Самоубийство сверхдержавы. Патрик Бьюкенен

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Самоубийство сверхдержавы - Патрик Бьюкенен

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      «A Portrait of American Catholics on the Eve of Pope Benedict’s Visit», Pew Research Center Publications, March 27, 2008, pewresearch.org.


      «Gomez Vows to Be an Advocate for L.A.’s Immigrants, the Less Fortunate», Los Angeles Times, April 6, 2010, latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/jose-gomez.


      «The Ethnic Church», Changing Faiths: Latinos and the Transformation of American Religion, Pew Hispanic Center and Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, April 25, 2007, 50.


      Jones, Index of Leading Catholic Indicators, 71.


      Ibid., 9; Nancy Frazier O’Brien, «Survey Assesses Catholic Beliefs on Mass, Sacraments», Catholic News Service, April 11, 2008, catholicnews.com.


      Jones, Index of Leading Catholic Indicators, 10.




      O’Brien, «Survey Assesses Catholic Beliefs»; «Catholics Approve of Pope Benedict, but Don’t Attend Mass», Catholic News Agency, April 17, 2008, catholicnewsagency.com; «Sacraments Today: Belief and Practice Among U.S. Catholics», Feb. 2008, cara.georgetown.edu.


      O’Brien, «Survey Assesses Catholic Beliefs».


      Jones, Index of Leading Catholic Indicators, 10; Peter Steinfels, «Future of Faith Worries Catholic Leaders», New York Times, June 1, 1994.


      Malachi Martin, The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987), 321; Russell, Breach of Faith, 45.


      F. N. Robinson, ed., The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, 2nd ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1957), 22 // Перевод И. Кашкина. Цит. по: Чосер Д. Кентерберийские рассказы. М.: Художественная литература, 1973.


      Matthew 18:6, King James Bible.


      «Archbishop Chaput Hits Catholics’ Complacency», Wanderer, April 2, 2009, 7; «Catholic ‘Complacency’ Shares Blame for Country’s», catholicnewsagency.com.


      «Faith on the Hill: The Religious Affiliations of Members of Congress», Dec. 19, 2008, pewforum.org.


      Lance Morrow, «The Rise and Fall of Anti-Catholicism», Time, Oct. 15, 1979.


      Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, «Foul Ball: Anti-Catholicism Is the Nation’s Other Pastime», foxnews.com, Oct. 30, 2009.


      «The Arts», Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 2007, catholic-league.ws.


      Ibid.; Amy S. Clark, «Holy Week Angst over Naked Chocolate Jesus», AP, cbsnews.com, March 29, 2007.


      Bill Donahue, «Virgin Mary Defiled on ‘South Park’», Free Republic, Dec. 8, 2005.


      «Larry David Blasted for ‘Curb’ Episode Where He Urinates on Jesus Painting», foxnews.com, Oct. 28, 2009.






      «Colorado Museum Under Fire; Vile Jesus Art Smashed», Catalyst, November 2010, 1.


      David Itzkoff, «‘South Park’ Episode Altered After Muslim Group’s Warning», New York Times, April 23, 2010.


      Morrow, «Rise and Fall of Anti-Catholicism».


      Tamara Barak Aparton, «Church Defaced by ‘Hate Crime’», San Francisco Examiner, Jan. 5, 2009.


      Ben Child, «Emmerich Reveals Fear of Fatwa Axed 2012 Scene», Guardian, Nov. 3, 2009.


      Penny Starr, «Smithsonian Christmas-Season Exhibit Features Ant-Covered Jesus, Naked Brothers Kissing, Genitalia, and Ellen DeGeneres Grabbing Her Breasts», cnsnews.com, Nov. 29, 2010.




      Dolan, «Foul Ball».


      Kathleen Gilbert, «Notre Dame Faces Groundswell of Outrage After Announcing Plan to Honor Obama», lifesitenews.com, March 23, 2009; Ralph McInerny, «Is Obama Worth a Mass?» assentingcatholic.blogspot.com, March 24, 2009.




      Gilbert, «Notre Dame».


      «Bishop to Skip Notre Dame Graduation over Obama’s Views», cnnpolitics.com, May 14, 2009.


      «Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI», Catholic University of America, April 17, 2008.


      Chaz Muth, «Despite Criticism, Notre Dame Firm on Obama as Commencement Speaker», Catholic News Service, March 24,



      Julia Duin, «Notre Dame Feels Heat Again: Funding of Gay March Attendees Is at Issue», Washington Times, Oct. 16, 2009.


      «Jesuit Universities Criticized for ‘Obscene’ Events Promoting Sexual Ideologies», Catholic News Agency, March 2, 2009.








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