Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success. Narsha Bulgakbaev

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Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success - Narsha Bulgakbaev

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sure the people who believed this were ridiculed by their friends and family, maybe thought a little crazy. they considered it vanity and stupidity, and they returned to the millstones of their ordinary, everyday life, turning it until they died, and at last they lived as friends with a sense of failure and exhaustion. but they, even if they felt it and knew it, did not tell anyone, because it is a problem of the inner world. in their opinion, this daily hustle and bustle, aimless action, unplanned movement relieves and relieves their inner restlessness, anxiety, fear, and general depression. do you want to be one of these people or listen to your inner strength? this is a warning, not a threat!

      Start using the creative power of your mind. use the power of foresight, use it, because your thinking is a force (foresight), a swift current that makes you work. connect your mental powers with the universal unconscious that does everything for you and you become a super person. try to you will know that you have found the key to solving any problem in your life. In simple terms, this means: you can do anything you put your mind to if you put your mind to it enough to think you can! Let me say that again: you can do anything you set your mind to if you put your mind to it enough to think you can. In any situation, success and victory starts with your mind first. Everyone has the ability to clearly and clearly see the goal in their imagination before it is realized in real life, but only one out of ten of them uses it, and if you can develop that ability, any of your goals will come true and you can reach them easily and easily.


      Do you see yourself as a road builder or a wall builder? each of us will either build roads or build walls throughout our lives. how do you perceive yourself? I found a short poem that explains this theme simply and beautifully:

      «Great roads were built by sovereign Rome, To connect people, At the same time, walls were built, To separate, separate and protect, Over the centuries, due to human passion, All walls fell, But roads remained.»

      Do you build ways, ways of communication, where you can meet other people and share ideas with them? Or do you build walls in your mind that separate, separate, protect you from others? I think all the materials and effort that goes into building a wall is a waste, it’s all a waste of labor and time because those walls will fall anyway.

      The truth is that we are Creatures who must strive for spiritual unity with all humanity, and weak walls built to separate and separate from other people will never last long. But different in ways. Do you build paths that connect you with people? Just like the two arteries to the brain in the human body, you need them in your daily business and spiritual and social life. Do you have this relationship? How often do you talk to people? I would like to say that spiritual, family and kinship ties are higher than usual business ties.

      Have you heard of empathic listening and the empathic method? Have you ever heard of the quiet boulevards of empathy? Do you want to be an empath? This is a person who has developed the ability to empathize. Do you build a path from heart to heart, paths of mutual understanding, paths of compassion for misfortune and sorrow. Does your spirituality begin with cooperation? Will you build such streets or quiet alleys of love and understanding, full of fragrant, white-flowered tree acacias (lookers)? There is no need to overwhelm them with words. They are smiling, comforting and these scenes are covered with tree leaves: «I know. I understand everything. I love you». Build streets and alleys like this, because they will last forever. Nothing can destroy them.

      Take some time today to decide whether you want to spend energy, mental and spiritual energy building walls to separate yourself from your loved ones, or whether you want to build intellectual arteries of collective thinking, wide boulevards of empathy and silent alleys of spiritual unity. By deciding what to build, you determine the nature of your life. It can be a world of walls that keep you out, or a world of paths that you can travel to endless joy. The choice is up to you.


      Do you consider yourself happy or unhappy? Do you think your life is full of success or failure? When we think about our unfulfilled hopes and dreams, our failed grand plans, people often blame fate or so-called luck or bad luck. But this is nonsense (absurd)? Some people say: «This is my lucky (or unlucky) star» or «Today is a new life for me, a new day, a new me» on the contrary «I wonder when I will get rid of school, work or family again». Why do we say this? We speak to hide our shortcomings, mistakes, and sins from ourselves. We want to deceive ourselves with words, but in reality the life we want is not happening, or it is happening, but still there is a feeling of emptiness inside, as if something is always missing. Remember: We succeed or fail depending on the nature (level) of our consciousness.

      I think Shakespeare said it best in Julius Caesar, where he says, «Sometimes men are masters of their own destiny. Blame for mistakes, dear Brutus, not from the stars, but from us alone.»

      We die at the bottom, but in reality, we can be the masters of our destiny if we can bring our thoughts and actions into alignment with the creative purpose of our lives. If we can «attach» our thoughts to our purpose, then we become the masters of our destiny. But how willing are most of us to trust our inner guide? No, we prefer to rely on our judgments, our old habits, and when things go wrong, we are ready to blame God, fate, the stars, or anything else that has not lived up to our hopes and beliefs.

      if it were possible to show all the details of the past, our past complaint, then we could see where and when we recently went wrong, and identify the point where we strayed from the right path to the wrong star. we would see where we had made an irreparable mistake. you see, we could have made a choice. And that choice was ours, but we can’t turn back that time, but we can fix all of our past, because we have the present moment and the future.

      God gave us life as a gift and a test because he gave us free will. only we, as human beings, choose what will improve or destroy our lives. we can change our choices at any time and start a new life. do not blame the stars, anything, anyone for your problems, remember that you are created in the image and likeness of the «great truth», if you want to blame yourself, blame only for something, blame only for acting as a slave to the stars or some other matter.

      Only our mistakes and failures hinder our destiny and there is no written destiny that tries to hurt or harm us. The «great truth» seeks one thing: to add to the absolute good (the little paradise) that is not yet formed in our lives. But the «Holy Book» with its seal, so to speak, the great paradise (the abode of absolute peace, purity, goodness, goodness) will not be established in the first life, although this does not mean that one should not strive for it. Therefore, the Creator uses various methods to save us from hell (the place of absolute purification and healing) in the first life: hunger, war, disease, etc. b. Consider the word hell a severe trial. In general, not everyone can enter the big paradise without going through a small or big hell, that person either passes through the small hell of this world or passes through the big hell of the hereafter and enters the big paradise. The abstract concept that people think of as happiness in this world is a small paradise, the Bible says that the small paradise, that is, the paradise of the world, has nothing to do with the big paradise. True happiness is based only on truth. Truth is useful knowledge and proven science for the will, spiritual light for the mind and light of faith for the heart.

      In any situation we keep the elements of goodness, if you accept the truth of your situation, then suddenly the written fate is behind you and you know that everything will be fine in both lives. why? because we have joined the path of «common sense» which always leads to the right decision. everything we need is within us, we just need to be open, responsive and ready to receive the guidance of truth. the world wrapped in beautiful packaging

      Do you like beautiful packaging (the outer shape of each item)? most of us like it. I had an interesting idea about beautiful packaging during a trip to a large store. I was looking at the goods I needed, and a lady was looking for a special fashionable soap on the next shelf. this was not a soap I would buy for regular use. The soap is wrapped in transparent paper, packed in a cardboard box, wrapped in transparent

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