218.
Lander. Crown and Nobility. P. 171–219, 309–320; Select Cases in the Council of Henry VII / Ed. C. G. Bayne, W. H. Dunham. Selden Society, London, 1958. P. xix—xli; Chrimes. Henry VII. P. 97–114; Guy J. A. The Cardinal’s Court: The Impact of Thomas Wolsey in Star Chamber. Hassocks, 1977. P. 9–10.
Elton G. R. The Tudor Constitution. Cambridge, 1960; 2nd edn., 1982. P. 102.
Governance / Ed. Plummer. P. 145–149, 349–350.
Guy. The King’s Council and Political Participation // Reassessing the Henrician Age: Humanism, Politics, and Reform, 1500–1550 // Ed. A. G. Fox, J. A. Guy. Oxford, 1986. P. 121–147; Sir John Fortescue: De Laudibus Legum Anglie / Ed. S. B. Chrimes. Cambridge, 1949. P. 86; Lehmberg S. E. The Later Parliaments of Henry VIII, 1536–1547. Cambridge, 1977. P. 170.
The Monarchy of France / Ed. D. R. Kelley, J. H. Hexter, etal. New Haven: Conn., 1981. P. 41.
Starkey D. R. After the Revolution // Revolution Reassessed: Revisions in the History of Tudor Government and Administration / Ed. C. Coleman and Starkey. Oxford, 1986. P. 199–208; Knecht R. J. Francis I. Cambridge, 1982. P. 128–131; The English Court / Ed. D. R. Starkey. P. 71–118. См. также: P. 312–313.
Elton G. R. Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1974–1983. iii. 216–233; Alsop J. D. The Theory and Practice of Tudor Taxation // English Historical Review, 97. 1982. P. 1–30; его же Innovation in Tudor Taxation // English Historical Review, 99. 1984. P. 83–93; Harriss G. L. Thomas Cromwell’s “New Principle” of Taxation // English Historical Review, 93. 1978. P. 721–738; его же Theory and Practice in Royal Taxation: Some Observations // English Historical Review, 97. 1982. P. 811–819.
McConica J. K. English Humanists and Reformation Politics. Oxford, 1965; repr. 1968. P. 13–149; Weiss R. Humanism in England during the Fifteenth Century. Oxford, 1941; 2nd edn., 1957. P. 39–70.
Weiss. P. 84–140, 160–178.
A Fifteenth Century School Book / Ed. W. Nelson. Oxford, 1956. P. vii-xxix; Lupton J. H. A Life of John Colet. London, 1887; 2nd edn., 1909. P. 271–284.
Lupton J. H. A Life of John Colet. London, 1887; 2nd edn., 1909. P. 45–87.
Froude J. A. Life and Letters of Erasmus. London, 1895. P. 43–44.
Ives E. W. The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England. Cambridge, 1983. P. 36–59; Ives E. W. The Common Lawyers // Profession, Vocation, and Culture in Later Medieval England. Liverpool, 1982. P. 181–217; The Reports of Sir John Spelman / Ed. J. H. Baker. 2 vols. London: Selden Society. 1977–1978. ii. 28–46, 123–142. Kelley D. R. Foundations of Modern Historical Scholarship. New York, 1970. P. 19–148.
Ives E. W. The Common Lawyers of Pre-Reformation England. Cambridge, 1983. P. 37–53.
De Laudibus Legum Anglie / Ed. Chrimes. P. 116–120; The Book Named the Governor / Ed. S. E. Lehmberg. London, 1962. P. 51–56.
Reports / Ed. Baker, ii. 193–298; Blatcher M. The Court of King’s Bench, 1450–1550. London, 1978. P. 90–137; Guy J. A. The Public Career of Sir Thomas More. Brighton, 1980. P. 37–79.
Rhodes J. Private Devotion in England on the Eve of the Reformation. Unpublished Durham Ph. D. dissertation. 1974, fos. 73–196.
Scarisbrick J. J. The Reformation and the English People.