The Cosy Seaside Chocolate Shop: The perfect heartwarming summer escape from the Kindle bestselling author. Caroline Roberts

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The Cosy Seaside Chocolate Shop: The perfect heartwarming summer escape from the Kindle bestselling author - Caroline  Roberts

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whole group creased with laughter at that point.

      ‘Just saying.’ Bev sounded slightly put out.

      ‘I’ll just nip up and fetch it.’ With that, Em dashed up the stairs. She couldn’t be long, or all the chocolate would start cooling. Kitchen cupboard, there it was. Result. She was back down in two ticks.

      ‘Okay ladies, watch and learn. We all have a bowl of melted dark chocolate each and next I’ll bring through the hot cream to mix. So, wooden spoons at the ready.’ She poured a little into each bowl, judging the right amount instinctively. ‘Don’t worry, you can all have the recipe sheet to take home, so you don’t need to remember all this. Okay, so now to add your chosen liqueur – just a tablespoon is enough – and stir through again.’

      ‘This is fun.’

      ‘Smells divine.’

      ‘When can we lick the bowls?’ Laura, from the hotel, asked cheekily.

      ‘Hold fire on that. The mix needs to set in the bowls so we can handle it later to mould into truffles.’



      ‘Going to have to test a little on my fingertip then, if that’s the case,’ said Laura.

      ‘Don’t panic, folks, you can have the chocolate strawberries you made earlier while you wait,’ added Em.

      ‘And I suppose another glass of prosecco might help,’ Bev said, grinning. There were still plenty of supplies, after all, as everyone who had come along had brought a bottle.

      ‘Come on, then, let’s have a brainstorm while you’re all here. I’m always looking for new ideas for flavours for the shop; any suggestions for some new chocolates?’ Emma was keen to hear their thoughts. ‘And I promise I’ll make the best suggestions a reality.’

      ‘Ooh, now then …’

      ‘Gin and Tonic.’ Jo started the ball rolling.

      ‘Toffee vodka.’

      ‘Whisky and orange,’ added Chloe’s friend, Hannah.

      ‘Hah, they don’t have to all be alcoholic, mind. But what else can I expect with you lot!’

      ‘Ginger beer,’ came from Holly.

      They all pulled a face.

      ‘What? I love ginger beer.’

      ‘Porn star martini,’ called out Bev.

      ‘Sex on the beach.’ Ali.

      ‘Now we’re talking,’ Jo rallied. ‘What’s that other one? Long slow screw up against the—’

      ‘Okay, enough, enough. I think we’ll stop the brainstorming now. You lot have one-track minds. I’d have to have an adult section in the shop with a black curtain over it at this rate.’

      ‘Ha ha, yes, an obscured section in the refrigerated counter for X-rated chocolates. Hilarious! How can I help you, madam?’ Bev winked.

      ‘We could have chocolate willies,’ Holly joined in. ‘We had them at Ellen’s hen do. They were brilliant.’

      ‘Oh, just imagine handling those.’ Jess pulled a face. ‘Were they life-sized?’


      ‘We are not that kind of an establishment.’ Emma tried to keep a snooty voice going but ended up in a fit of the giggles. She should have realised a brainstorming session with her girlfriends after several bottles of prosecco may not have been the best idea.

      The group chatted on about love, life and the latest village gossip, and it was soon time to do the next stage of the truffle-making. There was white and milk chocolate to coat, once the truffle centres had been rolled into little balls. This was the messy bit, and the girls had a hoot at this stage. There was much licking of fingers by the end.

      ‘Mine look like little turds.’ Jess wrinkled her nose at the end results laid out on her plate.

      ‘How come all my decorating chocolate has slid off the outside?’ frowned Sheila.

      ‘The chocolate was probably a little too warm. Were you handling the bowl a lot?’

      ‘Hmm, maybe.’


      ‘Well, look at these little beauties.’ Bev was beaming.

      ‘These are brilliant, Bev. Ooh, you can help me crafting in the shop, now I know you’re a natural.’

      ‘It’s been so much fun,’ added Laura. ‘Now do I get to lick the bowl?’

      ‘Sure do. And when they are finally set, I’ll give you all goody bags of them to take home.’

      ‘That sounds great,’ said Chloe. ‘Better keep James away from them or I’ll not get a look-in.’

      ‘Brill, but can I take Bev’s ones instead? They look so much more appealing than mine!’ said Jess.

      ‘Keep your hands off, you!’ Bev threatened. ‘Oh, okay, I’ll donate one or two then.’

      The evening carried on with the sounds of chatter and laughter, ending with an impromptu medley of chocolate and confectionery inspired songs. ‘You’re Sweet Like Chocolate’ being Holly’s contribution (they all knew she was singing about Adam), ‘Sweet Caroline’ a tentative link from Ali, ‘Sugar, Sugar’ from Jo, ‘The Candy Man Can’ from Sheila, and a fabulous twist on ‘I Love Rock ’n’ Roll’ by Bev which turned into ‘I Love Rocky Road’ which they all chanted happily along with as a grand finale, with much table drumming and arm swaying.

      All too soon, it was time for the group of ladies to go; the time had flown and it was nearing midnight.

      ‘Past the Cinderella hour,’ Sheila sighed. ‘Sorry, folks, it’s been great fun, but I have a shop to open in the morning.’

      ‘Hotel Reception to run,’ echoed Laura.

      ‘Yes, “Doctors’ surgery, how can I help you?”’ Ali put on her best receptionist voice.

      ‘Sixth Form …’ Holly began. ‘Ooh no, bliss, it’s Saturday.’ Holly was gleeful.

      ‘But you are working for me,’ Emma reminded her.

      ‘Oops, yes. I’ll be here, never fear.’

      ‘Well, it’s been amazing, Em.’ Jo was sporting an extra-wide prosecco-fuelled smile.

      ‘Just brilliant. Thank you,’ said Jess.

      ‘These prosecco nights will be fabulous.’ Chloe gave her a big thumbs-up. ‘As soon as you get your licence we’ll all spread the word for you.’

      ‘I’m sure the hotel guests will love it, too. Especially for birthdays, special occasions and the like. It’ll be perfect,’ Laura added. ‘I’d be happy to put some fliers out for you. They already love the turndown chocolates as it is.’

      ‘We’ll be behind you all the way.’ Sheila grinned.

      ‘And if you ever need any more practice runs …’ offered Ali with a cheeky smile.

      ‘Aw, thank you. Love the support from you lot.’ Emma gave them all hugs on their way out.

      She closed the shop door with a happy sigh. There was just her and Bev, who’d offered to stay and help tidy up. It had been such a good night, and just what Emma had needed after the shock of Nate’s appearance and that blast from the past.


      Soon afterwards, that same evening, Bev was wiping down the tables so the shop would be shipshape

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