Magus veri. Suhkrusõltuvuse needus. Ann Fernholm

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Magus veri. Suhkrusõltuvuse needus - Ann Fernholm

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      Low carb high fat – vähe süsivesikuid, palju rasvu. (ingl. k, toimetaja märkus)


      Tsitaadid originaalkeeles:

      1. „Intake of SFA was not significantly associated with CHD mortality.

      2. „A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD.

      3. „For a 5 % lower energy intake from SFAs and a concomitant higher energy intake from carbohydrates, there was a modest significant direct association between carbohydrates and coronary events (hazard ratio: 1.07; 95 % CI: 1.01, 1.14).“ (Siin ja edaspidi autori märkused, kui pole märgitud teisiti.)


      „The Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial” – „Naiste Tervise Initsiatiivi (WHI) juhuvalikuga kontrollitud uuring dieedi variantidest”. (ingl. k, toimetaja märkus)

      1. „There is probable evidence that replacing SFA with largely refined carbohydrates has no benefit on CHD, and may even increase the risk of CHD and favour metabolic syndrome development.“ Viide: Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO food and nutrition paper 91, 1–166 (2010).

      2. „…it has spurred a compensatory increase in consumption of refined carbohydrates and added sugars – a dietary shift that may be contributing to the current twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes.“ Viide: Hu, F. B. Are refined carbohydrates worse than saturated fat? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 91, 1541–1542 (2010).


      Tsitaadid originaalkeeles:


      Tsitaat originaalkeeles: „Furthermore, low saturated fat and cholesterol intakes were significantly associated with smaller LDL particles. Therefore, the identification of small, dense LDL paricles per se may not be a good indicator of coronary artery disease risk in population studies.“ American Heart Association 12, 1410-1419 (1992).


      Uuringus ei eristanud teadlased kiireid ja aeglasi süsivesikuid. Seetõttu ei saa midagi väita kiirete süsivesikute mõju kohta.


      Tsitaat originaalkeeles: „The fact that SFAs raise total and LDL cholesterol (lipid hypothesis) is well established by evidence from metabolic studies, but this paradigm may be too simplistic. Replacing SFAs with refined carbohydrates also decreases HDL choles


Low carb high fat – vähe süsivesikuid, palju rasvu. (ingl. k, toimetaja märkus)


Tsitaadid originaalkeeles:

1. „Intake of SFA was not significantly associated with CHD mortality.

2. „A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD.

3. „For a 5 % lower energy intake from SFAs and a concomitant higher energy intake from carbohydrates, there was a modest significant direct association between carbohydrates and coronary events (hazard ratio: 1.07; 95 % CI: 1.01, 1.14).“ (Siin ja edaspidi autori märkused, kui pole märgitud teisiti.)


„The Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary Modification Trial” – „Naiste Tervise Initsiatiivi (WHI) juhuvalikuga kontrollitud uuring dieedi variantidest”. (ingl. k, toimetaja märkus)

1. „There is probable evidence that replacing SFA with largely refined carbohydrates has no benefit on CHD, and may even increase the risk of CHD and favour metabolic syndrome development.“ Viide: Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO food and nutrition paper 91, 1–166 (2010).

2. „…it has spurred a compensatory increase in consumption of refined carbohydrates and added sugars – a dietary shift that may be contributing to the current twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes.“ Viide: Hu, F. B. Are refined carbohydrates worse than saturated fat? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 91, 1541–1542 (2010).


Tsitaadid originaalkeeles:


Tsitaat originaalkeeles: „Furthermore, low saturated fat and cholesterol intakes were significantly associated with smaller LDL particles. Therefore, the identification of small, dense LDL paricles per se may not be a good indicator of coronary artery disease risk in population studies.“ American Heart Association 12, 1410-1419 (1992).


Uuringus ei eristanud teadlased kiireid ja aeglasi süsivesikuid. Seetõttu ei saa midagi väita kiirete süsivesikute mõju kohta.


Tsitaat originaalkeeles: „The fact that SFAs raise total and LDL cholesterol (lipid hypothesis) is well established by evidence from metabolic studies, but this paradigm may be too simplistic. Replacing SFAs with refined carbohydrates also decreases HDL cholesterol and LDL particle size and increases triglycerides, and highly refined carbohydrates increase plasma glucose.“ The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 93, 684–688 (2011).

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