Fra Angelico. Stephan Beissel

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Fra Angelico - Stephan Beissel

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(Venetiis, 1751), pp. 56 sq.


      Rösler, Cardinal Johannes Dominici O. Pr, p. 63.


      In the translation of Geschichte der italienischen Malerei by Crowe and Cavalcaselle, Jordan say



Rösler, Cardinal Johannes Dominici O. Pr, p. 47.


Acta S S., May 2, vol. I, 320 sq. Note f. (new edition).


Rösler, Cardinal Johannes Dominici O. Pr, p. 5. 32. De Rubeis, De Rebus congregationis s. t. B. Jacobi Salomonii, in provincia S. Dominicus Venetiarum erectæ, Ordinis Prædicatorum, commentarius historicus (Venetiis, 1751), pp. 56 sq.


Rösler, Cardinal Johannes Dominici O. Pr, p. 63.


In the translation of Geschichte der italienischen Malerei by Crowe and Cavalcaselle, Jordan says (II, p. 214): “In the foreground kneel the four bishops, Savinus and Ansanun, Crescentinus and Victor, the patron saints of the city, in adoration before the majesty of Mary.” In reality, it is one bishop and three martyrs who kneel. They are not in “adoration” of Mary, but of Christ.


Crowe and Cavalcaselle, Geschichte, IV, I, 98.


Förster, Geschichte, vol. III, p. 191.


Förster, Geschichte, vol. III, p. 195.


A similar Annunciation, with Adam and Eve in the background is found at the Museo del Prado in Madrid. The predella is divided in five parts, which illustrate different scenes from the life of Mary.


Förster, Geschichte, vol. III, p. 209.


Montalembert, Du Vandalisme, p. 97.


In the guide to San Marco, Professor Fred Rodoni summarises the remarks we have just presented in the following terms, “Nelle mura di questo con vento è impressa la storia monumentale dei più gloriosi tempi dell’ arte fiorentina. L’Angelico chiude e riassum l’antica Scuola toscana del risorgimento: Frate Barolomeo della Porta rappresenta la Scuola moderna. Il primo il pittore dell’ idea, il secondo quella della forma. Grande ambidue e ornamento di questo bellissimo Cenobio che illustraono colla lora, dimora e coi loro dipinti.”


Above a door in the cloister of Badia in Florence, Fra Angelico painted a picture of Saint Benedict similar to this one. (Vasari, Le vite, vol. II, p. 514, annotation I)

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