The International Spy. Upward Allen

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The International Spy - Upward Allen

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cannot thank you enough,” I responded, “but I am not going to stay. The Princess has convinced me that the war-cloud will blow over, and I think of going on to Constantinople to intercede with the Sultan on behalf of the Armenians.”

      “A noble idea,” M. Petrovitch responded warmly. “What would the world do without such men as you? But at all events you will dine with me before you go?”

      It was the second invitation to dinner I had received that day. But, after all, I could hardly suspect a trap in everything.

      “Do you share the hopes of the Princess?” I asked M. Petrovitch, after thanking him for his hospitality.

      The syndicate-monger nodded.

      “I have been working night and day for peace,” he declared impudently, “and I think I may claim that I have done some good. The Japanese are seeking for an excuse to attack us, but they will not get it.”

      “The Manchurian Syndicate?” I ventured to hint, rising to go to the bell.

      “The Syndicate is wholly in favor of peace,” he assured me, watching my movement with evident curiosity. “We require it, in fact, to develop our mines, our timber concessions, our – ”

      A waiter entered in response to my ring.

      “Bring me some cigarettes – your best,” I ordered him.

      As the man retreated it was borne in on my guest that he had been guilty of smoking in my room without offering me his case.

      “A thousand pardons!” he exclaimed. “Won’t you try one of mine?”

      I took a cigarette from the case he held out, turned it between my fingers, and lit it from the end farthest from the maker’s imprint.

      “If I am satisfied that all danger is removed I should be inclined to apply for some shares in your undertaking,” I said, giving the promoter a meaning look.

      From the expression in his eyes it was evident that this precious scoundrel was ready to sell Czar, Russia and fellow-promoters all together.

      While he was struggling between his natural greed and his suspicion the waiter reentered with some boxes of cigarettes.

      I smelt the tobacco of each and made my choice, at the same time pitching the half-smoked cigarette given to me by M. Petrovitch into the fireplace, among the ashes.

      “Your tobacco is a little too strong for me,” I remarked by way of excuse.

      But the Russian was wrapped up in the thought of the bribe at which I had just hinted.

      “I shall bear in mind what you say,” he declared, as he rose.

      “Depend upon it, if it is possible for me to meet your wishes, I shall be happy to do so.”

      I saw him go off, like a fish with the bait in its mouth. Directly the door closed behind him I sprang to the fireplace, rescued the still burning cigarette and quenched it, and then, carefully brushing away the dust, read the maker’s brand once more.

      An hour later simultaneous messages were speeding over the wires to my correspondents in London, Amsterdam and Hamburg:

      Ascertain what becomes of all cigarettes made by Gregorides; brand, Crown Aa.



      The next morning at breakfast I found the two invitations already promised. That of the head of the Manchurian Syndicate was for the same night.

      Resolved not to remain in the dark any longer as to the reason for this apparent breach of etiquette, I decided to do what the Marquis of Bedale had suggested, namely, approach the Dowager Empress in person.

      Well accustomed to the obstacles which beset access to royalty, I drove to the Palace in a richly appointed carriage from the best livery stable in Petersburg, and sent in my card to the chamberlain by an equerry.

      “I have a message to the Czaritza which I am instructed to give to her majesty in person,” I told him. “Be good enough to let her know that the messenger from the Queen of England has arrived.”

      He went out of the room, and at the end of ten minutes the door opened again and admitted – the Princess Y – !

      Overpowered by this unlucky accident, as I at first supposed it to be, I rose to my feet, muttering some vague phrase of courtesy.

      But the Princess soon showed me that the meeting did not take her by surprise.

      “So you have a message for my dear mistress?” she cried in an accent of gay reproach. “And you never breathed a word of it to me. Mr. Sterling, I shall begin to think you are a conspirator. How long did you say you had known that good Mr. Place? But I am talking while her majesty is waiting. Have you any password by which the Czaritza will know whom you come from?”

      “I can tell that only to her majesty, I am afraid,” I answered guardedly.

      “I am in her majesty’s confidence.”

      And bringing her exquisite face so near to mine that I was oppressed by the scent of the tuberoses in her bosom, she whispered three syllables in my ear.

      Dismayed by this proof of the fatal progress the dangerous police agent had already made, I could only admit by a silent bow that the password was correct.

      “Then come with me, Mr. Sterling,” the Princess said with what sounded like a malicious accent on the name.

      The reception which I met from the Dowager Empress was gracious in the extreme. I need not recount all that passed. Her imperial majesty repeated with evident sincerity the assurances which had already been given me in a different spirit by the two arch-intriguers.

      “There will be no war. The Czar has personally intervened. He has taken the negotiations out of the hands of Count Lamsdorff, and written an autograph letter to the Mikado which will put an end to the crisis.”

      I listened with a distrust which I could not wholly conceal.

      “I trust his majesty has not intervened too late,” I said respectfully, my mind bent on framing some excuse to get rid of the listener. “According to the newspapers the patience of the Japanese is nearly exhausted.”

      “No more time will be lost,” the Czaritza responded. “The messenger leaves Petersburg to-night with the Czar’s letter.”

      I stole a cautious glance in the direction of the Princess Y – . She was breathing deeply, her eyes fixed on the Czaritza’s lips, and her hands tightly clenched.

      I put on an air of great relief.

      “In that case, your majesty, I have no more to do in Petersburg. I will wire the good news to Lord Bedale, and return to England to-morrow or the next day. I beg your pardon, Princess!” I pretended to exclaim by a sudden afterthought, “after the next day.” And turning once more to the mother of the Czar, I explained:

      “The Princess has honored me with an invitation to dinner.”

      The Dowager Empress glanced at her attendant in evident surprise.

      “I must implore your pardon, Madam,” the Princess stammered, in real confusion. “I am aware I ought to have solicited your leave in the first place, but knowing that this gentleman came from – ”

      She broke off, fairly unable to meet the questioning gaze of her imperial mistress.

      I pretended to come to her relief.

      “I have a private message,” I said to the Empress.

      “You may leave us, Princess,” the Empress said coldly.

      As soon as the door had closed on her, I gave a warning look at the Czaritza.

      “That woman, Madam, is the most dangerous agent in the secret service of your Empire.”

      I trusted to the little scene I had just contrived to prepare the mind of the Czaritza for this intimation. But she received it as a matter of course.


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